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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/16 19:09:03
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
Lachanal heard the bead take life everso slightly and paid attention. It was Parsen, and he and Tambo were about to be culled by the skitarii. He cursed, mumbling and the words dying on his lips to not be overheard. How come that mine came off? Tambo didn't say that there were mines in there.
Lachanal was considering his options. He could maybe try to stage something at list to get some time. The best to do in that case was to have Tambo pretend to fight againt Parsen? But the skitarii would probably not even twitch and kill them all just in case.
He had no idea either what H was up to or if he could help in one way or another. God Emperor have mercy.
Lachanal was truly at lost, though his image of focused NCO didn't leave his face. He needed to stay alive himself for the operation to continue a bit switfly afterwards.
But if there was no exfil, they would be lost as well. Because there is no way they won't be caught once the mayhem calms down. He decided to make it to the sewers and try to see the skitarii. On his way, he breifly contacted Harlowe for a heads up. The problem being: there was no way he could stop the skitarii... but Logica could.
Once more faking a talk with a subordonates, he ordered "take them prisonner, report". Which, to answer Parsen, meant: make up a scene where Tambo's taking you prisonner now!".
"Yes sergeant, meeting with Cogboy Head in shortest order, wait for further orders, out."
As he speeded towards Logica 7, he hoped he could deliver the message in time: friendly in the sewers, arresting the criminal that was responsible for this mess!
Lachanal was now running, as if to make sure he gave off the impression what he bore was of the essence, and racing to get in touch before the skitarii take the head from his associates torn remains...
40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.
"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/17 03:16:08
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Dakka Veteran
The Sewers
Parson and Tambo, and the seven men begin to crawl through the closely cramped side access tunnel.
Eventually the tunnel leads to an opening in the floor, which leads to a somewhat large, and open room about four feet below.
Parson, Tambo, and the other men are able to lower themselves to the lower level without incident, though the process makes quite a bit of noise as a few of the man take a bad tumble on the way down.
A single lumen hangs from the ceiling of the room, and you see other tunnels reaching out in a few different directions. You also see that same graffiti mark on the walls...the one Tambo identified as the mark of a genestealer cult.
Tambo figures that from this point, it might be possible to get back to the outside world...though likely not without some degree of risk.
Still, the group seemed to have evaded the Skitari for the time being at least...
However, since they had gone further underground, they realized their combeads were no longer functioning.
The compound
H makes his way to the center of the compound where the entrance to the sewers lies. However, before he can do anything, a flying Server skull with a laspistol confronts him.
[Another successful deception roll. More glory attained!]
Eventually Lachanel was able to open a direct vox channel to Logica 7 in the Hive. [Reaching the Hive would take far too long for him to be of much immediate use, but thankfully he was able to get the Vox traffic through]
"Friendly PDF forces in the sewers? Doing..what exactly? A lone criminal?" "I'll take that under advisement and modify rules of engagement accordingly then."
"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/17 07:29:19
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
Lachanal confirms in the communication:
"Yes, amongst the criminals responsible for this mess were a group of friendlies that were infiltrated. I am able to go and have the man arrested for good. Over".
Having technically saved the day, Lachanal rushed to the sewers, eager to make his escape.
With that done, they could all leave, making sure that he would pass Tambo and the ganger as infiltrated agents and pull some stunt to let Parsen flee. Since he was playing a game of deception towards the imperial authorities, Lachanal would need to regulate these as soon as possible because if the situation dragged on, it would all be noticed and he'd pay for it in his own blood. But other matters were more pressing.
As he stepped in the sewers, Lachanal carefully treaded, using his recording device as a source of light for now, wary not to step on some mine and shouted regularly "This is Adjudant chef Lachanal of the Governor's forces. All guardsmen in the area, submit to my authority and bring me the prisoner.". He also hoped to catch up with the skitaeii to be guided further down there... Hopefully, in the tunnels, echo made sure his message bore way ahead of him.
40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.
"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/17 11:26:00
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Dakka Veteran
Parson and Tambo...
You originally thought that the combeads had stopped working all together...but suddenly through a burst of static you hear part of Lachanal's transmission.
You are able to piece together that he was getting control of the situation with the Mechanicum...but you weren't exactly sure what that entailed.
It was Tambo and Parson's call to make now. Take the tunnel back to where you came from and HOPE to avoid a confrontation with the Rangers, or Ex-Fil via this alternate route and face whatever unknown dangers await you...
"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/17 12:23:45
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
Parson and Tambo
Tambo considered their options, specifically taking into account what he pieced together from Lachanals crackling comm-message and a rough husk of a plan formed inside his head. He made a show of kneeling down, sampling some dirt between his thumb and fingers and feeling the roughness of the walls. Then he adresses Parsons henchmen and points into one of the sewer tunnels that looked the most like it was leading deeper into the tunnels and away from the exit. "OK, here's the plan: From the layout of the sewers, the slight current around here, the dirt and so on this tunnel there should ultimately lead you back towards the exit. Might be you have to walk a while though. At least it is unlikely that the cogboys have mined it, as it doesn't lead towards their installation. Me and Parson stay back and buy you some time. We have an ally that might get us through without a firefight, but that ticket is only valid for the supposed leader of this incursion as my prisoner." with which he implies Parson and all his henchmen, hoping that they would swallow his lie, that he picked Parson for being the most likely he could pull off as bounty.
"We will hold them off on technicalities as long as possible, that should be enough to buy you the time you need." with that he hopes to send them on their way, relying on Parson to do the rest.
As soon as they are at least a bit out of earshot, Tambo confers with Parson "Here's the plan: You are a criminial that was up to some shady business down here. I was infiltrated into your group, betrayed you and took you prisoner. When the Skitarii come, we play this off as good as we can, so feel free to curse me and prepare to get some beating. Soon as they buy it, we send as many of them as we can after your goons and hope they run into some more muties and blow each other up nicely."
It wasn't a good plan, but at least it had a sliver of hope to it, compared with trying to navigate this labyrinth blindly, with mutants lurking in the shadows and augmented soldiers breathing down your neck
~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
845 |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/17 15:40:53
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Battlefield Tourist
MN (Currently in WY)
H bowed his head in submission to the floating skull. This was not the first Servo-skull he had run across in his days, but it was the first one he had seen armed before.
"Of course" He raised his head just enough so the Servo-skull would need to fly down and get close to his to get a clean read past his red hood.
With his hands crossed in his sleeves, he gripped the gun strapped to his forearm, and prepared to blow the thing apart. H was a good liar, but not good enough to fool a Retina scan.
The plan was simple, let the Servo-skull hover down close for its scan, then shoot it from underneath. It would be noisy, but everything right now was awash in alarms and other distractions. He just needed to make it to the tunnels, and find that Callenese officer.....
Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing: |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/17 17:13:26
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Yellin' Yoof
Parsen chuckled when hearing Tambo's plan. Almost laughing despite the dire situation they were in, he lays his dirty hand on Tambo's shoulder and shows his left hand.
"You see this? That's our ticket out. When they see the state of my hand, they'll easily buy into our plan. By the way, I'm happy we had the same plan all along. Now, for the whole... 'Dramatic' part..."
He takes a deep breath and starts shouting like a madlad. He splashes in the shallow water and shoots in the air to make as much ruckus as possible. In between two slurs, he grins at his partner and tells in a lower voice:
"Come on, if this plan fails, this is our last dance. Show me what you've got!"
And with that, he keeps yelling at the top of his lungs to be noticed by Lachanal.
40k: Orkz, CSM, Nurgle Daemons, Tau
Bolt Action: M O T H E R L A N D
Video games: basically everything |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/18 02:40:58
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Dakka Veteran
With one swift motion H draws and fires his massive hand cannon at the skull, destroying it completely with a single ear splitting shot.
It takes a bit more talking and persuading, but eventually, the perimeter Skitari guards at the outside entrance to the sewer duct, allow him to enter the sewers and a few minutes later he meets up with the main scouting force comprised of 5 rangers, all sporting gravitic rifles and some seriously powerful augmetics. The scouting group ignores him and instead appear to be focused on the dead mutant and the side tunnel that Tambo and friends had crawled through.
Upon hearing the shouting from Parsen, one of the rangers lets out a loud amplified voice. "Intruders. Return to the main tunnel. Throw your weapons down and emerge with your hands in the air. You have 20 seconds to comply."
Parson and Tamnbo
Parson's gang doesn't seem eager at all to stick around. Some of them curse and mutter. "Last job I'm taking for you" and "Good luck rotting in a penal colony mate," but soon enough they are off, anxious to make good an escape from a job that had seen three of their own die and not a shred of loot to show for it.
"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/18 07:00:39
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
Lachanal knew that there was now a narrow line he needed to walk on. He was the one that needed to be in charge of the prisoners, not the skitarii as this would raise serious questions during any interrogation as to what in the Emperor's good will those people where doing here....and possibly track all of it upwards to Lachanal, and Strausberg...
He shouted once again "You heard the ultimatum. Guardsmen, submit to my authority this instant, and follow the skitarii instructions.
Prisoner, you are now in the hands of our beloved Governor's militias. Cooperate, and you shall be let alive and well. Refuse, and this ranger group will be your shooting squad, in the name of the emperor I swear on it!"
All recording that for later proof of need be, he continued advancing, laspistol drawn for.good measure... When they step out into the main tunnel, he'll be there to escort them outside towards the Pdf. Well. Supposedly. That's when he'll be attacked by Parsen's minion who will free him (apparently), thus allowing everyone to make his escape... Apart from Harlowe who was lagging behind, only just leaving the room...
40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.
"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/18 10:42:30
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Yellin' Yoof
Parsen didn't really mind his goons leaving. Their work here was done. If they ever managed to actually get out, tracking them down and making sure they had a life-threatening accident was very easy. If they died in there, he wouldn't care.
He then hears the ultimatum from the other side of the wall. He grunts and whispers to Tambo: "let's pretend you beat me, and that I'm too out of breath to fight. You do the whole "No worries, I gottem" thing."
He then takes a second to catch his breath.
"Truth be told, I actually am a bit exhausted, he chuckled. Now, the real coin flip begins. Do the Skitarii execute us without Lachanal's order, or do they comply? There's only one way to know..."
He then raises his voice, so to be heard by everyone on the other side of the small tunnel:
"Alright, you son of a Ratlin', you won, happy? I wonder how long you'll survive after puttin' me behind bars! Think you'll be safe? I know everyone 'round 'ere! You won't even be safe when in your toilets! Hear me? You won this battle, but I'll track you down every single day of your miserable life!"
The duo then begins crawling back to the main entrance, Parsen head first so as to ensure he "wouldn't flee".
40k: Orkz, CSM, Nurgle Daemons, Tau
Bolt Action: M O T H E R L A N D
Video games: basically everything |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/18 16:25:30
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
Tambo does his part before the Skitarii arrive, making some noise to try and make it sound like there was a struggle between Parson and himself.
As they are called out he shouts back "we comply!" but crawling back he announces: "I might desecrate the machine spirit of my Longlas if I throw it. I will throw my clip first and then surrender it to the ground" hoping the Skitarii would accept that. There was no way anyway he could shoot his way out of this, but no Guardsmen would just throw down htheir weapon.
Upon exiting he complies to every order the Skitarii give - for now - but specifically makes eyecontact with Lachanal. After adressing the Skitarii "Tambo, private second class, ID 72635 T 79219B" and only if the movement doesn't get him killed he salutes Lachanal stating urgently "Sir, infiltration was partly successful, sir. There are another seven suspects in the tunnels, but I couldn't establish were they are headed. Seemed to know where they were going though, right down there and through the northern tunnel. I will fully cooperate, but I must insist of warning that danger for the mechanicus installation might be imminent if they are not followed and stopped immediatly!"
~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
845 |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/18 16:51:11
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Battlefield Tourist
MN (Currently in WY)
With his cover most likely blown, H didn't bother to look around. He re-holstered his hand cannon and made a beeline for the extraction point.
Based on the Comms traffic, events were quickly getting out of hand.
Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing: |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/18 17:03:45
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
Lachanal pointed his pistol towards Parsen and acknowledged Tambo's report.
"You have done well guardsman. Pick up your weapon at once and keep the prisoner in sight."
He then turns towards the skitarii:
"What does Logica say about the assaulting force that scattered down in the subsidiary tunnels? Are you hunting them down? Of so, me and Tambo will Escort this prisoner out towards the PDF compound at the power generator. We should be able to keep him in custody long enough there for the arbites to show up. Make this report to Logica 7. The situation is under control now. "
So far, the bluff had worked as intended, and while Parsen kept cursing and threatening to look like an enraged lion in a cage, Lachanal felt confidence rise again in his heart, so close to salvaging what had been seconds away from being a critical failure.
40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.
"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/19 02:15:42
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Dakka Veteran
The Skitari ignore Lachanal but do nothing to impede Parson and Tambo. The lead Ranger instead makes a motion in the direction of the minefield. The part of the tunnel that eventually connected to the compound above and slowly but surely the five Rangers start to carefully make their way down that main tunnel.
For now at least Lachanal, Tambo and Parson seem to have escaped danger. If they choose to exit the sewer way, the Skitari guards at the entrance will allow them to do so.
H's options were limited. He could choose to open the manhole cover and climb a ladder down the sewer system. However Tambo had warned him that the route through the sewer system was compromised.
Alternative options included trying to exit out through the front gate. This would entail a bit of hacking at the very least and a potentially more hostile encounters with security servitors.
He could also try climbing a flight of stairs to a walk way and then jump down off of a 20 foot wall. However that would inevitably lead to serious injury or death.
Finally, he could try hiding in the compound until the situation improved. Which it might...or it could keep getting worse.
"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/19 15:23:16
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Battlefield Tourist
MN (Currently in WY)
H considered his options. The main Ex-fil was compromised. HIs best option was to go to ground and wait for his team.
He decided to make his way back to the infil point, hole up in the crate he came in on, and wait for the Team to figure out how to extract him.
He tapped his comm-bead, "This is Rook. Aborting Exfil. Going to ground at point Alpha. Awaiting extract."
He was careful to adjust his route to the outskirts and back routes to minimize exposure to others. H resumed his disguise to make his way back to the scan-proof crate.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/19 15:23:47
Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing: |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/20 03:02:07
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Dakka Veteran
@The compound:
H manages to get into a crate without attracting attention. Apart from the buzz of other servo drones, there doesn't appear to be anyone else around.
Then the cover leading to the sewer opens from the bottom and 5 skitari rangers emerge. They slowly climb out into the sewer. One of them picks up the damaged servo skull drone. After that they begin to walk around the compound slowly but surely assessing every inch of the perimeter. Finding nothing of interest they disappear from sight into one of the large ferrocrete buildings.
The lumens however have changed to a dim red color, indicating that the compound is on some kind of alert status now.
The sewer exit:
The others find the somewhat damaged truck that Lachanal had come here on and no one else. The other skitari have no doubt moved on to another objective...maybe securing the power station?
"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/21 09:07:18
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
As they get out of the sewers and rally, the trio made up of Lachanal, Parsen and Tambo now has got to figure out what to do, and, mostly, how to exfil Harlowe. The thing was, as far as Lachanal was concerned, that although Harlowe was indeed an infiltrator extraordinaire, there was no certainty in his ability to not speak under torture, should he be caught. To that extend, leaving him behind was a great risk.
Lachanal believed he would have got the easiest time doing it, but there was an accumulation of bizarre facts already due to his previous scrambling to rearrange the flow of events. He would need to fix that in short order before anyone notices too much. Like a commissar, for example.
"Right, Parsen. That's your part now. Get us a getaway care quickly. I'll arrange Harlowe's escape. Tambo, stay with Parsen. If I am to retrieve our good friend, it'll be stealthier alone yet again. Besides, I'll have stuff to arrange before someone catches notice. I'm heading to the PDF coumpond now. See you at Strausberg estate."
40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.
"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/21 09:51:57
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Yellin' Yoof
After checking nobody would be seeing him, Parsen dropped the act and went towards the shed where they fired the autocanon before. Maybe the van they came in with was still here? If not, he'd just call his men to get them an escape vehicle. "Tambo, can you come with me? After having fired, the PDFs might be investigating the shed. If they are, we won't be able to get the van back easily. I'll also need a hand lifting the autocanon in it, we may need to use it again at some point. Or, you know, I may need to use it again at some point."
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/21 09:52:10
40k: Orkz, CSM, Nurgle Daemons, Tau
Bolt Action: M O T H E R L A N D
Video games: basically everything |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/21 15:02:06
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
Tambo saluted towards Lachanal - all the good little soldier- "ayeaye, sir, we'll keep an eye on eachother." Before heading out with Parsen amongst the Chaos. Should they be stopped by Skitarii or the like he mimes the "just following orders" routine hoping for the best.
To Parsens question he replies "sure, I'll come with you. At least PDF are less of a problem then the cogboys. Those tinmen always give me the creeps..."
~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
845 |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/21 18:05:29
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Dakka Veteran
SkepticAllosaurus wrote:After checking nobody would be seeing him, Parsen dropped the act and went towards the shed where they fired the autocanon before. Maybe the van they came in with was still here? If not, he'd just call his men to get them an escape vehicle.
"Tambo, can you come with me? After having fired, the PDFs might be investigating the shed. If they are, we won't be able to get the van back easily. I'll also need a hand lifting the autocanon in it, we may need to use it again at some point. Or, you know, I may need to use it again at some point."
Outside the shed.
Just as Parsen had predicted, a group of around 5 PDF soldiers were in the process of searching the van. Tambo and Parsen managed to spot them from a distance as the terrain had just enough trees rocks and sloping hills to observe them without being observed.
Even worse, Parsen recognized that t hey had detained one of Parsen's men that had come along with him. The thug was sitting on the ground in hand cuffs under close watch by two of the PDF soldiers while the rest of the squad were set up in a perimeter around the van.
Inside the compound
Barely an hour had passed when H noticed that two lowly tech adepts had approached the loading area, accompanied by a servitor. Together, the adepts and the servitor began to pick up the crates and carry them into a nearby building. H realized that within moments someone would pick up his crate...would they notice something odd about it then?
"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/23 19:55:44
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Battlefield Tourist
MN (Currently in WY)
H noticed activity going on around him. He estimated a couple of adepts or servitors moving around. It sounded like they were processing the cargo.
He had no idea what was on the manifest and what was "supposed" to be in this box. He was pretty confident, that he did not match the "signature" of whatever it was supposed to be.
However, if the adepts and servitors weren't actively looking for anomalies, then he had to trust in his cover. It would not pay to blow it early. Best case, this WAS his extraction. Worst case, well he still had the hand cannon.
He decided to keep radio silent at the moment. No need to potentially tip off the adepts if they picked up any unregistered vox waves coming from a crate of spare parts. A gamble for sure, but one he needed to make.
Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing: |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/30 18:07:23
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
Outside the shed
"Frak it... we don't have time for this. Emperors mercy for those poor bastards. Parsen, get ready for some company!" Tambo mutters to his companion, before crouching down into cover and carefully setting up his longlas. 2 vs. 5... not really odds he liked that much. But he would have the element of surprise on his side, range working in his favor and by any luck Parsen would deal with at least one of them, when they rushed closer. Through his scope, he carefully picks out his targets, anticipating the direction they will likely dive into when the first shots are fired and deciding on an order he would try to bring them down. His breathing gets slower and monotonous, his whole body almost freezes to a standstill... Just 0as Parson might question if the sniper has fallen asleep, 5 shots ring out in fast sucession, their bolts racing towards their targets. Moments later they punch into all 5 of the PDF soldiers around Parsons detained goon. "Poor bastards... May they feast at the skyfathers table..." Tambo mutters again to himself, but it seems the Emperor is not in a mood to make it that easy for them, as the soldiers return fire in his direction and one of the wounded protectors of the realm lands a very lucky hit right on Tambos arm. The veteran inhales sharply, fighting down pain and shock to stay in the fight - which he does for now, but barely holding on.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/12/31 07:51:12
~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
845 |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/31 02:38:57
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Dakka Veteran
Tambo, Parsen
The long las shots punch through the five guards and they all drop immediately. From the shouting and groans, all appear to have taken some injury, but they remain very much in the fight.
Meanwhile the captured man that had run with Parsen's crew starts making a run for it in a random direction, away from the PDF Soldiers but also away from you.
Moments later the troopers all return fire in Tambo's direction, firing in a haphazard manner, but not afraid to empty out entire magazines in a matter of moments.
While almost all of the return fire misses compeltely, one unfortunate lasbolt strikes Tambo across his right arm burning him badly.
One of the adepts picks up the box but then puts it down after a couple of steps. H can hear the adepts whispering to eachother.
"Weight distribution is off. I'll need to perform the rite of inspection."
"You need permission to do that. It is a special create. Go to the Chief Maintenancer. Only he knows the necessary prayers."
H hears the sounds of footsteps and then silence.
Over the Com Net, Lachanel receives a heavily encrypted high level message from an unidentified source informing me to return to PDF HQ at once. No further information is provided.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/12/31 02:41:41
"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/31 15:44:52
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Battlefield Tourist
MN (Currently in WY)
H quickly opens the box and glances around for a few moments. It is a warehouse, and it is obvious there are other hiding places he can sneak away into. He quickly starts "moving house" to a new, secure location along with the gear from the box. H also glances around for anything that he could replace his weight with in the original hiding place. Things were getting complicated, and he did not like complicated.
He quickly tapped his comm-bead, "This is Rook. Potentially compromised. Requesting imminent ex-fil."
H had to count on his fellows to get him out of here. There was no way he could shoot himself out, so a complicated game of cat-and-mouse was on the cards. He just had to avoid detection for another few hours.... or so he hoped.....
Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing: |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/12/31 16:24:13
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
Lachanal's blood froze in his veins. What could potentially have him summoned to the HQ? Well, in fact, lots of things. But could it be, that he could be compromised? Maybe someone noted the inconsistencies of what happened here, as he played around with Logica 7 who would no doubt have sent forth reports to the PDF as well.
Should he really go? Or could he get information from someone else to get a preview of what was at hand... Besides, nothing stopped his superiors or even the commissar from making up an excuse to cover up the ambush or cease-and-decease order that would surely play.
While he was entering the PDF bunker outside the compound, he heard Harlowe's warning over the net. Sadly, there was nothing he could do right now. Or maybe...
"I need to talk to your commander, incompréhensible stuff has been going around here for the last couple hours."
While they went tonget their commander - Lachanal was probably not none in persona, but the sigil of palace intendant was something to reckon with - he emitted twice more: once to Harlowe, begging him to wait some more while he desperately tried to find some way out.
Then to the HQ. He started making a detailed report about everything that transpired, and tried to look confused rather than guilty. He pledged to come back sooner than later nonetheless, after his talk with the pdf base leader... That he hoped he'd have exfil Harlowe more or less knowingly...
40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.
"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/01 00:09:57
Subject: Re:Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Dakka Veteran
H finds himself in a very dimly lit warehouse, likely still within the walls of the compound. Other than a few inert servitors, he appears to be alone.
Frantically he tries to find something in another crate that could substitute the weight, but he isn't able to figure anything out in time, as within a matter of minutes, the sounds of footsteps indicate the the Tech Adepts...and maybe others are about to return to the warehouse.
H noticed a stairwell that leads to the rooftop of the warehouse. It was either that or find another place to hide within the warehouse.
Would he be able to run up all those stairs and get to the rooftop without being noticed though? It seemed unlikely. But then again, the risk of being detected while remaining in the warehouse also seemed high.
H was in a no win situation...but he still had to make a choice. [Sprint up the stairs to the rooftop...try to sneak up the stairs to the rooftop, hide in the warehouse, or...something else!]
There was initially some confusion among the soldiery at the PDF Headquarters, but eventually a fresh faced young man with the rank of Lieutenant by the name of P. Krosinki appeared by the gate entrance his eyes portraying excessive tiredness.
"Right...Lachanal. You're to report to Commissar Gendy Helmlar's office. That's office #35, 16th floor."
This was the same Commissar Lachanal had spoken with earlier. Cause for concern certainly, but at least the Commissar's hadn't arrested him as soon as he had appeared at the base. Maybe the situation wasn't so dire?
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2025/01/01 01:01:02
"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/01 17:15:24
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Battlefield Tourist
MN (Currently in WY)
H did not fancy running to the roof top, there was no place to go there but down. That would make flight more difficult and not less. On the roof, his only ex-fil would have to be by air, and that seemed very unlikely at this point.
His best chance was to try to find a new hiding place in the warehouse, then skirt around the Tech-adepts, and sneak past them back into the compound. As a last resort, he still had his adept disguise and might be able to bluff, but the Adepts seemed to be on high alert.
Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing: |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/02 02:24:22
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Dakka Veteran
Easy E wrote:H did not fancy running to the roof top, there was no place to go there but down. That would make flight more difficult and not less. On the roof, his only ex-fil would have to be by air, and that seemed very unlikely at this point.
His best chance was to try to find a new hiding place in the warehouse, then skirt around the Tech-adepts, and sneak past them back into the compound. As a last resort, he still had his adept disguise and might be able to bluff, but the Adepts seemed to be on high alert.
H managed to find a suitable hiding place behind a stack of crates that were marked as radiation hazards. H figured the residual radiation might be able to throw off any advanced sensors used by the tech adepts.
And sure enough the Tech Adepts returned...only this time a lone Skitariri Ranger arrived with them. Upon seeing the crate, the Ranger opens it up and observes its contents. Then motions for the adepts to leave.
Slowly, the Ranger starts to walk through each aisle of the vast warehouse. He even walks past the crates that H is hiding behind, then moves to make another pass through the warehouse.
H surmises that given enough time, the Ranger will likely find him...but he seems to have an opening now to head out a nearby door and back out to the compound.
"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/02 07:34:08
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Boom! Leman Russ Commander
Lachanal was tensed. Ye was probably about to be court martial. But if he wasn't, it was time to make up the best excuses he could and find a mean to ex fil Harlowe who was still stuck there. He had been stuck for the better part of the day now. Emperor protect him. Besides, he had no idea what Tambo and Parsen were up too and if they had been make their escape while he used a PDF car to rush to the HQ, no having been able to convince anyone to get Harlowe out and understanding that any further delay would only raise more eyebrows and, perhaps, end with his superiors starting to piece the events together. He entered, after checking his margin was there just in case he would indeed be court martial. I .that case, he'd put up a good fight and go down without giving any clue of his involvement in the compound raid...
"Adjudant-chef Lachanal, palace intendant, at your orders commissar's" he saluted, and waited for the order to go at ease...
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/01/02 07:34:53
40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.
"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/02 11:02:54
Subject: Wrath and Glory: Rise of the Governor (In character)
Yellin' Yoof
As Tambo opens fire and panic runs amock in the shed, Parsen notices his goon running away for his life. The worst course of action would've been to get his criminal affiliation uncovered: he could very much get in trouble. Nothing money couldn't fix, but it would still not be an optimal situation to be in. With him running away, the whole ordeal was beginning to become less and less worthy of their time. Just as he came to that conclusion, Tambo got shot in the shoulder. Parsen's first reflex was to tackle Tambo to the ground to avoid more counter sniping fire. "You alright partner? He asked. I'll get ya out of 'ere but first I need to buy some time... I wish I had some kind of alcohol though..." He unstraps the last EMP grenade Tambo has and throws it as hard as possible left of the shed. Hopefully, the noise will distract them from their current location, simulating and attack from multiple fronts. Then, he lights a cigar, digs a few centimeters through it to attach some tissue he had on it, and tie it firmly. As the cigar-bound tissue starts catching fire, he throws it on the other side of the shed, in an attempt to set fire to the surrounding grass. Now, it was time to pray for the distractions to work, and to start dragging Tambo away from where he was shot. One hand grabbing his comrade, the other one struggling to call for some emergency exfil from Markov through the radio, he hopes the confusion caused by Tambo, along with his own makeshift decoys, buy enough time for them and the fugitive mercenary to get away. Hopefully, unscathed.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2025/01/02 11:06:07
40k: Orkz, CSM, Nurgle Daemons, Tau
Bolt Action: M O T H E R L A N D
Video games: basically everything |