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Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Viva la revolushun! It's been awhile, but I've been painting again, and figured I'd share I took my beloved on a painting date yesterday and started on one of my grot tanks.

[Thumb - 20230729_092601.jpg]
Grot tanks wip

[Thumb - 20230729_092556.jpg]
Grot tanks wip

Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

Looking pretty good! Purple is a color I always like to see more of.

realism is a lie
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I've got my kommando kill team all assembled now, though not all based yet. The breacha is based though, so I'm going to experiment with him. Dark brown prime, tan zenithal, and a light drybrush of bone in the zenithal area. Going to give some speedpaints a whirl and see if they look decent with a zenithal instead of an all-over dry brush. Is he too dark for that to work?


[Thumb - breacha.jpg]
Ork Kommando Breacha boy

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Did a couple colors with army painter speed paint, not sure how I feel about it yet. I don't have 100 Boyz to paint up. The undercoat may also notnahve been ideal. Three different ork skins, trying to decide what I like best. Unfortunately I don't even remember what I did on the road grot

[Thumb - 20230824_221335.jpg]
Speed paint day one

[Thumb - 20230824_221436.jpg]
Skin choices

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Not especially pleased with the breacha's skin, I tried adding a biel-tan green wash. Going to let that dry thoroughly and re-assess. In the meanwhile I got started on the skin of the Nob, starting with Citadel's Waaagh! Flesh and working my way up with more and more Valejo Escorpena Green mixed in. The smoothness and shape of the built-up highlights leaves something to be desired, but i like the overall effect.
[Thumb - 20230825_202540.jpg]
kommando nob

[Thumb - 20230825_202510.jpg]
kommando nob

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

My favorite local gaming store hosted a painting party tonight, Aeronautica Imperialis. Naturally I had to paint an Ork Fighta. We took to long to get the game demo, but I was able to pick up 2 extra jets so I can paint up a flight and bring them back on a monday to learn to play.

The old dakkajet needs a good dusting, but here she is next to the new wee dakkajet.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I know it would go fasta if I put more red paint on it, but I got to the point where I was quite happy with it, and worried i'd be less happy if i put more paint on it, so i stopped.
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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/08/29 02:48:39

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

 amazingturtles wrote:
Looking pretty good! Purple is a color I always like to see more of.

Thanks, turtles! Purple is my favorite color, and since my army is run by the grots, i don't have to stick to any of the existing clan colors . My bitty dakkajets are going to feature red, because... fasta... but most of my 'full size' grot vehicles will likely feature at least some purple
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

A trio of ork fightas ready to take the skies. I'll probably keep picking out details on these guys at some point, but they're good enough to play with.

[Thumb - 20230902_133243.jpg]

Made in us
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

Very orky.
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Cool dakka jets! The big one looks like it could do with some more speed to get rid of the dust! . Really cool model, especially with the raised engine. Love the different skin tones in your earlier post, it’s not too often you see a variety in Ork skin which is a shame

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks, Tommy and Gobert! I'm not sure the big dakkajet will see much play in 10th (though to be honest, i've only played like twice anyways) but he could use a good cleaning .

I figure orks don't all look the same (much like people) so even within my killteam i will likely experiment with different skin recipes.

Speaking of orks, here's the next contestant on "Coh's mediocre painting challenge" -- he printed up bigger than a GW grot, but since he'll be filling in for a stormboy, it might be just as well he's ork sized rather than grot sized.

One of these days i'll actually pick a project and finish it rather than having a dozen half-painted models, but... today is not that day. This little fella is primed black and drybrushed ivory, since I can print more I'll probably just try a slapchop on this guy and see how he looks. I've got a bit of thin brass rod I'll use as a fly stand and paint it matte black. I'm debating whether to drill that hole before or after I paint (sadly my brass rod is SAE and my drills are metric, and it doesn't quite match up... i'm thinking some gel superglue will fill the gap fine though. Also amazon can probably come to the rescue with some 1mm rod)

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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/09/04 18:03:46

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Tried a golden acrylics "high flow" pthalo green for the skin, orange speedpaing on the trousers, red speedpaint on the hat and front of the jetpack. dark silver/copper and a black wash on most of the metallics. He needs more work (and a matte varnish -- that golden high flow dried pretty glossy) but he's fieldable at least. I'll probably hit his gun with some color panels, matte varnish him, base him up, and call him good for a first take. It's darker than I'd like (it looks brighter under magnification right under the light, go figure) but I'm satisfied for now. Of course I need 9 more
[Thumb - 20230904_160113.jpg]

[Thumb - 20230904_160117.jpg]

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Added a couple highlights and put him on a base. I'm going to try some different techniques on the next one, but after he gets a matte varnish i'll call this guy "Done for now".

[Thumb - 20230905_084128.jpg]
Storm Grot

[Thumb - 20230905_084124.jpg]
Storm Grot

[Thumb - 20230905_084120.jpg]
Storm Grot

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I've got 2 more (of the other pose) printed - eventually I'll just print all the pieces and mix and match them for the other 7.

Tried my monument camo green with a biel-tan wash, and i'll follow up with highlights of green through yellow green. So far it's just at the wash stage. It has a bit more shadowing to my eye than the camera shows, but definitely a WIP.

I'm quite happy with the little jetpack (which again looks better to my eye than the camera... alas, the camera finds all the flaws)

[Thumb - 20230905_221141.jpg]

[Thumb - 20230905_221139.jpg]

[Thumb - 20230905_221207.jpg]

Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Those are cool big grots. Having them as stormboyz makes sense, crazy lads flying all over the place. Love the flame on the last jet pack

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks, Gobert. I'm enjoying them for sure Of course modelling ADD kicks in, here are some WIP shots of my project-of-the minute (and props to my amazing wife for organizing our model/paint space while I napped today). She's working on her chaos space marines, so I need to get the paint-shop into high gear and finish out my kill-team. Aeronautica Imperialis is tomorrow night, though -- someone was kind enough to lend me 2 fighta-bommas to join my dakkajets last week so I could field a 100pt force, but this week I'll have my own .


[Thumb - AI_bases_wip.jpg]

[Thumb - fighta_bomma_wip.jpg]

[Thumb - fighta_bomma_wip_bottom.jpg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/09/11 04:10:31

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Got a little more work done after the prime dried. Purple is sneaky, so it seems appropriate for the stealth bomma...

Needs details picked out of course, but for the base I'm happy with this guy. Gonna paint up a base for him in the same colors.
[Thumb - stealth.jpg]

[Thumb - stealth_bottom.jpg]

Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Yellow jet looks cool, but that purple one is the business!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks, Gobert! I figured the Stealth Bomma needed a wingman, and of course Red ones go fasta...

I tried the airbrush this time (the first stealth bomma was stippled). I may do it again because I found myself wishing i had made the original purple spots larger so I could pop them with a bigger brighter patch, but here's more WIP with the whole fighta-bomma crew. I ran into a reactivation issue on the red one (original formula speedpaint), I will probably let it dry a couple days and see if I can paint over it. If not it'll get a lacquer or something to seal it before I keep painting on it.

[Thumb - 20230917_094236.jpg]

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Paint party at the local game store last night -- battletech! I'll have to get a picture -- I was pretty happy with the blue scheme and the shadows. Monument transparent blue did a lovely job of making the colors more vibrant while not hiding the shading I had done. Tonight, though -- circling back to the kommandos. Got the rest of them primed, and messed around a bit with airbrushing skin. I clearly need to get another air flow valve (the one we have is on my wife's airbrush/compressor right now), as I was definitely blowing the paint around too much. She's on the wee compressor though, and it's wide open so she probably doesn't need it, I could just 'borrow' it . I need more practice, and I think I need less pressure, but here's the result of my experimentation. Pro-Acryl camo green to green to bright yellow green with just a touch extra yellow mixed in. I enjoyed this quite alot, and am planning to keep trying this on the rest of them when I have more painting time.

[Thumb - 20230919_225257.jpg]

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Next up on the hobby bench : Storm-Grotz! Got some gluing to do, then decide on a paint scheme. The tester was just slapped together with a bad white prime and some contrast/speed-paint. I do like the contrast-over-silver look on the jetpack, and may go with that theme for all of those (the rest of the jetpack bits are drying so they can go into post-cure). I should have enough bits here to field a mob of 10, or 2 mobs of 5 (these were printed at 85%, and the 2 larger ones will be the boss nobs). Zaggy is lurking in the wings (no pun intended) as well.
[Thumb - 20231001_215153.jpg]

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Size comparison of the boss-grot vs the storm-grot
[Thumb - 20231001_215953.jpg]

[Thumb - 20231001_215928.jpg]

Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Loving the storm grotz, such a cool idea. The green tones on the big ladder great too

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Progress is slow, got some details done on the fighta-bommerz but more yet to go. the pile-o-storm-grotz is slowly getting paint - skin.. pants.. belts.. boots.. I don't have WIP pic of the pile yet, but i'll see if i can get one. In the meanwhile i got distracted by aeronautica. I needed a bigger bommer, thus enter... da blakk bomma!

'Eavy Bommer kit from the LGS, i love these little planes. I primed black and was like "ooh, that'd look fly in all black, with dark purple and purple-grey edge highlights on all the panels!"

Dunno if i was right or not, but it's started... i fear i made a mistake by not painting black paint over the black primer, i just jumped straight into highlighting some panels. I've got alot of the dark purple chunky highlight done on both the top-tail and one of the wings, and started a narrower brighter highlight in a medium purple. It will need at least one more narrower/sparser highlight.

[Thumb - 20231113_075902.jpg]
'Eavy Bommer primed black

[Thumb - 20231117_140041.jpg]
Da Blakk Bommer wing, WIP

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

and the tail pic, with a 2nd highlight but still needs a third.
[Thumb - 20231117_140034.jpg]
Da Blakk Bommer Tail, WIP

Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

I’m a big fan of black highlighted with purple. Doing it at epic scale is even cooler!

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2023/11/19 12:40:11

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks, gobert. It's done enough to field, not a great pic but here it is on a bombing run...
[Thumb - 20231211_202311.jpg]

[Thumb - 20231211_193555.jpg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/12/24 04:47:54

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

The storm-grotz got some love recently. I took my lady on a date to a local shop in an old converted textile mill that is full of artists and artisans. They have a paint studio and offer "paint and take", so we whiled away a lovely afternoon, brushes in hand. They need a few touch-ups where I dropped some and need ro repaint the glue joint (oops), and the bases and flight wires obviously need paint, but I'm pretty happy with these nine little guys (I have the two testers which IMHO don't look as good, but they can round out the squad if it actually sees play)
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Made in au
Alluring Mounted Daemonette


Storm grots look great as a unit! They are lovely sculpts and while the testers were a solid tabletop paintjob the skin on the new group really pops - great stuff.

t z you are k 
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Cracking work on the storm grotz! Their skin tones are great, nice transitions on the highlights

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
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