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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/08 21:06:51
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Mysterious Techpriest
Over the years, I've seen tons and tons of Ultramarines in all the shows/video games/etc...
But I rarely see them on the tabletop. Except for new players with starter set paints.
For years I have seen Space Wolves, Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Black Templar, and a slew of home made or successor chapters being played at stores.
I can count on one hand the amount of games I've seen with Iron Hands, Ultramarines, (or for one brief moment: the Imperial Fists Lysander Terminator Deep Strike Terminator bomb and accompanied meme) or Salamanders.
Why are some chapters rarely played or is it just a regional thing, where what's popular in my neck of the woods is different from yours?
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/01/08 21:08:48
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/08 21:24:07
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Resolute Ultramarine Honor Guard
Lathe Biosas wrote:Over the years, I've seen tons and tons of Ultramarines in all the shows/video games/etc...
But I rarely see them on the tabletop. Except for new players with starter set paints.
For years I have seen Space Wolves, Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Black Templar, and a slew of home made or successor chapters being played at stores.
I can count on one hand the amount of games I've seen with Iron Hands, Ultramarines, (or for one brief moment: the Lysander Terminator Deep Strike Terminator bomb) or Salamanders.
Why are some chapters rarely played or is it just a regional thing, where what's popular in my neck of the woods is different from yours?
There was actually a graphical chart a while aback I'll see if I can find it. UM were the most popular, then the big four Divergents, then the Official Supported Codex Chapters in various orders. Generally speaking, some/most will depend on the era they joined. Early on UM were the red headed stepchild chapter. DA, BA, and SW were the bigger draw. Strangely Crimson Fists were the Face Of The Franchise for 3rd - we also saw a CF Captain, and an Imperial Fist Sergeant upgrade in Lysander. Eventually the Divergent Chapters received and even harder "edge" (I'm not sure edge is the right word, but they were more faction separate - especially the Wolves) When I first started there were four of us, we all wanted Space Marines and took turns choosing so nobody doubled up. I ended up with UM and have had UM for the decades since. I've added some Combi-wing DA later on. In Addition around this time you saw a lot more studio armies and 'Eavy Metal for a whole lot more chapters than just the big five.
After a while UM became the "face of the franchise" for the Codex (Non-Divergent) Marines. Someone who pays more attention to GW internal politics can probably tell you more about how and when. Matt somebody is all I really know - and I don't even really know that. So for probably over half of the editions now most of the painting (that can be used as a guide) in the codex has been UM. Most of the character sheets and support was for UM. So newer players are more likely to be UM. I would imagine you'll see the most variety somewhere between 4th and 8th when you saw the many of the "lesser" Codex Chapters getting at least one Pre-Primaris First Born, and frequently a second Primaris generation Special Character.
My WHFB armies were Bretonians and Tomb Kings. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/08 21:28:39
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Battlefield Tourist
When I was still active in the community homebrew chapters were by far the most popular in my neck of the woods. I think that gradually began to change as GW gave more and more special kits and stuff to the Blood Angels, Space Wolves and Dark Angels, but even then a lot of people would do a successor chapter. And that's really the strength of Space Marines as a concept, how easy it is to do your own heraldry and come up with your own chapter culture.
My preference is Crimson Fists because they were on the cover of the first rulebook I owned and then were the poster boys in 3rd edition, and got brilliant artwork in the 4th edition book as well. But sometimes I regret not going whole hog for my own homebrew chapter!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/09 04:54:33
Subject: Re:What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Fixture of Dakka
In my area it's always seemed to be mostly a New Hotness &/or a perceived power advantage thing as to wich SM chapters are in favor atm. With a few outliers.
Invariably most of the people building for power are new & get upset when that power shifts.... Leading to a surge in the # of used models in the shops cases.
Aside from the flavor of the moment forces (wich for some reason seems to be Salamanders in my area), "grey" forces (wich could be anything at any moment as they lack both paint & chapter specific models), and not counting myself*, we have:
3 UM
1 BA
1 SW
3 DA
1 IF
1 CF
1 WS
1 Grey Knights
All of these players have stable forces built & played through multiple (sometimes many) editions. The newest being one of the DA players who started mid 9th. Their armies aren't changing.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/10 08:44:17
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Posts with Authority
Ultras are the easiest to paint by far. Blue acrylic goes on really well as far a paint coverage is concerned, and that upside down Omega symbol is easy enough to freehand.
Not the only reason why UM are the top dogs, but probably not insignificant
"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/10 22:32:16
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Resolute Ultramarine Honor Guard
tauist wrote:Ultras are the easiest to paint by far. Blue acrylic goes on really well as far a paint coverage is concerned, and that upside down Omega symbol is easy enough to freehand.
Not the only reason why UM are the top dogs, but probably not insignificant
You don't even need to freehand their Chapter symbol - outside of a few Nameds from other chapters, the generic characters had at least a UM only transfer sheet with them, you had UM transfers coming out of your ears - but I'd still say a huge huge part of their popularity has been how long they've been on the cover(s). A far second influence was probably the quantity and quality of "named". Two Fisted Calgar has been popular for a long long time. They also had Tiggy who was probably tied for best Libby. Sicarius has usually been a miss but not always, add Ventris for the book readers, and Telion had his heyday pretty early leading a sniper scout squad, Chronus was almost always more than worth it in a Tank and while Cassius was never a powerhouse, he was often a cheap value buy. The only chapters that really gave them a run for their money there were Wolves and DA.
My WHFB armies were Bretonians and Tomb Kings. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/10 23:23:03
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Stealthy Kroot Stalker
In my local meta, off the top of my head I can think of:
4 Black Templar
3 White Scars
3 Homebrew (myself included)
3 Ultramarines
3 Salamanders
2 Blood Angels
2 Space Wolves
2 Dark Angels
1 Raven Guard
1 Novamarnies
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/11 01:19:09
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Mysterious Techpriest
Tawnis wrote:In my local meta, off the top of my head I can think of:
4 Black Templar
3 White Scars
3 Homebrew (myself included)
3 Ultramarines
3 Salamanders
2 Blood Angels
2 Space Wolves
2 Dark Angels
1 Raven Guard
1 Novamarnies
I have never played against a Novamarines Player.
But it's interesting to see the different lists. I wonder how many of those Marine players stick with one faction for the long run.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/11 02:58:13
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar
Anecdotal, but I think a lot of Ultras are new players. You get in the game, get that first box, paint them blue like the cover. And then after getting into the game more, switch to a new army. Not that there aren’t older established ultramarines, but I think the stats are skewed.
I actually started with Blood Angels, as theirs was the transfer sheet in my first RTB01 box. Ultras wern’t the poster boys at the time either. But here I am now, with like half the chapter on the shelf…
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/11 03:17:23
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Mysterious Techpriest
Nevelon wrote:Anecdotal, but I think a lot of Ultras are new players. You get in the game, get that first box, paint them blue like the cover. And then after getting into the game more, switch to a new army. Not that there aren’t older established ultramarines, but I think the stats are skewed.
I actually started with Blood Angels, as theirs was the transfer sheet in my first RTB01 box. Ultras wern’t the poster boys at the time either. But here I am now, with like half the chapter on the shelf…
That makes sense, my first marine army was Black Templar and I painted them up just like the intro box and traded away all the Dark Eldar for a Land Raider.
I'm sure I still subconsciously compare Marines today, to that first army of mine.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/11 19:50:14
Subject: Re:What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Been Around the Block
Łódź, Poland
I think it's just because in almost every GW licenced media there are Ultramarines on front line. Outcluding Dawn of War series we had Space Marine 1&2, Ultramarines movie, one of most important books from last time is about Gulliman... Also they are printed on every SM box sold, and GW is making lot of tutorials and starters based on Ultramarines colour
"From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me'' |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/12 22:16:42
Subject: Re:What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Mysterious Techpriest
I just realized that the Ultramarines are so popular that they are in other game systems too!
From the GW webstore:
I might start playing the Old World or Age of Sigmar.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/01/12 22:21:09
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/12 22:28:41
Subject: Re:What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Resolute Ultramarine Honor Guard
Magos Nintendus wrote:I think it's just because in almost every GW licenced media there are Ultramarines on front line. Outcluding Dawn of War series we had Space Marine 1&2, Ultramarines movie, one of most important books from last time is about Gulliman... Also they are printed on every SM box sold, and GW is making lot of tutorials and starters based on Ultramarines colour
As someone already mentioned so kudos to them - the UM color scheme is fairly forgiving (now). Their original color scheme was painful (yellow instead of gold, red bolters) but now between those changes, and much improved paint its not too difficult.
My WHFB armies were Bretonians and Tomb Kings. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/13 14:53:58
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Stalwart Dark Angels Space Marine
As a completely silly answer. I would say...
#1 the angry marines, a meme chapter to be sure but I feel like this meme went out of 40k circles back in the day, while people don't actually use this chapter as a tabletop army, they feel "popular" in a sense.
#2 the raptors, this chapter's color scheme just screams "US army" or maybe "US marines" and I feel like it would give ww2 gamers/real world setting gamers something to latch on to, and I admit its a nice crisp green color.
#3 the friendly marines, they're so friendly and popular who wouldn't like them?
Nostalgically Yours |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/13 17:10:11
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Stealthy Kroot Stalker
Lathe Biosas wrote: Tawnis wrote:In my local meta, off the top of my head I can think of:
4 Black Templar
3 White Scars
3 Homebrew (myself included)
3 Ultramarines
3 Salamanders
2 Blood Angels
2 Space Wolves
2 Dark Angels
1 Raven Guard
1 Novamarnies
I have never played against a Novamarines Player.
But it's interesting to see the different lists. I wonder how many of those Marine players stick with one faction for the long run.
- Not sure if it's lore accurate, but the Novamarine player runs a lot of Inceptors and other mobile infantry.
- Black Templars feel pretty much the same every time, get in close and hit stuff.
- White scars lots of bikes as you'd guess. My best friend mains White Scars and we play with Legends allowed so he gets to mess around with all the older bike characters which leads to a lot more interesting games.
- Ultramarines are usually just a mix of stuff often centered around Guilliman or Calgar.
- Salamders player tend to run really heavy on Flame Agressors and Infernus. (Personally I like the Vangaurd vets with hand Flamers, but haven't seen them used much.)
- One of the Blood Angels players is Heavy Jump with lots of Sanguinary guard, then other is Flesh Tearers with max Assault intercessors and characters to buff them. He ran Gabriel Seth too until he got sent to Legends.
- Space Wolves is how many named Characters can we jam in a single list.
- The Dark Angels players both run the Lion and lots of Terminators.
- I actually did a doubles event with our Raven Guard player a while back. He runs a Judiciar in a blob of Bladeguard and uses the infiltrate strat to drop them right in front on enemy melee threats since they get fights first. He also runs Shrike with Vanguard Vets and other Phobos units backed by Invictors. He has some trouble with high armour lists, but otherwise, it's a pretty tricky force to deal with.
Those that I've asked have only ever played their flavour of marines, though many have other armies.
Automatically Appended Next Post: Nevelon wrote:Anecdotal, but I think a lot of Ultras are new players. You get in the game, get that first box, paint them blue like the cover. And then after getting into the game more, switch to a new army. Not that there aren’t older established ultramarines, but I think the stats are skewed.
I actually started with Blood Angels, as theirs was the transfer sheet in my first RTB01 box. Ultras wern’t the poster boys at the time either. But here I am now, with like half the chapter on the shelf…
I think this is also contributed by the fact that GW's beginner painting lessons are now not really a painting lesson, but a "How to paint and Ultramarine" lesson.
Back in the day, when I went in for my lesson, they taught me a few techniques to improve my own paint scheme that I came up with. Now it's just a paint by numbers Ultramarine, was pretty disappointed about that when I took my kids in for their lesson as they all had ideas of the colour schemes they wanted to try and weren't allowed to do so. :(
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/01/13 17:14:06
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/13 21:19:27
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran
Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra
Tawnis wrote:I took my kids in for their lesson as they all had ideas of the colour schemes they wanted to try and weren't allowed to do so. :(
This is mind-boggling.
"Calgar hates Tyranids."
Your #1 Fan |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/13 21:26:07
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Mysterious Techpriest
Pariah Press wrote: Tawnis wrote:I took my kids in for their lesson as they all had ideas of the colour schemes they wanted to try and weren't allowed to do so. :(
This is mind-boggling.
That really stinks. No child should have their cool ideas overridden by a generic paint demo.
I remember the GW guys asking "So, what colors are YOUR Space Marines going to be."
Which I thought was a really cool way to start people thinking about painting their army.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/13 21:26:52
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle
Tawnis wrote:I think this is also contributed by the fact that GW's beginner painting lessons are now not really a painting lesson, but a "How to paint and Ultramarine" lesson.
Back in the day, when I went in for my lesson, they taught me a few techniques to improve my own paint scheme that I came up with. Now it's just a paint by numbers Ultramarine, was pretty disappointed about that when I took my kids in for their lesson as they all had ideas of the colour schemes they wanted to try and weren't allowed to do so. :(
That's not my experience, at my local GW. Not sure if your experience or mine is the outlier, but hoping it's yours-since the local GW's employees are some of the best guys I know.
Clocks for the clockmaker! Cogs for the cog throne! |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/13 22:30:23
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Stealthy Kroot Stalker
Lathe Biosas wrote:
I remember the GW guys asking "So, what colors are YOUR Space Marines going to be."
Which I thought was a really cool way to start people thinking about painting their army.
When I had my paint demo about 20 years ago, that was my experience as well. A GW employee taught me how to drybrush and do suggested some accenting colours to improve my scheme, blew my 12 year old mind. (Same store that I had the bad experience with this time too.)
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/01/13 22:30:45
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/20 22:07:49
Subject: Re:What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Been Around the Block
Among new, particularly American but maybe all players as a result of the dominance of Americans on any topic they choose to write about, Salamanders. The stated reason is that "they are the only good guys".
I'm not joking, look at the new starter help tag on the 40k reddit and almost anytime any of the OP mentions having trouble choosing an they mention Salamanders, it's about 95% of the time. 60% of the time that they mention marines in general they mention Salamanders, if the paint set didn't just come with Ultramarine colours it'd be higher. This started before 10th and the presence of lots of newbies with Infernus marines too. I'm not entirely sure what socialisation is happening to convince every single one of them to go with Salamanders, a particularly viral tiktok video, YT video or some kind of "which chapter are you?" test but it is very effective. New people come mostly to 40k through second, third or forth hand memes and social media videos and not the source material itself.
It's to the point I've seen posts of people complaining about how GW don't treat Salamanders as being a big deal unlike Zoomers and Alphas online seem to. This is one reason we got the Salamander saving civilians on that WH+ show and why the Space Marine pin reward for Battle Honours is a Salamander which would otherwise strike an older 40k fan as a bit niche. It's very possible we'll see a Salamanders codex along with a returned Vulkan (I hate the idea of returning Primarchs but his being implied to be alive and the popularity of Salamanders with new players and HH fanboys seems to make this too tempting for GW to restrain themselves.) in the future as there are a non-trivial number of posts with people confused why there is no Salamanders CP.
I definitely recall in the early to mid 2000s that Salamanders were particularly more popular with Americans on the old message boards of army projects. Often I suspect because they had less of a gothic or other aesthetics which might clash with a more tacticool aesthetic being a kind of proxy for the US military their iconography was very hot rod with the flame decals and the salamander skull looked like something Tony Hawk would have on his skateboard. Following the tacticool revolution of the Primaris it seems like the Raptors have become adopted in this place now with an even more suitable colour scheme and iconography. I suspect their popularity with Americans (Again the big growing market for GW) has led to them being added to the current generic decal sheet.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/01/20 22:23:47
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/22 16:38:44
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
salamanders being surprisingly popular is surprising, but i can see it. with the new teaser in the roadmap, salamanders getting their own codex is entirely possible— certainly, in 30k at least, they have some cool stuff
like, speaking as a relatively new player who came into 40k from magic the gathering, the two things i wanted to see in this game were angles and dragons. dark angels aren't angels in anything but name, blood angels get most of the way there, but salamanders feel like they live up to the idea of what makes a dragon cool. or a salamander cool, i guess. you know what i mean
she/her |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/22 18:18:30
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Fixture of Dakka
StudentOfEtherium wrote:salamanders being surprisingly popular is surprising, but i can see it. with the new teaser in the roadmap, salamanders getting their own codex is entirely possible— certainly, in 30k at least, they have some cool stuff
like, speaking as a relatively new player who came into 40k from magic the gathering, the two things i wanted to see in this game were angles and dragons. dark angels aren't angels in anything but name, blood angels get most of the way there, but salamanders feel like they live up to the idea of what makes a dragon cool. or a salamander cool, i guess. you know what i mean
If you wanted Angels & Dragons.... Then I think you picked the wrong game.
You should be checking out age of Sigmar. You can play an army led by characters who are actual dragons, comprised of nothing but units of guys riding dragons! (Stormcast) The same army also comes pretty close to being able to do angels.
40k? Blood Angels, despite the whole wing motif, are definitely not angels. Likewise Salamander marines are definitely not dragons.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/22 19:30:12
Subject: Re:What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Ultramarine Chaplain with Hate to Spare
NightReconnaissance wrote:
I definitely recall in the early to mid 2000s that Salamanders were particularly more popular with Americans on the old message boards of army projects.
That would have been the time period following Codex Armageddon, which gave us the first Salamander specific rules. They got a couple cool bonuses over a "vanilla" SM chapter, which may have helped their popularity beyond just general awareness stemming from getting some attention in a codex.
They got access to Instant Death immunity, which was unavailable to any other chapter. They were able to take Multimeltas instead of Lascannons in Tac Squads. Their TH/ SS Terminator squads came at a discount. They only had I3, but they could force the game to go on another turn because they were stubborn, as well as other small roster modificatiins, some positive, some negative.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/22 19:47:50
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar
In 5th they also made the best chapter for drop pod assaults.
They have always been one of the more popular of the “other” chapters outside the big 4 with their special codexes.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/22 20:11:05
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
ccs wrote: StudentOfEtherium wrote:salamanders being surprisingly popular is surprising, but i can see it. with the new teaser in the roadmap, salamanders getting their own codex is entirely possible— certainly, in 30k at least, they have some cool stuff
like, speaking as a relatively new player who came into 40k from magic the gathering, the two things i wanted to see in this game were angles and dragons. dark angels aren't angels in anything but name, blood angels get most of the way there, but salamanders feel like they live up to the idea of what makes a dragon cool. or a salamander cool, i guess. you know what i mean
If you wanted Angels & Dragons.... Then I think you picked the wrong game.
You should be checking out age of Sigmar. You can play an army led by characters who are actual dragons, comprised of nothing but units of guys riding dragons! (Stormcast) The same army also comes pretty close to being able to do angels.
40k? Blood Angels, despite the whole wing motif, are definitely not angels. Likewise Salamander marines are definitely not dragons.
oh, i'm very aware of the fantasy side of things (personally, WHFB/ TOW is better for dragons), but for my interest in 40k, there are still aesthetics i like. and for the idea of "dragons in 40k", some salamanders dreadnoughts or tanks going around with big flame weapons also scratches that itch
she/her |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/25 05:30:01
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Resolute Ultramarine Honor Guard
JNAProductions wrote:That's not my experience, at my local GW. Not sure if your experience or mine is the outlier, but hoping it's yours-since the local GW's employees are some of the best guys I know.
Does your GW have more than one employee? All the ones around here have 5 day bare minmum hours with just the one employee. No painting workshops, few open play hours for people who work normal schedules let alone offbeat ones.
My WHFB armies were Bretonians and Tomb Kings. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/25 05:33:34
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle
Yeah, there’s one main guy and two part time.
Clocks for the clockmaker! Cogs for the cog throne! |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/25 07:09:47
Subject: What is the most popular Space Marine chapter?
Resolute Ultramarine Honor Guard
Then you are luckier than most. Every store I've been to lately has one main guy and that's about it. Floaters for meetings, etc but its not like it was years ago with a bunch of college kids manning the stores with events, and hours upon hours of open play potential around here.
My WHFB armies were Bretonians and Tomb Kings. |