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My own idea for a portable painting station.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Primered White


After seeing how dear they are, the woods ones, I decided to see if my old Meeden acrylic painting table topbox would do.
To be honest, I'm pleased with it, paints and brushes in two drawers, and the rest in the main compartment on top.
No doubt I'll make adjustments over time.
[Thumb - 20240803_133705.jpg]

Made in gb
Primered White


Just a couple of pics to show it in use.
[Thumb - 20240803_134234.jpg]

[Thumb - 20240803_134203.jpg]

Made in gb
Primered White


Just a staged pic so you can see how it can be used.
I'm very happy with how it's worked out, and just another option for anyone after something similar.
I also have a small light that uses its magnet to hang on the door clip if I need it.
[Thumb - 20240803_135534.jpg]

Made in gb
Primered White


The staged pic.
[Thumb - 20240803_135131.jpg]

Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

Neat. I went with a 3D printed option, but it’s not as neat as yours.

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in gb
Primered White


 Flinty wrote:
Neat. I went with a 3D printed option, but it’s not as neat as yours.

I really liked those stations from abroad, but the weeks it takes to come and the price of around 150 plus was just too much for me.
Theres something about wood, and a plastic tool box just doesnt appeal to me.
So while even thinking about building one i started to look at what i had.
This is where the paintbox idea started.
It doesnt have the suitcase shape with fold down work surface. but i think it makes up for that with a choice of two, one being on top of the lid,the other inside when the top is open.
Also it doesnt have the little storage drawers, but mainly paints would be in those, so the two drawers on mine have that covered.
Id love to see anyone who has found a solution for themselves of what you use.
There doesnt seem to be much about portable paint/building stations, or at least i cant find much on them.
So a pic of what you have would be great for more ideas too.
Cheers all.
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