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Why would Haera Helmawr risk herself going to the infamous dangerous the Underhell?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

I haven't read the novels, but she's now effectively the governor of the entire world. even though she's facing a full-blown rebellion, is the situation so dire that she has to go to the most dangerous part of Necromunda to find something?

Normally, if the situation was that dire, she shouldn't have gone to such a horrible area that could make anyone disappear at any time, not to mention filled with the worst creatures in all of Necromunda.

I wonder if she'll be bitten by a ugly malstrain genestealer and mutated into a twisted, horrible monster just like her alway been, then legitimately disqualified from being Governor and quickly executed -- and then anyone suddenly discover that the previous Governor (while he's still technically alive) had a love child with a inquisitor.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/08/01 15:02:55

Made in be
Regular Dakkanaut

WWW-STL wrote:
I haven't read the novels, but she's now effectively the governor of the entire world. even though she's facing a full-blown rebellion, is the situation so dire that she has to go to the most dangerous part of Necromunda to find something?

Normally, if the situation was that dire, she shouldn't have gone to such a horrible area that could make anyone disappear at any time, not to mention filled with the worst creatures in all of Necromunda.

I wonder if she'll be bitten by a ugly malstrain genestealer and mutated into a twisted, horrible monster just like her alway been, then legitimately disqualified from being Governor and quickly executed -- and then anyone suddenly discover that the previous Governor (while he's still technically alive) had a love child with a inquisitor.

Spoiler warning for the entire Aranthian Succession series

Haera isn't the ruler anymore. The Helmawr House has been overthrown by House Aranthus. Ozostium Aranthus is now Planetary governor.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/08/01 15:03:14

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

She was also only the heir apparent, as Helmawr isn’t quite dead, but in stasis, and in the hands of one Kal Jerico.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/08/01 15:03:30

Made in us
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

She didn't go into Secundus to find anything. She went there to hide. House Aranthus has the full backing of almost every noble house, merchant guild, and clan house, plus has already been given the Imperium's official stamp of approval as new Planetary Governor. They're looking to tie up loose ends and have systematically killed or cowed all but a tiny handful of Helmawr's children (partly due to Haera killing off a huge chunk of them herself a few weeks earlier). Haera managed to met up with one of her siblings in Secundus but is still being chased by all sorts.
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