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Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit

United States

Hello there, I impulse bought half a company of Deathwing and then got sucked back into Heresy... Trying to offload this army, not trying to split at the moment. These are all the newest multi-part kit, no push fits, and every model has either the plastic upgrades or 3D printed custom parts added to make them stand out as Deathwing more. Two squads are primed and base-coated (its a coat of primer and two passes of contrast so will strip very easily), one is fully painted. I can provide the paint recipe if desired. (Very simple). The army includes the following:

-Custom 3D printed Chaplain
-Terminator Libby
-X5 Command Veterans (apothecary, banner bearer, plasma cannon)
-X2 3D printed Apothecaries
-X10 Deathwing Knights
-X40 Deathwing Terminators (X2 Heavy Flamers, X2 Plasma Cannons, X2 Assault Cannons, X2 Cyclone Missile Launchers, X2 Chainfists per squad)
-X2 Redemptor Dreadnoughts (one has 3D printed Ballistus arms)
-X3 Dark Angels upgrades (I will include the sprues and transfers, only the Deathwing parts were touched)

I was planning on using older editions for this army since the classic style command squad and stuff.

Everything is expertly assembled, mold lines removed, all barrels have been drilled out. Will be a very badass army all painted up.

Retail for the lot is just over $1,000 not including the 3D printed characters and upgrades. I'm looking for $750 for the army. Due to the extra detail added and quality assembly I'm not dropping it more than 25%.
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