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Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Played LRB6 before, but was looking at some of the new kits. Have the rules changed many of the teams from 1) rules changes have shaken up the way they play a bit, and 2) have the rosters/players been modified significantly?

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Hey! So the new kits that switched up the old are Amazons, Norse, and Khorne. They're all generally more interesting.

The other teams had a few salary and rules tweaks like Wood Elves and Lizardmen but most are unchanged. Necromantic got their blitzers changed from a wight to a ghost in a sheet. Passing values nerfed Skaven and Elves, but that was somewhat needed. Humans can take halflings and we have new teams in the Imperial Nobility, Black Orcs, and Snotlings.

In general bashing is a little more reliable so it's more dominant in most local metas, but overall the game is much the same as BB2016. Which was mostly the same as LRB6 as far as I am afar. There have been some tweaks to the Kickoff table, you can jump over prone players, GFI is now called rushing, little stuff like that.
Made in no
Longtime Dakkanaut

Goblin and Halflings got more positionals too. In general a lot of teams are the same, some have minor tweaks and some (already mentioned above) have some more fundamental changes.
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Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

In our local league I will follow-up with what Warptide has said and say the more bashy teams are doing better.

The introduction of the pass stat I think has had a fairly large nerf effect on Elf teams, who can no longer do their 'end-to-end TD to win the game on turn 8 even with 6 players on the pitch' with a few linemen. The effect has been to push most of the Elf teams I have seen down towards the bottom of the tables and struggle more as the league progresses.

I used a Necromantic team and found them a bit harder to use now with the Wights being swapped for Banshees. Those are great for harrying and annoying an opponent and disrupting their ball carrying, but it's one less ball carrier on a team that already struggled in that area, and extra pressure on your poor ghouls to do everything (and if you lose one or both of them, it's pretty much a guaranteed L)

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


Also the higher lethality has affected passing teams more who typically need a few skills. A lot of bash teams require block, and are tougher. So in longer leagues non bash teams fall off a cliff.

Lots of none bash skills got nerfed as well. For example hail mary pass (now fumbles/horribly inaccurate on a 1-4).

However biggest for me is the Stars. In general a lot better and a lot cheaper. It was frankly horrific how well my snotlings did with just snotlings, a snotling bomber and 2 stars hired for each game.
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