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Making an army of out the Khador Army Starter Set  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in dk
Iron Fang


I'm still waiting for the 3D printers to do their thing so I can actually have an Army Starter Set on my desk.

Whilst waiting I have been doing some completely theoretical thinking on what we actually can play out of the box. It seems that we can make a decent 50 points army. I have written it up (down?) here: https://greylordarchives.blogspot.com/2023/02/winter-korps-what-can-we-build.html

A warning is warranted: it turned out a bit longer than I expected.

Until next time.

For the Motherland!

Visit The Greylord Archives my blog on mostly Khador.  
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Central Valley, California

Solid post! Thanks for breaking the box down for us. Looking good. My son and I ordered his Orgoth and my Khador in one go and we are so eager for them to arrive.

~ Shrap

Rolling 1's for five decades.
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Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Good list. I think there's merit in a few builds for the jacks. I've been quite fond of the slam cannon and the Aggressive head is almost impossible to pass up. I've dropped the shield on my Dire Wolf to make room for other things. It still shield guards fine and the saw tends to do a decent job with melee.
Made in no
Umber Guard

Looks like a plan!

I'd consider the Unstoppable card. It is extremely useful for when you really need to get a model or unit somewhere useful past enemy melee ranges.
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

 Kaptajn Congoboy wrote:
Looks like a plan!

I'd consider the Unstoppable card. It is extremely useful for when you really need to get a model or unit somewhere useful past enemy melee ranges.

It's very powerful, but worth noting than Khador has a LOT of Unstoppable options. I think it's definitely useful and usually take it, but particularly after the expansion units are added I often find myself building lists that really don't need it.
Made in us
Iron Fang


 LunarSol wrote:
 Kaptajn Congoboy wrote:
Looks like a plan!

I'd consider the Unstoppable card. It is extremely useful for when you really need to get a model or unit somewhere useful past enemy melee ranges.

It's very powerful, but worth noting than Khador has a LOT of Unstoppable options. I think it's definitely useful and usually take it, but particularly after the expansion units are added I often find myself building lists that really don't need it.

I have been thinking the same. It is a very good card.

Yet, in the starter army the 'jacks are OK for unstoppable (at least at 50 points). The infantry I primarily see as doing shooting. They deliver about the same damage output (out of the box) when shooting. Obviously, they might be engaged and needing to go away before shooting, which might b partly solved with moving for screening, as it is model engaged when shooting. Nevertheless, if I were to change it, it would probably be for True Inspiration; tough is flimsy.

Visit The Greylord Archives my blog on mostly Khador.  
Made in no
Umber Guard

I'm still tentatively trying out Storm Legion lists these days in between my Convergence games. Jackspam seems popular with Athena, but I am especially curious about the upcoming Stormthrowers and their role in the army when they come out.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Got my starter set over the weekend and just really impressed with the product. Figures are all nice and chunky. Fantastic facial details. Great quality all around. Seems better than the preview box particularly the human figures compared to Baranova. I had one bad arm on a jack but it'll be replaced within the week I'm sure.

Being able to nearly put things directly on the table was the big surprise though. I spent a couple hours scouring the models for stuff to clean and found bits here and there, but for the most part I just needed to glue models on their bases and magnetize the jacks. Definitely lessens the dread for me of the big box of infantry.
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Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

Lucky! I'm waiting for mine
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