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Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Miles City, MT

I love painting, sculpting, and other various forms of modeling; but hate doing all of it on miniatures because I have trouble seeing and keeping my hands steady. As a result I can't make my miniatures as good looking as I want them to be or anywhere near as good as a piece of pottery or metal sculpture. I secretly plan to redo my army using a reputable painting service.

Twinkle, Twinkle little star.
I ran over your Wave Serpents with my car. 
Made in us
Wondering Why the Emperor Left

Oklahoma City

I have spent thousands. I have converted, upgraded, painted, magnetized, repainted, and in the last 5 years I have won one game. I beat the wood elf player using his archaic book. I have lost so many times I feel awkward when I get an edge during a game.

When I got into this (1999) my friends and I put our heart and souls into it. We had huge fights, yelling matches etc over silly warhammer stuff. Pretty funny in retrospect. But I got used to losing, and it actually hurt my feelings then, and being a nice guy I didn't want to hurt others people's feelings.

I never played consistently enough to actually be a good player, but I have been playing more with 8th ed and have seen a ton of progress in my gaming. I don't care if I lose, I am having a ball playing, but now I'm getting more aggressive with my lists and it is paying off. People aren't fragile children. They can take a loss too!
Made in no
Longtime Dakkanaut

- I have had tabletop games as my hobby for the past 15 years, but i have never ever played a single game as i have asperger syndrom whit the luggage that comes along whit it.

- I can sit 6H straight no brakes assembling and building, but i cant sit more then max 10 mins painting.

- I get bored after painting the first model in a unit as i have to repeate what i just did 5-9 more times x2 at the bare minimum.........

- I have a solid quality airbrush plus compressor that i have used 2 times then tossed it in the closet as i couldent understand the settings of the brush or the compressor.

Collects: Wild West Exodus, SW Armada/Legion. Adeptus Titanicus, Dust1947. 
Made in pl
Regular Dakkanaut

I read through all the posts with a neurotic carefulness and have to say my heart feel raised. Holy molly, there are people who feel and fear like me. You don't know how much it means to me.
Made in us
Guardsman with Flashlight

I have bought, built, and painted more models than I could possibly hope to use in a game, for almost every faction, and yet I still run the same basic Guard list, with the same models, that I've had since 3rd Edition.

I sometimes buy models to sell to my friends at lower prices so that they'll have more complete armies.

I hate playing against special characters for fluff reasons, but I often use special characters in my own lists (renamed and heavily converted, but still).

I enjoy running campaigns and umpiring games more than playing.

Current Armies: Guard, Dark Eldar, Raven Guard, Bretonnians 
Made in se
Jealous that Horus is Warmaster

For a majority of my games using my Mechanicum army (Horus Heresy) I thought the Mauler Bolt Cannon had 36" range, when in reality it has 24", and everyone believed me just because that's what people do when they face Mechanicum.

In recent times I noticed this however, and am now using the correct range.

Other than that I am guilty of the most common sin: buying too much, painting too little. I bought a Porphyrion Knight and assembled it almost half a year ago, but have only basecoated the skeleton.

Playing with unpainted models makes me feel bad, and seeing my opponents fully painted army makes me feel even worse. I take too long painting.

Alpharius? Never heard of him.  
Made in us
Loyal Necron Lychguard

Despite 95% of my love for Warhammer being devoted to the Thousand Sons, I'm building Death Guard for my first real army because it's cheaper...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/08/16 08:48:12

Made in br
Fireknife Shas'el

Lisbon, Portugal

Arachnofiend wrote:
Despite 95% of my love for Warhammer being devoted to the Thousand Sons, I'm building Death Guard for my first real army because it's cheaper...

you cheap feck!
TS above all and everything!

AI & BFG: / BMG: Mr. Freeze, Deathstroke / Battletech: SR, OWA / HGB: Caprice / Malifaux: Arcanists, Guild, Outcasts / MCP: Mutants / SAGA: Ordensstaat / SW Legion & X-Wing: CIS / WWX: Union

 Unit1126PLL wrote:
"FW is unbalanced and going to ruin tournaments."
"Name one where it did that."

 Shadenuat wrote:
Voted Astra Militarum for a chance for them to get nerfed instead of my own army.
Made in ie
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

For the better of 17 years I've only used a medium brush to paint every aspect of my miniatures, from basecoating to fine details, even applying texture paints to bases when they first came out. I'd only replace the brush when it got too battered to form a point. I've only started using different brush sizes recently and it's been a revolution.

Even though I really enjoy how Tzeentch units play on the table, I always default back to Nurgle armies because I enjoy painting rust and rotting flesh so much. Also I can't paint blue.

I want to win every game I play but don't enjoy tabling people in the slightest, I'd much rather edge out a close fought game.

I enjoy the smell of paint and glue in a borderline solvent-abuse kind of way.

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

I currently own more models than I'll ever get around to building and painting in my lifetime, and I know I'll buy more, and I know I won't sell any.
I'm a mediocre painter who should aim to improve, but I won't.
I pretend I'm really laid back and cool about loosing, but deep down I seethe and then go home and take it out on the other half.
I talk gak on forums just to feel included.

And despite completely understanding why it's done, I don't like when dakka changes my swear word to a silly sounding Americanised word

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/08/16 12:29:17

I've been playing a while, my first model was a lead marine and my first White Dwarf was bound with staples 
Made in at
Regular Dakkanaut


Haha, great idea for a thread!

Sooo, where to begin...

Well, I am a terribly lazy painter. It is not that my paint job is particulary bad, I apply one layer and then I think: Meh, I'd much rather do something else.
'Yet I still buy ´, build and convert more and more models. It is truly a vicious circle.

I cut myself more than a couple times while buidling stuff. 3 years ago, I once had to get stitched on my thumb (9 stitches). It was such a deep cut you can still see not only the scar, but also some sort of notch (hope that makes sense!).

I started playing Guard a couple years back since my father who has absolutely no idea about 40k stuff wanted to treat me to some miniatures for helping him out a bunch. He had, as I said, absolutely no idea about my collection, he just remembered the imperial aquila. So he got me a cadian command squad since the flag had the same aquila on it. I then decided to just go along with it, since I always liked the Guard and I did not want him to feel bad for gifting me the "wrong" stuff^^

~5000 pts
~5000 pts 
Made in ie
Soul Token

West Yorkshire, England

I procastrinate horribly when it comes to selling or otherwise disposing of stuff. Right now, I've got a Circle Orboros army that I haven't used for a year and a half. I'm collecting a new faction, I need the space, and it would net me about £500 at least, but I somehow never can work round to it.

I feel guilty if I win too decisively, or if it feels like I hard-countered the thing the other players list does.

I cheat when painting. Basecoat (probably with paints that are too thick), fiddle around with details until i get bored, wash (usually brown or black) and that's about it. I sometimes drybrush, but blending and shading are incomprehensible dark arts to me. Faces are just a blob of reddish-pink, and forget about doing eyes beyond a dot of colour. Rather than base, I spend extra on resin bases so I can paint them all at the same time. But somehow, people keep praising my work, and I'm worried I'm going to get found out!

"The 75mm gun is firing. The 37mm gun is firing, but is traversed round the wrong way. The Browning is jammed. I am saying "Driver, advance." and the driver, who can't hear me, is reversing. And as I look over the top of the turret and see twelve enemy tanks fifty yards away, someone hands me a cheese sandwich." 
Made in gb
Death-Dealing Ultramarine Devastator


I get nervous about telling people that 40k is literally all I do with my time outside of work (and often commands a lot of my brain power at work).

I sold what would even now be considered a large army of Ultramarines back when I was about 14 and regret it to this day. To the point where I have purchased the same old metal minis i used to have instead of the "nice" new versions. I've promised myself I'll never sell my 40k stuff again.

Having not played since a teenager, when I got back into 40k in my mid/late 20s I realised I had no friends with the same interest. Hid it from the few friends I had kept into adulthood for 18+ months and was called a nerd even by the ones who adore comic books and other "geeky" stuff as much as I do.

I at least half the figure and then round down the amount of money I've spent on 40k in the last couple years for my other half's benefit.

I really enjoy a close game but sometimes getting bored of Maelstrom or even getting annoyed at how illogical some of the objectives can be I just go for a tabling half the time and deep down really enjoy it when I do. All the more so if they complain about OP units or how my chapter tactics are cheese.

I take zero joy in playing against other Imperial factions and really enjoy giving Chaos and Xenos players a kicking. Their disloyalty is deserving of punishment in my eyes.

I never undercoat my minis!

I have multiple scars on my fingers from knife slip moments.

I silently judge people who play with unpainted/unfinished minis. I even judged myself the one time I fielded one of my Land Raiders when I hadn't finished highlighting it.

I think anyone who believes that an all out galactic war between any combination of the 40k/Star Wars/Star Trek/BSG universes wouldn't result in a 40k victory is an idiot.

After disabling it due to getting bored of the juvenile complaining of people I knew back in school I only reactivated my facebook account to follow 40k Humour and other related pages.

I am slowly brainwashing my son to enjoy 40k with 40k video games and giving him a model here and there and happening to pass by GW every now and then with him to pick up paints or an upgrade sprue here and there. It seems to be working too, much to his mums annoyance.

I get incredibly frustrated by people in my gaming group always wanting to play 1000 - 1500 point games as I enjoy playing games at 5000 points or more.

1st, 2nd & 10th Co. 13000 pts
Order of the Ashen Rose - 650 pts
The Undying - 1800 pts 
Made in us
Bounding Assault Marine


-I have over the course of my hobby career built WAY too many tactical squads of marines, simply because basic troop choices are my favorite units.
-I hate unrealistic poses on my miniatures. A soldier striking a Vogue esq pose is a very dead soldier. All of mine are either, running, shooting, or both.
-I am horrible at painting vehicles and will settle for a basic spray paint job with details picked out.
-Every squad has its own story in my head, and being that attached has cost me games.
-While I prefer a close game that can go down to the wire, sometimes I really enjoy crushing my opponent in the most brutal manner possible.
-I am insanely superstitious about my dice, to the point that certain Characters have their own.
-During 7th I was a huge 30k snob. And still am to a point.
-When it comes to super heavy kits, I am a cheap ass. I painted my Storm Eagles and Spartan as a generic Mechanicum Grey with serial numbers stamped on them to represent the "fresh off the line" look. In reality I am just cheap.
-I buy cheap FW off of ebay no questions asked.

"I was never a Son of Horus. I was and remain a Luna Wolf. A proud son of Cthonia, a loyal servant of the Emperor."

Recasts are like Fight Cub. No one talks about it, but more people do it then you realize.

Luna Wolves 4,000 Points
Thousand Sons 4,000 Points. 
Made in us
Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

Fort Hood (Tx)

I Dislike people who still claim Forgeworld isn't normal 40k and/or people only use it because Forgeworld units are WAAC.

Iv'e been slowly converting one of my friends into a 40k player, I offered to slowly sell him my Tryanid army, and to my joy, he's spending more time each week on building/playing or reading about warhammer.

I am part of close group of 40k players. and one of them is to the T a hard core competitve player. he's not WAAC but he does only build armies to win. I hate that he doesn't tone his list down for casual play, but when doubles tournament come around we always team up and win.

2 years ago I got a girls number after playing a 40k match, she told me that this match was one of the few game she's play that wasn't full of silence and awkward stareing. Nothing really came of it though, just another wargaming buddy.

I like poke fun at people who complain about how in 8th everything can hurt everything. Most of the time is like "makes no sense that a lasgun can hurt my tank, that wouldn't happen in real life" and in reality, you could blow a tank up with a glass bottle full of alcohol if you got close enough.

Check out my slow progressing work blog Vlka Fenryka 
Made in ch
Been Around the Block

I only got into Games Workshop stuff because WD issue 124 had cleavage on the cover.

I spend way more time thinking about army composition than playing games, and enjoy it more too.

I dislike painting.

I regret no longer having a ton of early 40k rule books.

I have .... many codexes. For multiple armies I've never even intended to play. I have about a dozen of the RPG books bought knowing I'd never play a game of it.

I think Sisters of Battle should never have become a playable faction.

Every so often I realise that much of the writing and such is poor quality and/or silly, but adore the setting anyway.

I once bluffed my way through a theology discussion based on my knowledge of chaos.

I spent substantial portions of a holiday with my gf doing math hammer by hand.

On another holiday I bought an iPad for the sole purpose of being able to get and read the new eldar codex as soon as it was realeased, and ended up reading it while sheltering from a tornado.

Everytime someone pluralises eldar as eldars I kill a fairy in my head.
Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

 kinratha wrote:
I Dislike people who still claim Forgeworld isn't normal 40k and/or people only use it because Forgeworld units are WAAC.

Iv'e been slowly converting one of my friends into a 40k player, I offered to slowly sell him my Tryanid army, and to my joy, he's spending more time each week on building/playing or reading about warhammer.

I am part of close group of 40k players. and one of them is to the T a hard core competitve player. he's not WAAC but he does only build armies to win. I hate that he doesn't tone his list down for casual play, but when doubles tournament come around we always team up and win.

2 years ago I got a girls number after playing a 40k match, she told me that this match was one of the few game she's play that wasn't full of silence and awkward stareing. Nothing really came of it though, just another wargaming buddy.

I like poke fun at people who complain about how in 8th everything can hurt everything. Most of the time is like "makes no sense that a lasgun can hurt my tank, that wouldn't happen in real life" and in reality, you could blow a tank up with a glass bottle full of alcohol if you got close enough.

Uh no modern day tanks are too strong to die to improvised explosive devices these days. Go look up the losses of the us Abrahams tank and you'll be astonished to find they've only ever lost a few tank completely to enemy fire. Most of the time the tanks are temporarily disabled and are quickly repaired and back in the fight. You got a big surprise coming up you think a glass bottle with fire would blow one up. Hecj it's not uncommon for them to deflect last generation anti-tank rockets like nothing.

True modern tanks are so durable now that the us is struggling to blow up their older versions of the tank in practice range.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/08/17 22:59:04

Made in us
Speedy Swiftclaw Biker

Norfolk, VA

I have bought and assembled a Stormwolf that I love playing but can't bring myself to paint it because the engines are backwards (I'm bad with directions sometimes)

I have been "painting" a Battlewagon conversion of a toy ship for over a year now and have barely primed it.

My wife plays with me but we rarely play separate games because I know she gets uncomfortable at stores without me, and it annoys me.

I am a sore loser who plays fluffy armies and has god awful luck unless it's something completely stupid.

2700 - The Fierce Eye's Hammer
2000 - Grukk's Wrekkin Krew
1850-Hellcrusha's Fist 
Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User

I don't paint my models. I get someone to commission paint ALL OF IT.

I'm pissed off with GWs policy of not using 3rd party models or pieces in their stores even if the third party models are cooler and would help me convert a few things.

I put Vicks air vapour gel under my nose before entering GW stores because people there normally stink.

I hate the way the Dawn of War series is waaaaay too cartoony for the 40k universe

I honestly think 1/3rd of the people at my local gaming shop have some form of autism.

I spend every cent I can to make every model beautiful.

Despite the ridiculous prices and really crazy crowd at gaming stores I LOVE 40K!

Edit: I'm the one guy at the game store that's good at rolling 6s

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/08/18 09:22:16

Made in gb
Death-Dealing Ultramarine Devastator


Forgot a couple when I made my first post

I think I'm stuck in the past with my old 90s army in my head.

I don't take grav weapons because they were added in to give marines a counter to balance issues that had cropped up.

I hate Centurions with a passion. The fluff to introduce them was stupid... they look stupid... and again a reaction to imbalance in the game where marines needed a better mobile weapons platform for Grav (the addition of which shouldn't have been necessary in the first place) and they couldn't just fix Dreadnoughts.

I don't like Marine fliers, traditionally we've had Thunderhawks and that's all Marines needed, where did they magically pull all these fliers out their a***s from?

I hate the Primaris marines even more than all of the above. Intercessors have Stromcast knee pads and I don't like their helmets, they don't have enough skulls on them so their sleek look isn't grim dark enough and they just all look the same, at least with the normal marines there were different aquillas and backpacks and helmets and shoulder plates and legs so you could make everyone look more individual. Inceptors look like they're off on a skiing holiday but are in the process of being eaten by their own jump packs and what is going on with the tiny shield on their "Heavy bolter pistols"? That has absolutely zero functionality. The Captain looks like he needs to go on a diet (and his stance is so much like Guillimans it just makes him look like a little fat kid playing at being his favourite super hero), the Chaplain has forgotten his Crozius and has just grabbed whatever is closest to hand that he can pass off as his symbol of office and the Apothecary is staring at a baby spore mine for some reason and saying to it "Don't worry little fella, I'll keep you safe. I will call you squishy and you shall be my pet". Hellblasters have one of the stupidest names since the whole Wolfy Mc'Wolf Wolf thing started on Fenris.

And then there's their lore.

I feel like GW are ruining my favourite faction - one of the things that they really could have done a lot with concerning the Ultramarines was the potential for infighting withing the Chapter over who should take over from Calgar as a number of novels have commented on the splintering of opinions over Agemman's ability to lead them long term and the lobbying of Tigurius for Sicarius to replace him as Captain of the First even directly to Calgar. So what do GW do? They remove Sicarius from the Chapter to become the leader of the Victrix Guard and everything within the Ultramarines is now perfect and rosey... well done GW

1st, 2nd & 10th Co. 13000 pts
Order of the Ashen Rose - 650 pts
The Undying - 1800 pts 
Made in us
Thinking of Joining a Davinite Loge

Fort Hood (Tx)

 Gamgee wrote:
 kinratha wrote:
I Dislike people who still claim Forgeworld isn't normal 40k and/or people only use it because Forgeworld units are WAAC.

Iv'e been slowly converting one of my friends into a 40k player, I offered to slowly sell him my Tryanid army, and to my joy, he's spending more time each week on building/playing or reading about warhammer.

I am part of close group of 40k players. and one of them is to the T a hard core competitve player. he's not WAAC but he does only build armies to win. I hate that he doesn't tone his list down for casual play, but when doubles tournament come around we always team up and win.

2 years ago I got a girls number after playing a 40k match, she told me that this match was one of the few game she's play that wasn't full of silence and awkward stareing. Nothing really came of it though, just another wargaming buddy.

I like poke fun at people who complain about how in 8th everything can hurt everything. Most of the time is like "makes no sense that a lasgun can hurt my tank, that wouldn't happen in real life" and in reality, you could blow a tank up with a glass bottle full of alcohol if you got close enough.

Uh no modern day tanks are too strong to die to improvised explosive devices these days. Go look up the losses of the us Abrahams tank and you'll be astonished to find they've only ever lost a few tank completely to enemy fire. Most of the time the tanks are temporarily disabled and are quickly repaired and back in the fight. You got a big surprise coming up you think a glass bottle with fire would blow one up. Hecj it's not uncommon for them to deflect last generation anti-tank rockets like nothing.

True modern tanks are so durable now that the us is struggling to blow up their older versions of the tank in practice range.

I'm in the US Army as a tank crewman for the past 4 years. Trust me tanks are easy to blow up. you just have to know where to hit.

Check out my slow progressing work blog Vlka Fenryka 
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

San Jose, CA

 kinratha wrote:

I'm in the US Army as a tank crewman for the past 4 years. Trust me tanks are easy to blow up. you just have to know where to hit.


They are very survivable, but not as much as civilians think.

DU doesn't kill the tank, it eliminates the crew which cost a hell if a lot more.

I always wanted to be a tanker but being 6'8" kinda precluded that one.
Made in us
Esteemed Veteran Space Marine

So many confessions.....where to start?

I had a massive Ork army from RT to 4th edition. I loved those Orks and was very good with them...I took a hiatus from 40k shortly after 4th dropped and eventually sold them to buy an Xbox 360. I have regretted it ever since and cannot bring myself to start Orks again, but did start a small Orruk army.

I painted my marines as Crimson Fists without knowing their fluff (see confession one for a bit of irony). My main reason? I was being elitist and wanted to say they were the original MarInes since they were on the cover of Rogue Trader.

I am a hardcore fluff player. I build my armies with their story in mind. I recently played an ultra competitive list with a chapter master, LT, and apothecary castle build. I immediately regretted it as it proved exceedingly OP and have vowed to never take that list again.

I am not a fan of Primaris for one reason....I feel they are turning marines into a gunline army and that is not how I envision space marines.

My chaos marine army is black and silver because I am lazy; however, I will be using the Renegade legion traits because it doesn't fit any of the other legions.

I love, LOVE, the dinobot models and they are the core of my CSM army.

I still refuse to play a named character in a game under 2000 points even though that hasn't been a rule in ages. I look disapprovingly at players that DO field named characters at under 2000 points.

Made in cz
Mysterious Techpriest

Fortress world of Ostrakan

I bought several non-IG kits for conversions, but it always ended up as a source of bits and the conversion was never done. (Land Raider, Wild Riders...)

During my middle school years, I sometimes starved (didn't bought a snack) for few days to afford another box of Guardsmen

I named every Guardsman I own and when they accomplish something very gamechanging, I promote them and give them medals.

I have lower opinion of Space Marine players because of how many of them there are.

I dislike Space Marines as a faction, mainly because how GW treats them. Specially the Toilet Seat Marines.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/08/19 15:48:11

Neutran Panzergrenadiers, Ostrakan Skitarii Legions, Order of the Silver Hand
My fan-lore: Europan Planetary federation. Hot topic: Help with Minotaurs chapter Killteam

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I'm an extreme maximalist. I tend to enjoy when armies give tons of options, customization, bling, and fun ways to burn through points. If I wanted to play a game that made every unit have only one option (or zero) in the name of "competitiveness," I would play Starcraft instead.

I enjoy homebrew. It could me same part of me that made me do software development that makes me view the flaws of 40k (or other tabletop games) as a puzzle to crack. More than anything, it's also a good mental exercise, as trying to make simple yet deep rules means I need to overcome kitchen-sink tendencies.

I am somewhat upset how GW was very hands-off w.r.t. their consumerbase throwing around "Make 40k Great Again." I reserve most of that disapproval for members in the fanbase though. I mean, I enjoy the hobby, conversions, gaming and such, but am always skeezed out by the fact this is the same fanbase where certain players may unironically ask if they can paint Swastikas on their Chimeras.

I don't truly believe WAAC is a thing, at least from an army perspective. It's more an attitude thing. Bringing a good list and playing it well is one thing. Chipmunking your opponent to tank sportsmanship scores, making alliances with TOs, loading dice, conveniently "forgetting" rules when they're disadvantageous and enforcing them when they're advantageous is a whole different thing.

I tend to buy stuff for the "conversion potential" or the number of spare bits. Stuff like Flagellants, Plastic Marauders, or Ogres. I bought 3 Burning Chariots of Tzeentch prior to Wrath of Magnus, yet I don't have a single assembled Chariot!

I *really* wish to start a Mordheim group. I wish I had my own tablespace, but a house and mancave is still a ways off.

I save Sprue and use it for whatever I can.

I sold my Ork army last year. It wasn't so much that I find the army is boring to play (though that didn't help. I tend towards "techplay" more than raw attrition), so much as I got bored with the aesthetic and conversions. Orks are great for kitbashing, in a goofy Animal House Deffmobile sort of way. They're not so good if you want conversions that are more "ornate/baroque." I ended up switching to Chaos Space Marines because it afforded me an opportunity to play an army that could both have "whacky" models via mutants and spawn, or "ornate/heroic" models via the Daemon Princes, Helforged Engines, etc.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/08/20 12:29:10

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