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Made in gb
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator

Exeter, UK

Another group of models that I only picked up because they were stuck to the front of a cheap magazine. Not until I painted these did I realise how plain ALL OVER THE PLACE the original Lictor's colour scheme was.

Made in us
Human Auxiliary to the Empire

They look great! I'm a big fan of the crazy color schemes of the early tryanids.

Fallen Giant - Place fallen giant template where the giant fell, proceed to ruthlessly smash models beneath template with hammer.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

San Diego

Yes! Brings me back to my youth, lying on the couch pouring over my 2d edition manuals for pics and lore or going through the rare white dwarf I got my hands on

Glory is fleeting, but obscurity lasts forever.

Considering also your duty as a warrior you should not waver. Because there is nothing more auspicious for a warrior than a righteous war.

Made in au
Blood-Raging Khorne Berserker

Goblin Green bases too! You have spoiled us.

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

I’ve a definite soft spot for species specific paintjobs for Tyranids.

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