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Crafting Youtuber Wyloch is kickstarting a Cyberpunk RPG  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Battlefield Tourist



Wyloch is a great crafting youtuber whose videos I really enjoy. He introduced me to Grimdark Future which is a great game, and he's got a no-fuss game-focused terrain crafting channel which has remained great for nearly a decade worth of videos. A lot of Youtube crafter people sort of get the life sucked out of them by the whole thing but he seems to keep going strong.

Anyway, just in case anyone here is interested. If you like crafting your own terrain, have a look at this video:
It showcases a lot of the stuff I really like about Wyloch. I made my own set of walkways following these instructions and I think it's some of the best terrain I've ever made.

Made in us
Norn Queen

Watched the video. Good stuff. Checked out his kickstarter. Rules description doesn't sound like it's quite for me, but I like that he's doing it. Thanks for the notice.

These are my opinions. This is how I feel. Others may feel differently. This needs to be stated for some reason.
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