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Now I'm worried about making a Slaves to Darkness Army for AOS.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Yellin' Yoof on a Scooter

Somewhere in rural Georgia

I heard troubling news today about Games Workshop purging many an AOS model line such as the SCE, the BOC, and the Bonesplittaz. Not only have I heard that many a Warcry Chaos Warband will be taken from the army. But now I'm worried about my STD army being dragged back into the Old World and them taking them out of the setting. I just now wanted to get into the army and my store actually has some Chaos Warriors in supply.

What should I do? It seems my plans for my army were ruined from up on high.
Made in us
Spawn of Chaos

I'd imagine Slaves to Darkness as a faction would be safe, since they're the primary antagonist of the entire setting. I would avoid more niche units, like Warcry Units and a lot of the non-humanoids, but something so core to the army as a Chaos Warrior should be fine.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

STD are all essentially a brand new range designed for AoS. Nothing is changing there. The Warcry warbands are just being put back to Warcry and the new Darkoath will take over their position.

The SCE "purge" is not nearly as harsh as people panic about. Pretty much every non-sacrosanct hero is guaranteed a re sculpt. Only the Sacrosanct specific units are going away for now.
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Are you married to the idea of playing them in AoS only or are you mainly in it for the miniatures? If the latter is the case, you have nothing to fear.

That being said, we haven't heard much about the plans for chaos in TOW, and even though BoC have been sucker punched, I'd argue that they are a different beast altogether compared to STD, who are a brand new, bespoke AoS release and thus unlikely to get transferred to TOW or outright replaced.

Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
STD are all essentially a brand new range designed for AoS. Nothing is changing there. The Warcry warbands are just being put back to Warcry and the new Darkoath will take over their position.

Wrong. Not only these provided cheap units to offset the fact most of the army is really expensive in points, most of them had quirks, rules and filled roles you can find nowhere else in army. Even if you argue the rerelease of marauders kinda-sorta replaced them, the fact they were all squatted is just stupid. Not only some things were natural fits in the army (see Tyrants, perfect middle step between marauder and full warrior), it just people who believed GW and made these units core of their StD army over past two editions. Triply so if they were inspired by unique looks and converted their chaos warriors to look close to main body of infantry...

The SCE "purge" is not nearly as harsh as people panic about. Pretty much every non-sacrosanct hero is guaranteed a re sculpt. Only the Sacrosanct specific units are going away for now.

And this is laughably, comically wrong. See my post in main news forum, these are by far the worst units to be squatted if you care about army fun/looks/diversity, most of stuff going away is by far the most interesting and hard to proxy as something else. No one cares about liberators and other mook stuff, yada yada, yes that will be replaced (and even this, only eventually, until then you're screwed) but 90% of stuff that does anything else than slowly crawl to enter melee in Stormcast range is just dead and won't be returning
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Do you ever get tired of being wrong? The Warcry bands were awkward to use and we're put in as an afterthought. They're better off being in Warcry and Darkoath actually being used for their dedicated purpose. If it bothers you that much, you can still use the models.

I saw that post, it was so stupid it wasn't worth replying too.
Made in us
Brainy Biophagus Brewing Potent Chemicals

as Gideon said, the STD range is full of new models made specifically for AOS. when warriors of chaos get added to TOW, they'll be bringing back old kits, such as the marauders that just got replaced. most existing models in the range are safe— just avoid any of the warcry models pulling double duty, like the sphiranx, until GW makes a statement on the future of those models

i have played games of the current edition 
Made in us
Terrifying Doombull

Yeah. StD is fine. Just don't go buying old marauders, as they're being replaced by the Darkoath GW has already shown off. Don't stock up on Warcry warbands either.

The current warriors, knights, ogres and daemon prince are recent and specifically _for_ AoS. They're sticking around

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Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Do you ever get tired of being wrong? The Warcry bands were awkward to use and we're put in as an afterthought. They're better off being in Warcry and Darkoath actually being used for their dedicated purpose. If it bothers you that much, you can still use the models.

Speaking of someone being wrong....
1) The various warbands are no harder to use than any other unit.
2) I can assure you GW did NOT put them in as an afterthought. They very intentionally aimed to sell the kits to both Warcry & Sigmar players.
Made in us
Brainy Biophagus Brewing Potent Chemicals

i think it would be fair to say that the underworld warbands were awkward to use, with the annoying weapon profiles and underwhelming abilities, but the warcry bands are a different matter. for plenty of armies, they're a perfectly normal part of the army— in nurgle, for example, they fill a vital role as a cheaper mortal unit, and one with ranged attacks. the only issue with the STD warbands is that there were a lot of them in an already large range

to be honest, i don't think we've seen the last of these warbands in AOS. even if they're gone from STD, i think they might appear again as their own army down the road

i have played games of the current edition 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

 StudentOfEtherium wrote:
as Gideon said, the STD range is full of new models made specifically for AOS. when warriors of chaos get added to TOW, they'll be bringing back old kits, such as the marauders that just got replaced. most existing models in the range are safe— just avoid any of the warcry models pulling double duty, like the sphiranx, until GW makes a statement on the future of those models

I swear that if GW even thinks of getting rid of the Sphiranx, I will be sending them an email.

Harriet Van Johnson style.

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Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

I've felt that way too - I think GW is moving away from the way I want to play Slaves to Darkness - I like playing with the Warriors, Chosen, and Knights. I don't know if GW will continue that route but rather make a Chaos "COS" faction. I'm going to cross my fingers and hope for the best - I'm sure the faction will remain as Archaon and Belikor are top sellers in the game. It won't disappear but whether or not it's the faction you want o field, wait 3-4 months. It's not a fire sale, yet but its definitely a faction that you should expect to see significant changes.

Made in us
Brainy Biophagus Brewing Potent Chemicals

i doubt STD are going anywhere. the new chaos knight/warrior kits are super new and made specifically for AOS, and if anything, the other random stuff from the range is getting purged so that's clearly what they want to be focusing on

i have played games of the current edition 
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

ccs wrote:
 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Do you ever get tired of being wrong? The Warcry bands were awkward to use and we're put in as an afterthought. They're better off being in Warcry and Darkoath actually being used for their dedicated purpose. If it bothers you that much, you can still use the models.

Speaking of someone being wrong....
1) The various warbands are no harder to use than any other unit.

This is absolutely, 100% demonstrably wrong. WarCry bands are quite frankly poorly designed for inclusion in the main game. The originals were a mishmash of profiles that would have been better served as individual unit entries.

2) I can assure you GW did NOT put them in as an afterthought. They very intentionally aimed to sell the kits to both Warcry & Sigmar players.

The original set of Warcry bands might not have been "put in as an afterthought" for main AoS, but they weren't aimed at both WarCry and Sigmar players.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
boyd wrote:
I've felt that way too - I think GW is moving away from the way I want to play Slaves to Darkness - I like playing with the Warriors, Chosen, and Knights. I don't know if GW will continue that route but rather make a Chaos "COS" faction. I'm going to cross my fingers and hope for the best - I'm sure the faction will remain as Archaon and Belikor are top sellers in the game. It won't disappear but whether or not it's the faction you want o field, wait 3-4 months. It's not a fire sale, yet but its definitely a faction that you should expect to see significant changes.

The Warriors, Chosen, and Knights are still there...?

Literally all that's happened is they're removing the "unaligned" warbands from play. Those guys have existed through two editions of AoS as unique entries that really didn't do anything interesting or unique. They were just there.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/21 22:24:08

Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

No way S2D are getting cut. If that was going to happen we would have seen Gloomspite get cuts/cut entirely since many of those units exist in The Old World. Instead they opted to re-release kits old enough to legally drink rather than rebox their newer, superior versions currently in AoS.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/22 19:06:19

Road to Renown! It's like classic Path to Glory, but repaired, remastered, expanded! https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/778170.page

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 Kanluwen wrote:
ccs wrote:
 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Do you ever get tired of being wrong? The Warcry bands were awkward to use and we're put in as an afterthought. They're better off being in Warcry and Darkoath actually being used for their dedicated purpose. If it bothers you that much, you can still use the models.

Speaking of someone being wrong....
1) The various warbands are no harder to use than any other unit.

This is absolutely, 100% demonstrably wrong. WarCry bands are quite frankly poorly designed for inclusion in the main game. The originals were a mishmash of profiles that would have been better served as individual unit entries.

2) I can assure you GW did NOT put them in as an afterthought. They very intentionally aimed to sell the kits to both Warcry & Sigmar players.

The original set of Warcry bands might not have been "put in as an afterthought" for main AoS, but they weren't aimed at both WarCry and Sigmar players.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
boyd wrote:
I've felt that way too - I think GW is moving away from the way I want to play Slaves to Darkness - I like playing with the Warriors, Chosen, and Knights. I don't know if GW will continue that route but rather make a Chaos "COS" faction. I'm going to cross my fingers and hope for the best - I'm sure the faction will remain as Archaon and Belikor are top sellers in the game. It won't disappear but whether or not it's the faction you want o field, wait 3-4 months. It's not a fire sale, yet but its definitely a faction that you should expect to see significant changes.

The Warriors, Chosen, and Knights are still there...?

Literally all that's happened is they're removing the "unaligned" warbands from play. Those guys have existed through two editions of AoS as unique entries that really didn't do anything interesting or unique. They were just there.

My point was they appear to be moving more towards Dark Oath. I didn't like to use the cheap units like marauders or cultists, it's not my style. I prefer to use 3-4 units of Varanguard with knights and a unit of warriors. My point was that GW is moving towards a Chaos CoS type army style vs something like a Storm Cast army style with them. I preferred my chaff to remain in my BoC army which is being rebased on squares :(.

Made in us
Brainy Biophagus Brewing Potent Chemicals

they're not moving towards darkoath. it's just that the rest of the army has new kits from a year and a half ago, and marauders needed being replaced. just because one part of the army exists doesn't mean they're getting rid of the other

i have played games of the current edition 
Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

They are *adding* darkoath. The base infantry and cavalry are updates, the rest are new units that aren't displacing anything.

Road to Renown! It's like classic Path to Glory, but repaired, remastered, expanded! https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/778170.page

I chose an avatar I feel best represents the quality of my post history.

I try to view Warhammer as more of a toolbox with examples than fully complete games. 
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