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Mark V 'Heresy' Power Armour in the modern era  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in nz
Fresh-Faced New User

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, since this technically references a homebrew, but how plausible is it for a Space Marine 'squad', to be deliberately equipped with Mark V power armour? My logic is that this small force (Sanguine Reavers, 4th Tactical Squad - 3 strong) has been assigned detached garrison duty and it was decided by Chapter HQ and the Quartermaster that Mark V Power Armour (which is theoratically easy to maintain) would be ideal for a isolated force far away from the nearest supply officer or store.
Made in us
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Nothing wrong at all. The only issue might be that Primaris marines have some trouble fitting in the older Marks. We've seen some individual components retrofitted to work with MkX torsos but I don't think any of the older Marks (outside of terminator armor) have been shown on Primaris.

Of course if you're going with Firstborn marines, there's no issue at all.
Made in nz
Fresh-Faced New User

jareddm wrote:
Nothing wrong at all. The only issue might be that Primaris marines have some trouble fitting in the older Marks. We've seen some individual components retrofitted to work with MkX torsos but I don't think any of the older Marks (outside of terminator armor) have been shown on Primaris.

Of course if you're going with Firstborn marines, there's no issue at all.

Oh, fully firstborn. All three of them.
Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


Yes, absolutely. The resin pre-Heresy armour models were originally released for exactly this. The Horus Heresy game followed a few years afterwards.

MkV would be seen as a treasured relic by the 41st millennium though.

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon


MkV was a hodgepodge “mend and make do” Mk at the best of times. And even Primogenitor Chapters will field mismatched suits, comprised of different Mks.

The distinctive helmet I think was a leftover from the Terminator project though.

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