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Robotech® RPG Tactics™-License lost, the end is near!  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Been Around the Block

In all seriousness, Unca Kev does have a large selection of original art of the RPG world on his office walls. They aren't his scrawls. They're original pieces by Parkinson, Elmore, Brom, Corben, and others. They're not even exclusively Palladiumbooks covers.

I don't think the comment about the police officers being impressed by the art on the walls was typical Palladium self promotion. It was probably genuine in this case. Because Unca Kev's art gallery IS impressive.

Made in au
Pustulating Plague Priest

GabrielV wrote:
In all seriousness, Unca Kev does have a large selection of original art of the RPG world on his office walls. They aren't his scrawls. They're original pieces by Parkinson, Elmore, Brom, Corben, and others. They're not even exclusively Palladiumbooks covers.

I don't think the comment about the police officers being impressed by the art on the walls was typical Palladium self promotion. It was probably genuine in this case. Because Unca Kev's art gallery IS impressive.

But still, not necessary to the conversation. All it does is demonstrate how desperate Palladium are for approval.

There’s a difference between having a hobby and being a narcissist.  
Made in ca
Ancient Venerable Black Templar Dreadnought


Ah, PB and it's various missives is just to stroke the ego of it's owner.
It would die like a dog the day it cannot do that.

They probably got on the topic of why on earth anyone would break into the place?
Kev probably pointed out his "priceless artwork" and got the reply: "Ah, yes... very... impressive. We need to go.".

A revolution is an idea which has found its bayonets.
Napoleon Bonaparte 
Made in us
The Last Chancer Who Survived

Norristown, PA

Silly question .. anyone happen to know the exact contents of the Battle Cry pledge, with all of the stretch goals.. what was shipped so far and what is still left? No add-ons, just the pledge itself?

Made in us
Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine

York, NE

Here, I made this awhile back to make myself feel better and remind myself I can buy things online that will actually get shipped to me.


Something is happening on the 24th, we sent you a poster.
Made in gb
Winter Guard


 Necros wrote:
Silly question .. anyone happen to know the exact contents of the Battle Cry pledge, with all of the stretch goals.. what was shipped so far and what is still left? No add-ons, just the pledge itself?

I'm bored and feeling like being slightly nice to someone on the internet so here you go (BTW tracking what we already got from memory so mistakes may exist)

Battlecry pledges are still missing:
- Rick Hunter VF1-J
- Roy Fokker VF1-S
-Khyron Glaug
- Miriya Queadluun-Rau
- 3x Gnerl fighters
- 3x Nousjadeul-Ger male power armour
- 2x Super Valkyrie
- 3x Queadluun-Rau
- 2x SF-3A Lancer II
- Experimental Queadluun-Rau upgrade kit
- 2x QF-3000 ghost fighters

That's just the Battlecry pledge, without any additional purchases. I didn't bother with templates and tokens since there's no way I'd remember any of that in the first place
Made in us
Expendable Defender Destroid Rookie

Here's the graphic of the Battle Cry contents:


Grabbed that from the KS page before the link there stopped working.
Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


Hah, I love how noone's bothered to comment on Tuesday's post. Have we finally been fully saturated with indifference?

It never ends well 
Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

Made in ca
Ancient Venerable Black Templar Dreadnought


 jaymz wrote:
Anyone caring anymore?

Not two feths given.

A revolution is an idea which has found its bayonets.
Napoleon Bonaparte 
Made in us
DCM User

Is there anything new and/or of substance in this?:

Update #205

Aug 15 2017

My Fifth Update

Hi all, Scott here. This will be a very short update, as I have had to split my time over the past two weeks between RRT and several other projects, as well as help prep for Gen Con.

Wave 2 Progress

We have reviewed the quotes and pared down the selection to our top candidates for the job. We are looking forward to reviewing their manufacturing samples and terms before making our final selection.

Force Organization Charts

Several of the Backers and other people who I have been collaborating with on the Force Organization Charts are also attending Gen Con. Many of them are running events. Out of respect for their needs I have not pushed the testing and finalization of the Charts. Once Gen Con has passed we will be finishing the play-testing, then releasing the Charts for you to download.

Speaking of Gen Con...

I’ve seen from posts and feedback here and on Facebook that some of you are discussing the RRT Tournaments in one way or another. For those of you who are going to attend Gen Con, for your convenience I thought I would reprint here some of the information published in the Weekly Update about the tournaments. Please see below if you are interested:

This will be the first year that an official two Robotech® RPG Tactics™ tournament (two of them, actually) will be held at Gen Con.

Gen Con 2017's Robotech® Tactics Showdown – 200 Point Tournament Gen Con's first RRT tournament! Bring your assembled 200 point force to the table to throw down against UEDF and Zentraedi from all across the galaxy! Prizes for the top 3 players and best painted Squad!

Game ID: NMN17110891 When: August 18th, 2017 – Friday, 1:00 PM. Where: ICC: Hall A: Red: 10-15 Duration: 5 hours. Maximum Number of Players: 12 Cost: $2


First Place: 100 Robotech Bucks for making purchases at the Palladium Books booth at this year's Gen Con.

Second Place: 60 Robotech Bucks for making purchases at the Palladium Books booth at this year's Gen Con.

Third Place: 30 Robotech Bucks for making purchases at the Palladium Books booth at this year's Gen Con.

Best Painted Squad: 50 Robotech Bucks for making purchases at the Palladium Books booth at this year's Gen Con. (This award goes to the player with the best painted Squad. This means that the number of models painted needs to consist of the minimum models purchased for a specific Squad card. Some squads can consist of 2 models while others may contain 6 models that complete one Squad card. This works well for new or novice players who may have only had time to paint up a Squad.)

Gen Con's 2017 Robotech® RPG Tactics™ – Commander's Call – 300 Point Tournament This is the BIG ONE!!! Bring your assembled 300 point force to the table to throw down against UEDF and Zentraedi from all across the galaxy! Prizes for the top 3 players and best painted army! (PLEASE NOTE: the Gen Con website states its a 200 point event, but it will be a 300 point tournament.)

Game ID: NMN17110892 When: August 19th, 2017 – Saturday, 1:00 PM. Where: ICC: Hall A: Red: 8-13 Duration: 5 hours. Maximum Number of Players: 12. Cost: $2


First Place Winner of the Commander's Call Tournament will be awarded the title "Commander 2017," receive a commemorative certificate, and receive 150 Robotech Bucks for making purchases at the Palladium Books booth at this year's Gen Con. The Commander can also have his or her picture taken and have an interview to go over their very own Robotech RPG Tactics character that will be made an OFFICIAL character for the RRT game which will be illustrated in an anime style bust shot. The character's personal mecha will also be discussed and we will coordinate discussions to establish a paint scheme for that mecha. Once completed, that character's write-up and playable RRT card will be uploaded to DriveThruRPG.com so that other RRT gamers can download and play that official character for free.

Second Place: 100 Robotech Bucks for making purchases at the Palladium Books booth at this year's Gen Con.

Third Place: 50 Robotech Bucks for making purchases at the Palladium Books booth at this year's Gen Con.

Best Painted Army: 100 Robotech Bucks for making purchases at the Palladium Books booth at this year's Gen Con. This award goes to the player with the best painted army (NOT just a Squad).

IMPORTANT Note: Both tournaments will be utilizing the Revised Blast Rules that were posted in Kickstarter Update #188; see the following link. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rrpgt/robotech-rpg-tacticstm/posts/1375081?cursor=11470353

Other than the very imaginative title.

That might eventually work against him, if we get to, say, maybe "MY ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-EIGHTH UPDATE"...

It would be nice if this one:

Matt Saia about 2 hours ago
One question. Same as last update and it is a Yes, No question so it should take about 60 seconds of your time to handle. Is the money for wave 2 currently in an account, as liquid assets, to be spent on the production of the items?

gets addressed.

Probably not though...other than here:

James Edwards 17 minutes ago
@Matt Do you honestly think PB, as incompetent as they are, had the sense to keep KS money separate from general finances, as they are required to, or even track those finances?
You give them too much credit.

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

I would like to point out that I just got out of my six month "Kickstarter put baby in a corner (and coincidentally got $0 from me for six months) temporary ban" and in that time, while they got a new spokesman to lie for them...

Things are still where they were six months ago.
Made in ca
Ancient Venerable Black Templar Dreadnought


Merijeek wrote:
I would like to point out that I just got out of my six month "Kickstarter put baby in a corner (and coincidentally got $0 from me for six months) temporary ban" and in that time, while they got a new spokesman to lie for them...
Things are still where they were six months ago.
Please let me heartily welcome you back to a whole lot of nothing.
I think the HBS Battletech kickstarter is all I got left running which incidentally HG is suing... really not liking anyone associated with Robotech lately.

A revolution is an idea which has found its bayonets.
Napoleon Bonaparte 
Made in us
Been Around the Block

Two Gun Bob is my hero! And my recent post on my blog was inspired by his comments... About Quotes. A link is below though the entirety of the text minus pics is in this post.

Very recently, the delivery concerning wave 2 of Robotech RPG Tactics (RRT) was again pushed out to an unspecific date in 2018. Who will take the plastic throne of Robotech RPG Tactics? Who will break the never ending wheel? First this manufacturer is on top, then this one, then Kevin Siembieda, then Essen Spiel, then that manufacturer, a power outage, the internet is down, and a spider stops by for a visit… And oh look! A squirrel! In honor of this “development,” let’s talk about that. But, as I learned from the last time I posted about this project, (and for those new to this debacle) let’s recap.

Note: And yeah I'm a blogger with a grudge, while my friends are currently out their wave 2 "rewards."

Robotech RPG Tactics (RRT) surpassed its initial funding goal of $70k, to the tune of just over $1.4 million. Funding of the campaign ran April 18th thru May 20th 2013. In total, the crowdfunding roped in 5,342 backers. With a rough estimate that’s an average pledge, a bit over $260. While Kickstarter lists the project as completed, this is not actually true; as Palladium Books claimed dividing the project into two waves was the more efficient way to proceed. While the first wave was pushed back it was eventually delivered, with international shipping completed by May 13th 2015. While four years, and three months after funding... Wave 2 remains only a twinkle in Rick Hunter’s eye.

During this time the main comments section continues to roll (it will hit 100k soon). During the process of wave 1, complaints related to delays, the overall part count, positions of the seams and the skill level required for assembly of the game pieces, were many. However, in the last 2 years and while the (second wave of the) project has remained in ether, or as I like to call it the Game of Quotes, complaints have shifted, to outright anger and contempt. Most of this in regards to a clear lack of transparency by Palladium Books.

Since May 2015, despite the claim of Kevin Siembieda that the project will deliver... What has Palladium said, or more importantly shown, that this is in fact the case? The answer is not much. But let’s take a look back:

Update #186: Aug 26 2015
By: Kevin Siembieda

· “…I want you to know there has not been any misappropriation of the funds raised by the Kickstarter, nor any wrongdoing of any kind. Not by me or anyone at Palladium Books.”

· “…we have not been able to show you physical work, because we are exploring different possible solutions…”

· “As stated, we’re shooting to release RRT Wave Two around the end of 2015 or sometime in the first quarter of 2016.”

Update #189: Dec 11 2015

By: Kevin Siembieda

“…as we explore a number of different possibilities. For a variety of business reasons we cannot yet discuss or reveal exactly what we are looking into and considering.“

Update #190: Jan 29 2016

By: Kevin Siembieda

· “As I have stated, for strategic and business reasons we have been unable to share with you everything Palladium has been exploring, considering and working on.”

Update #196: Feb 3 2017
By: Kevin Siembieda

“We are working on something exciting right now that, if it pans out, could change everything and help us bring you RRT Wave Two by the end of 2017.”

“We have not released details these many months because everything has been in motion, and still is.”

Update #197: Feb 19 2017
By: Kevin Siembieda

· This update Kevin Siembieda reveals that one of his freelancers (a co-creator of RRT) has attempted suicide after wading into the comments section of RRT to discuss the Rift Board Game.

Update #198: Feb 23 2017
By: Kevin Siembieda

· “…we are trying to make improvements and headway on Wave Two rewards, via reduced part counts for easier assembly, reduced seams and better sprue layouts. This is happening right now, as we compare quotes utilizing new manufacturing approaches and technologies in the production processes to help attain what we are seeking, while preserving the high detail and quality.”

· “…With Wave Two rewards having so many unique unit designs to be broken down and quoted, and with Essen Spiel (one of the largest gaming/miniatures conventions in Europe that is visited by many miniature manufacturers - just transpired in October) and the Chinese New Year over, we are hoping the congested pipeline for quotes will move much faster now.”

· “Once we have the quotes, we can then decide which manufacturer(s) to move forward with. Unfortunately, this process does not yield visual results that can be publicly displayed.”

What has Palladium Books been working on? Working on getting quotes (of coarse) and reducing the part count. But even being conservative, from the finished delivery of wave 1 (May 13th 2015), to KS last update (Feb 23 2017) that’s 22 months (counting days) or nearly two years. Two years of getting quotes!? C’mon man? Many are asking: what is the reason it’s taken two years? More recently Scott Gibbons recently announced himself as Palladium Books business manager (or fresh face of the Game of Quotes) and apparently… comment wrangler extraordinaire. And in his first update he actually provided something a bit different than: “For business reasons, we cannot share details about reasons… of um, err business.”

Update #199: Jun 20 2017
By: Scott Gibbons

· “First, Wayne and Kevin spent half of Friday morning (7/16/2017) on a conference call with a manufacturer (I did not sit in on the call due to another pressing business need that morning). During the call they discussed the manufacturer’s initial quote on producing Wave 2 which we had received the day before. There were some points in the quote that needed clarification, as well as setting expectations for what we need in the finished game pieces. All in all it was a productive call and we are looking forward to getting a revised quote soon.“

· “From here on out, I personally will be posting updates every two weeks - even if nothing has changed I will check in to let you know.”

Update #200: Jun 21 2017
By: Scott Gibbons

· "Part of the conference call with the manufacturer on 6/16/2017 was spent discussing delivery in 2017. The manufacturer expressed that they believed a fourth quarter delivery was probably possible. We asked them to look closely at this while working up the revised quote and see if they could give us a firm commitment for delivery."

Update #201: Jul 4 2017
By: Scott Gibbons

· “We have been in contact with the manufacturer I mentioned in the last update several times over the past two weeks, giving answers and clarifying our expectations on a number of issues. We had hoped to have their revised quote by now but are still waiting.”

· “In the meantime we have reached out to several other manufacturers (ten in total) in case the manufacturer we are currently working with is not able to satisfy our need for quality assurance, delivery time frame, etc. On that front, we have received responses from several that are interested in the project and a few that aren’t due to already full production schedules.”

· “With the extended delay in getting back the revised quote, an end-of-year release for Wave 2 is beginning to appear less and less likely. However, we will not know until we see the quotes and hammer out all the final details.”

· “Several people have asked for renders of the Wave 2 game pieces - I will work on getting those posted here for you.”

Update #202: Jul 18 2017
By Scott Gibbons

· “We got three new quotes at the end of last week, a refined quote from the factory that we’ve been dealing with as well as initial quotes from two others that we had reached out to. We are currently analyzing the information in the quotes - a task that is not as simple as it may sound.”

Update #203: Jul 28 2017

By Scott Gibbons

· One new Rendor…

Update #204: Aug 1 2017
By: Scott Gibbons

· “We’ve gotten several quotes now from manufacturers, some of which are encouraging while others were not. “

· "The manufacturer Palladium had been talking with when I came on board at the end of May has updated their quote to us. It is not what we were hoping for however, as their quoted price went up significantly. We’ve asked the broker who has been our go-between to seek additional details from the manufacturer about why the price jumped so much.”

· “Of the quotes we have gotten from other manufacturers, we are actively reviewing and comparing several of the most promising and there are two that are very promising. In fact, we were happily surprised with one particular quote, as everything we had heard about this broker and manufacturer said they did excellent work but tended to be expensive. We will be meeting with their reps at Gen Con, along with several other companies.”

· “We also had a soft-introduction this week with a domestic injection-molding company (our thanks to the gent who sent them our way).”

· “With the dragged out quoting process we’ve been going through, unfortunately, I sincerely doubt that RRT Wave 2 will be finished with manufacturing by the end of this year.“

Update #205: Aug 15 2017
By: Scott Gibbons

· “We have reviewed the quotes and pared down the selection to our top candidates for the job. We are looking forward to reviewing their manufacturing samples and terms before making our final selection.”

At this point even if Palladium Books completes wave 2 they have failed. They needn’t concern themselves with the 200-300 semi-irregular (and rightfully ticked) posters in the comments page. What they should be concerned about, is the 5k plus backers who aren’t commenting at all… They should realize that whatever they do, if wave 2 is finished, that alone doesn't build a game. The unfortunate mis-management of this project, the lack of transparency is and has been, just too much. Play the game of getting and squiring quotes long enough, and despite Scott Gibbons attempts, there really is little difference between what had come before:

“For business reasons, we cannot share details about reasons… of um, err business.”

And what is coming now, since Scott Gibbons has claimed the plastic throne. Or as one backer put it…

“Yeah, the WE'RE GETTING READY FOR GENCON!!!!!!!!! update. Can't wait to firm up those quotes at Gencon! Quote me on this, Wayne and Kevster are quoting the quotes to get a quota on some quotes. You can quote me that even though I Scooter the Magnanimous will not be there in person, Kevayne is totally Mouth watering to get some highly detailed quotes that will forever change the quote market with reduced parts to the spreadsheet. Have you ever tried to quote a spreadsheet? Don't quote me but the quotes will be quoted after Gencon. Buy sum product! Robotech bux!”

Who will take the plastic throne of Robotech RPG Tactics? Who will break the never ending wheel of quotes? It won’t be one of the ten quotes fielded from some random Chinese manufacturer…

Palladium Books can spin it how they like (and have), but the wheel is already broken.

Something to note here. It is sort of interesting to me that Palladium Books has somewhat changed the tactics of their presentation in the updates. Quotes weren't mentioned at all in regards to progress of this project by KS until late Feb. Then as Scott takes over it is all about quotes... Again this is but another example of either Palladiums lack of transparency (because if they were attempting to get quotes, that is super secret need to know info) or ineptitude... Or, as in most likely a combination of both. Speculative, but I think them handing NDAs might have been part of the problem and what has actually happened in the last two years is that they have spent time communicating with these companies about their NDAs and how to come about and a mutual agreement in regards to the NDAs... That wouldn't be something you'd put in a update... "Oh, trust us we are working on it, but these companies don't want to agree upon our super-restrictive NDA agreements and until one of them is foolish enough we cannot even begin the process of wave 2 "rewards." And now these latest updates are all about quotes...

Link to Blog:http://withinthedungeon.blogspot.com/2017/08/robotech-rpg-tactics-game-of-quotes.html

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/08/18 10:26:41

Made in ca
Ancient Venerable Black Templar Dreadnought


Funny, came across this.
No truer words can be said:


A revolution is an idea which has found its bayonets.
Napoleon Bonaparte 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

I find it rather telling that prior to the KS launch Ninja DIvision was somehow able to get all the models and renders done, develop art assets and rules for the game all within a 4 month time frame and at the same time dealt with lining up quotes and arranging shipping. Meanwhile PB can't even handle the remaining quotes in a two years span, much less get anything physically made.
Made in ca
Ancient Venerable Black Templar Dreadnought


 stanman wrote:
I find it rather telling that prior to the KS launch Ninja DIvision was somehow able to get all the models and renders done, develop art assets and rules for the game all within a 4 month time frame and at the same time dealt with lining up quotes and arranging shipping. Meanwhile PB can't even handle the remaining quotes in a two years span, much less get anything physically made.
All in a few years work for them.

Palladium Books: making the printed word seem like rocket science since 1981.
Palladium Books: making model making seem like self administered brain surgery.
Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


 Talizvar wrote:
 stanman wrote:
I find it rather telling that prior to the KS launch Ninja DIvision was somehow able to get all the models and renders done, develop art assets and rules for the game all within a 4 month time frame and at the same time dealt with lining up quotes and arranging shipping. Meanwhile PB can't even handle the remaining quotes in a two years span, much less get anything physically made.
All in a few years work for them.

Palladium Books: making the printed word seem like rocket science since 1981.
Palladium Books: making model making seem like self administered brain surgery.

cavaet: Requires brain to work with, and on.
Made in us
Esteemed Veteran Space Marine

My secret fortress at the base of the volcano!

I have a question about some of the models shown in that Battle Cry picture... The Rick Hunter and Roy Fokker Veritechs... what makes them different from the basic Veritech in the base set? It says on the picture that the 7 basic Valkyries can be assembled as VF-1A, J, or S versions... Isn't Roy's VF just a VF with a distinctive paint job? Couldn't you assemble any of the base Veritechs into a VF-1S and paint it up like Skull One?

What is the practical difference between a Glaug Officer's pod, and Khyron's Glaug Officer pod? What about Miriya's powered armor?

Basically, what I'm saying is: a noticeable chunk of the missing Wave 2 is just stuff that is already available, with a different paint job.

So Palladium Books is failing to deliver on items that, for all intents and purposes, they should already have sprues for. Why not cut open a few of those thousands of starter sets they have piled up in the back of the warehouse and ship some Veritechs and Glaugs and Destroids out to the backers as a partial Wave 2? I mean, sure it doesn't show much respect or concern for the backers, but at this point I'm fairly certain Palladium doesn't actually have any respect or concern for the backers.

Emperor's Eagles (undergoing Chapter reorganization)
Caledonian 95th (undergoing regimental reorganization)
Thousands Sons (undergoing Warband re--- wait, are any of my 40K armies playable?) 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

With the Rick, it's about a distinctive pose. With the Roy, it's a distinctive pose, AND embossed Skull Squadron insignia. Both Khyron and Miriya are supposed to have the option of open cockpits, but given how badly designed the Wave 1 models were, I shudder to think of the parts count.

There's also the cost of shipping. Even if they decided to do this, given that they would have to sabotage a minimum of $70MSRP in retail stock per set of 3 (FPA excluded), and even if labor and shipping was only $5 per backer, that's hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost product (because that's how Kevin thinks, as can be seen by his argument regards not really owing for refunds), and more than $25K on labor/shipping. And that's just not going to happen.

Also given that they were promised as Exclusives, just regifting them from existing stock would be seen as yet another in a long line of clusterfeths that will do proportionally more harm than good.

So expect it later this year.

Or at least be promised this year.
Made in us
Been Around the Block

I'm just curious... But did anyone get over to the Palladium booth at Gen Con?

Also Friday and Saturdays Events filled up with... The minimum number of required players... Saturday is one short, but they will fill that up I assume. Oh yeah, RRT is boiling all right...

Friday: http://gencon.highprogrammer.com/gencon-2017.cgi/event/NMN17110891 (4 of 12 players-done)

Saturday: http://gencon.highprogrammer.com/gencon-2017.cgi/event/NMN17110892 (3 of 12 players-pending, a couple of hours away)

That's one hell of a turnout!

Edit: And instead of having people pay $2 to play... And focused on prize support. Maybe they should have realized and put together their own Forces for the tournament and seen if they could snag the random passerby to participate. I guess putting those models together is too much work ehh, Kevin? Still as some have said it's not the worst game, might be a good way to drum up some customers? Probably not, but it would still have been better then what they are attempting.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/08/19 16:10:34

Made in us
Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine

York, NE

Because I REALLY enjoy being an donkey-cave, I posted this on the FB Page under their 10 pics.

Is that a stack of quotes you're going through? Glad to hear the minimum number of players required (4) showed up for one of the 2 Tourneys. This game is FIRE!

Also, I'm pretty sure the dumpy Hispanic grognard "Demoing" a game is NMI / Jeff Ruiz.

Something is happening on the 24th, we sent you a poster.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

To be fair, I swung past the Robotech tournament tables and there were at least three games underway, so at least six players. Still not a rousing success, but not the abysmal failure it could have been.

EDIT: That was the Saturday tourney. Too busy with games I was actually interested in on the Friday.

There was one person who wasn't playing that was composing an army that included MPA's, FPA's and Gnerls. Not sure if that was for the tourney, but if it was, I'd have been miffed. Mostly because of the latter, but the power armor would piss me off too.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/08/19 20:42:27

Made in us
Innocent SDF-1 Bridge Bunny

So, in a bought of total insanity HG is suing Tatsunoko.


This is going to all around have huge implications for Robotech/Battletech/Macross/General Geekdom.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Jacksonville, FL.

 Swabby wrote:
So, in a bought of total insanity HG is suing Tatsunoko.


This is going to all around have huge implications for Robotech/Battletech/Macross/General Geekdom.

I don't think that is to be the case. It will have more impact on Robotech/Macross than it will on the overall community of the Battletech community for that matter. Harmony Golds' bone of contention with Tatsunoko is over what HG believes is a licensing issue over the Macross/Southern Cross/Mospeada intellectual license. HG believes they have unrestricted license to the IP over the rest of the world. Which is why its a pain in the ass to get a hold of anything Macross related outside of Japan. Tatsunoko tried to sue HG in California over the licensing issue, but by some fluke of luck GH won the case. Without reading the actual licensing agreement, or subsequent settlement agreement, this is conjecture that seems substantiated with the behavior thus seen by HG. If Tatsunoko granted license to Sony over the IP, its likely because Sony has bought Funimation, and because Sony wants to do something with the IP. Again, without reading agreements, this is conjecture.

It comes across as HG is trying not to get this to court, by tossing out suits. Its going to be a question of how willing Tatsunoko will fight it in California. For a company that is doing as little as possible with the IP, they are dead nuts obsessed with keeping hold of it. What boggles my mind is that a company like Palladium, which has licensed all the Robotech IP from HG (the exception being the company doing the one board game where you defend the SDF-1), has been able to keep hold of it when they seem to have done just as much as HG to ruin the license.

As for Battletech... well... the original lawsuit is as muddy as office coffee. So I won't comment on that. This new lawsuit with Piranha Games and Harebrain Schemes comes across as HG trying to be relevant and desiring a settled outcome instead of actual litigation. I think, with some of the things posted in their complaint, they have a good chance of losing it if it goes to jury trail. This will likely be a question of how the defendants in both suits are willing to fight it in courts.

My hope is that they do. HG has done nothing of substance with the IP, save sitting on it, and has been a thorn to the anime and gaming community just because they could. We'll see.

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

As I see it, on this one Jordan Weisman is named yet again.

I think this time he wants to fist HG once and for all and just plain finish them off.
Made in us
Storm Trooper with Maglight

Ellicott City, MD

 Swabby wrote:
So, in a bought of total insanity HG is suing Tatsunoko.


This is going to all around have huge implications for Robotech/Battletech/Macross/General Geekdom.

I wonder what they are suing over, they own the rights in the US, seems like trying to sue them over something just opens the door for their right ownership to be questioned and HG to lose out. This could easily spin out of control and sink the Robotech movie Sony is supposed to be working on, I doubt Sony will want to have to deal with a rights battle while making the movie.

Death Korp of Krieg
Dark Angels 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Nottingham, UK

 vonjankmon wrote:
 Swabby wrote:
So, in a bought of total insanity HG is suing Tatsunoko.


This is going to all around have huge implications for Robotech/Battletech/Macross/General Geekdom.

I wonder what they are suing over, they own the rights in the US, seems like trying to sue them over something just opens the door for their right ownership to be questioned and HG to lose out. This could easily spin out of control and sink the Robotech movie Sony is supposed to be working on, I doubt Sony will want to have to deal with a rights battle while making the movie.

If HG lost their 'ownership' of the Macross designs, Sony would just say 'meh' and license Macross from Tatsunoko / Big West instead and keep effectively the same screenplay in a bout of extreme irony.

Made in ca
Ancient Venerable Black Templar Dreadnought


My guess with the latest lawsuit is the usual HG exerting their rights AND trying to get some revenue out of settlements.
Funny how in the scheme of things, HG is far worse than Palladium Books.
We could have seen all kinds of Macross long ago if it were not these guys pushing a flaky license to the max.

A revolution is an idea which has found its bayonets.
Napoleon Bonaparte 
Made in us
Storm Trooper with Maglight

Ellicott City, MD

winterdyne wrote:
 vonjankmon wrote:
 Swabby wrote:
So, in a bought of total insanity HG is suing Tatsunoko.


This is going to all around have huge implications for Robotech/Battletech/Macross/General Geekdom.

I wonder what they are suing over, they own the rights in the US, seems like trying to sue them over something just opens the door for their right ownership to be questioned and HG to lose out. This could easily spin out of control and sink the Robotech movie Sony is supposed to be working on, I doubt Sony will want to have to deal with a rights battle while making the movie.

If HG lost their 'ownership' of the Macross designs, Sony would just say 'meh' and license Macross from Tatsunoko / Big West instead and keep effectively the same screenplay in a bout of extreme irony.

Movies are an extremely expensive gamble now, it's the reason you see so many sequels and rehashes of previously successful franchices. The movie studios are very careful about where they spend $100+ million and if there is even the hint of a legal battle that could possibly keep a completed movie from being released in theatres or overseas in places like China where many movies make the majority of their revenue now you can bet Sony will be doing a lot more than saying "meh".

Death Korp of Krieg
Dark Angels 
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