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Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

So, it seems i have rekindled some interest in monpoc at my local store so i expect to be playing more games in the future. it seems like a good idea to put them all here

There were 2 games tonight, mostly training/teaching games for new players. the matchups were the same in both cases

Dfender X with guard tank and air support facing cyber khan with martian support.

Game 2 i did not get many pics of as i was busy with other things but they ended up destroying most of the city

Game 1 was pretty close but game 2 was a nail biter. defender X was going to die from being thrown into buildings that were going to cause fire damage when he next activated. so the guard player used his unit activation to do a combined tank attack to stripe Khan of his final wound first.

All the players involved enjoyed the game, one having bought the guard starter box already with a plan to start a cthul force next. i decided i need to pick up some of the martian models for some added variety.

Game 1




Game 2



GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear/MCP 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Is that an old storm eagle I see?

I am in the process of digging out my force. Finally found one other person at the store that is interested and has stuff. I know there are others but they all got into it to play with their kids at home when it released. I have no idea how many of them are still active.
Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

If you are talking about my vanguard miniatures epic storm eagle then yes, i do not have enough actual monpoc units so i sub in epic 40K minis to fill the gap.

I am planning on getting a bunch of the official martian faction minis for my next monster/units

GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear/MCP 
Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

So after a bit of rushed speed painting i now have a proper Martian menace force for monpoc.


Game 1
was Matians/Tharsis 5 VS guard/defender



Game 2 martians VS guard/terra khan



GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear/MCP 
Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

back for more monpoc-

Guard faced off against the martian menace again but this time with some new support units-green fury. (not painted as they came in the mail the same day).

This was a tough fight, even forcing Tharis to run away at one point so he could heal. but to no avail Guard ended up winning this one thanks to combined tank fire and defender X with the finishing move.




i forgot to take pictures towards the end but we managed to destroy most of the city.

GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear/MCP 
Made in us

Westminster, MD

You're playing 1v1 battles primarily? That's how I played the game in 1st edition, and I absolutely love the 1v1 battle. Have you tried 2v2 yet?

Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

We have kind of settled on 1 monster with 10 units as a standard game. i think we did 2 monsters once and have had up to 15 units but we find with more than that the board is to cluttered and then of course you only ever have the 10 action dice. so more stuff really actually limits what you can do aside from securing buildings.

We have tried a variety of different monsters but i think i am pretty well set with the 4 i have. there is some interest by some other players to get their own monsters. fortunately the cost is pretty reasonable with monsters and units packs all being around $20-$25 US each.

GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear/MCP 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Generally its 1v1 with 15 units and 2v2 with 20. A lot of the units are tied up securing buildings so I don't really find that to change much in terms of unit turn economy. Seems like it would mostly just limit the ability to screen and generate power dice.

As a V1 player I was initially pretty skeptical about 2v2 matches, but I find them a lot more interesting now, particularly with V2s better focus on monsters. Monster turns end up being a lot harder to completely stall out like you can in 1v1 and there's just a lot more room for monster variety when you can have two monsters that share roles like unit clearing or power attack setup rather than being dependent on one monster to direclty outmuscle the other.

There's some fun drafting formats and the like to try as well that give you a bit of flexibility, but I do think the official 2/20 format is pretty spot on personally.
Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

Hmm i think i may try out a game with 2 monsters this weekend

I have defender X and terra khan on one side and tharsis-5 and mecha khan on the other.

GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear/MCP 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Terra Khan really benefits from a friend that can move an enemy monster into position to trigger his super damage from a friendly unit.
Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

So i did not get around to a 2v2 but i did manage to loan out my stuff to teach one of our semi-regulars to play

This game was 13 units and one monster per side.

Defender X with guard tanks, helicopters and a repair truck supported by the green fury


the martian menace-tharsis -5 with harvesters, pods, and of course reapers.

It turned into a victory for the protectors after tharsis failed 2 power attacks.

Apparently it was a close game from what i was told. looked fun as always.





This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/02/05 16:59:37

GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear/MCP 
Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

Upgrade time-

I got another unit to add to my martian menace force and this time we went with a 2 monster battle


My support units were actually doing quite well most of the game dishing out damage and the harvestors were particularly useful turning my opponents units into mine.

The big problem for me was early on in the game my dice were hot trash when it came to rolling my monster attacks. i turned it around in the end and made it a close game. but still a loss.

I managed to destroy defender X but NOVA ESR (played by the gunbuster) managed to finish off mecha khan.

MVP was the GUARD helicopter squad., stacking defense reduction by 1 for each one within 2 squares really hurt me.







GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear/MCP 
Made in us
Nihilistic Necron Lord

 aphyon wrote:

MVP was the GUARD helicopter squad., stacking defense reduction by 1 for each one within 2 squares really hurt me.

Effects with the same name don’t stack. An infinite number of helicopters would only ever give you -1 defense total.

Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

At first that is what i thought, but reading the card it seemed you could stack them given that you could take the DEF stat down to a minimum of 1


If that is not the case we will have to remember it for next time.

GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear/MCP 
Made in us
Nihilistic Necron Lord

You can only be effected by “Spotter” once. If you have multiple rules with different names they’ll be cumulative, but only once per same rule.

Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

finally got a few more GUARD units for my defenders but i am still using my epic 40K tanks for the GUARD tanks.


In this game i ran the defender robot as the girl version-NOVA ESR, with guard tanks, aircraft and green furies in support.

My opponent used my martian attackers force with tharsis-5


This game played a bit different as he went for the secondary win objective-destroying the city while i moved to get to his back lines and destroy all his support buildings. his plan almost worked, he got down to 2 buildings but his support reapers failed to kill the last 2 apartment units.
pretty fun game with both of us pretty evenly matched with strong ground units and fast flying units.





GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear/MCP 
Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

One of the guys has recently gotten heavy into MCP, so i offered to run him through my favorite game of that similar style-monster apocalypse (we are in this topic after all).

He chose to be the defenders and went with armodax with guard/green support units

i went with my Martian themed force with tharis 5.

Armodax is a tough beast with an extra wound and starting armored. but he lacks ranged attacks. i started putting some damage on him early on which probably won me the game. he played very aggressive and managed to turn the tide midway through to even the damage after he threw me through 3 buildings before i powered up. i managed to squeak out a win with a single wound left thanks to some successful hits from my reapers. and we destroyed a good section of the city while we were at it.




Now the hard part for him....choosing his favorite monster if he wants to get more into the game.

GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear/MCP 
Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

We have been trying out some different monsters.

this game my friend wanted to try out the legionnaire synergy with the GUARD tanks-

The game was very close as it usually is. with both of us getting our monsters down to 1 wound....then silly things happen

he flubbed his kill shot rolling mostly blanks, and so i thought i had him rolling 7 white, 5 blue and 4 red in a power attack that rolled mostly blanks......

giving him the victory in his next attack.




GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear/MCP 
Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

i picked up some new monsters so we decided to do a monster free for all with 3 per side. it was the only game i have had where the secondary win condition has ever been met-namely destroying the entire city.

rampaging Xixorax, but that's what he does best,

the defenders-
.Nova esr
.Terra khan

The destroyers
.Tharsis 5
.Mecha khan





GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear/MCP 
Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

Trying to expand my player base again with an introductory game.

single monster and 15 units per side.

normal win conditions (kill the enemy monster/save or destroy the city)

The defenders side-defender X with guard/green fury support-


The destroyer side-

Tharsis 5 with a compliment of Martian units.-(ignore mecha godzilla he had to sit this one out.


I started out falling behind on monster damage so i switched to the secondary win condition-destroy the town. i did manage to pull it off, but it took a while given his repair truck was going around fixing anything i didn't disintegrate. he even got me down to 1 wound but he wasn't fast enough to save the last 3 building-




This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2024/03/10 16:38:35

GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear/MCP 
Made in no
Umber Guard

The other night we had a kid's game night at the club. People brought Kill Team, Frostgrave, Warcry, all kinds of "simple skirmish games perfect for kids".

I brought Monpoc. My 6 year old loves playing the very simplified version of it I've made (very few special rules except the immediately understandable ones like High Mobility, Flight etc, and no special rules on any buildings).

Guess what game was the big winner among the 6-10 year olds?

The robots vs dinosaurs game. Of course.
Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

Nice! keep building that love of gaming.

GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear/MCP 
Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

And im back, had to scratch that monpoc itch.

Teaching a new player his intro game. he was using the GUARD monster NOVA ESR

and i had tharsis 5.

He decided to push me hard with his monster, scoring first blood, but it also put him into a position for my support units to swarm him. we were neck and neck on killing each others monsters, missing with multiple big attacks near the end of the game. i managed to flip him into a building and score the final wound with the hazard it created,





GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear/MCP 
Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

Did a quick 2 monster battle tonight.

Tharsis5 (martians) with a necroscourage (Gallamaxus played by mecha godzilla)

VS G.U.A.R.D (defender X and nova ESR)

Like most Monpoc games i have played it was a close run thing. gallamaxus sacrificed himself to kill a building near the end as i was going for the secondary win condition of 'destroy the city'....i managed to flip NOVA to her hyper mode but i got super lucky at the end because she missed with her super damage shot two turns in a row. leaving Tharsis alive with 2 wounds as the last building fell.

It was my first run with Gallamaxus so i forgot he could heal himself on the normal side by brawling support units

Still had a blast though.




Martians managed to disintegrate 9 buildings.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/01/18 05:34:20

GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear/MCP 
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