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The hunt for the WORST 1500pt list!!!!!!  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Agile Revenant Titan


Hell, this is easy. Just look in any White Dwarf battle report. It doesn't even matter if they are over 1500 points, WD lists still get frogstomped by your typical tourney ready 1500 point lists.

No earth shattering, thought provoking quote. I'm just someone who was introduced to 40K in the late 80's and it's become a lifelong hobby. 
Made in au
Death-Dealing Ultramarine Devastator

lol, well it would kind of ruin all our fun if every dick and harry collected the same rompa stomping army we did because they saw it in White Dwarf, even if you still beat them it's sad that they got their army idea from a $10 magazine while you had to earn your knowledge through skill and practice!

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

This is really too easy. Here's a "worst possible" Daemon list:

Herald of Tzeentch w/ we are legion and master of sorcery
Herald of Slaanesh
1 beast of nurgle
1 beast of nurgle
1 beast of nurgle
9 Nurglings
9 Nurglings
9 Nurglings
9 Nurglings
9 Nurglings
9 Nurglings
6 Furies
6 Furies
6 Furies

So there you have it, a 15 kill point list with no scoring units because Nurglings are swarms, everyone except Skarbrand and the heralds is I2 or I3, and their opponent will get to reroll assaults. Even better, the two heralds can't hide in units because of the animosity rules, so they're easy kill points.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/04/20 14:29:42

Made in us
Junior Officer with Laspistol

The eye of terror.

ihatehumans wrote:lol, well it would kind of ruin all our fun if every dick and harry collected the same rompa stomping army we did because they saw it in White Dwarf, even if you still beat them it's sad that they got their army idea from a $10 magazine while you had to earn your knowledgefree from the internet

I think that's more correct.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/04/20 15:30:39

Why did the berzerker cross the road?
Gwar! wrote:Willydstyle has it correct
Gwar! wrote:Yup you're absolutely right

New to the game and can't win? Read this.

Made in gb
Daring Dark Eldar Raider Rider


an army of gaunts with as few synapse creatures a possible. I just runs off the board.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2009/04/20 16:32:49

Rangerrob wrote:
Since we have yet to get an answer as to why the Devilfish was on the floor, I'll take a different approach.

Why was the guy walking on the gaming table?
Made in au
Death-Dealing Ultramarine Devastator

willydstyle wrote:
ihatehumans wrote:lol, well it would kind of ruin all our fun if every dick and harry collected the same rompa stomping army we did because they saw it in White Dwarf, even if you still beat them it's sad that they got their army idea from a $10 magazine while you had to earn your knowledgefree from the internet

I think that's more correct.

Hey! Hey! I have to pay $80 a month for my net so that I can cheat on my tests, learn lies on wikipedia and thrash people at my local gaming club who haven't learnt to google yet, I resent the idea that people could get this for FREE!

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

San Francisco

This is actually an interesting concept for a tournament: For each match, you play using your opponent's army, but receive points for winning just like a normal tournament. Thus, the incentive to make the worst possible lists, and the need to make the best possible use of terrible units.

Has any group ever run such a tournament? I suspect that they would have to have a tie-breaker for when two armies with no scoring units face off in an objective mission... :-)

Made in us
Deadshot Weapon Moderati

I really like that idea. Would love to see the results of that. Might even try to give it a shot some time. It would be classic!

Scoring on sportsmanship.
Scoring on Wins

No painting I would say but no proxies either. Might need to make a rule like no reserves. I know you can basically start with no units on the board and a way to make them not come on or some such jazz. Can't lose before the game starts kind of loop hole needs to be avoided. I would say you have to fight no matter what.

Made in ca
Pestilent Plague Marine with Blight Grenade

The Frozen North


Current Imperial Guard Codex:

Schaeffer, plus Chimera with Multi-Laser and Heavy Bolter - 160 points
Kage, plus Chimera with Multi-laser and Heavy Bolter - 120 points
20 Last Chancers each a specialist armed with Master-Crafted Power-Fist, each a Psyker - 1220 points

1500 points exactly.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/04/25 00:54:24

Triggerbaby wrote:In summary, here's your lunch and ask Miss Creaver if she has aloe lotion because I have taken you to school and you have been burned.

Abadabadoobaddon wrote:I too can prove pretty much any assertion I please if I don't count all the evidence that contradicts it.
Made in fi
Twisted Trueborn with Blaster

Any Marine list that I make...

Win/Draw/Lost statics
Space Orks: 11/1/1
Space Marines: 10/2/5
Lizardmen: 8/2/3
High Elves: 13/2/2 and one tournament victory!
Dark Eldar: 1/0/0 
Made in ca
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

Last chancers

20 specialists all with Plasma pistol, powerfist, carapace armor, bionics, meltabombs
1515 pts

2 kps

Made in de
Ladies Love the Vibro-Cannon Operator


Well, how about walking Guardians that are non-supported?

All armies that have no synergy are bad.

Former moderator 40kOnline

Lanchester's square law - please obey in list building!

Illumini: "And thank you for not finishing your post with a "" I'm sorry, but after 7200 's that has to be the most annoying sign-off ever."

Armies: Eldar, Necrons, Blood Angels, Grey Knights; World Eaters (30k); Bloodbound; Cryx, Circle, Cyriss 
Made in ca
Pestilent Plague Marine with Blight Grenade

The Frozen North

AlfredTheStrange wrote:Last chancers

20 specialists all with Plasma pistol, powerfist, carapace armor, bionics, meltabombs
1515 pts

2 kps

That's illegal. Specialists can't have that much Wargear. They have a strict limit of 15 points on their Wargear. Plasma Pistol, Power Fist, Carapace Armour, Bionics and Meltabombs cost 50 points total.

And, just FYI, Master-Crafted Power Fists only count as 15 points against Wargear limits, so you CAN arm them with that...

Triggerbaby wrote:In summary, here's your lunch and ask Miss Creaver if she has aloe lotion because I have taken you to school and you have been burned.

Abadabadoobaddon wrote:I too can prove pretty much any assertion I please if I don't count all the evidence that contradicts it.
Made in gb
Horrific Hive Tyrant

London (work) / Pompey (live, from time to time)

weirdboy, warphead - 85

weirdboy, warphead - 85

10 gretchin, runtherd - 40

10 gretchin, runtherd - 40

13 gretchin, runtherd - 49

10 flash gitz - 250
more dakka, shootier and blastas on all - 150
Unit total - 400

10 flash gitz - 250
more dakka, shootier and blastas on all - 150
Unit total - 400

10 flash gitz - 250
more dakka, shootier and blastas on all - 150
Unit total - 400

1,499 points

Suffused with the dying memories of Sanguinus, the warriors of the Death Company seek only one thing: death in battle fighting against the enemies of the Emperor.  
Made in us
Steadfast Grey Hunter

Company Command Squad-no upgrades

Company Command Squad-no upgrades

Platoon HQ

-50 guardsmen, SWS with no specials

Platoon HQ

-50 guardsmen, SWS with no specials

Platoon HQ

-50 guardsmen, SWS with no specials

Platoon HQ

-50 guardsmen, SWS with no specials

Platoon HQ

-20 guardsmen, SWS with no specials

1490 points of useless guard squish

(Note: any wrong points costs are filled with conscripts!)

Haddi wrote:
Hello Guardsmen, look at your Leman, now back to mine, now back to your Leman, now back to mine. Sadly, your Leman isn't mine, but if they stopped using standard engines and switched to Lucifer Pattern, they could move like they're mine. Look down, back up. Where are you? Your in a battlefield with the Rhino your Leman could move like. Whats in your hand, back at me, I have it, it's the fire control for the Twin-linked Assault Cannons aimed at you. Look again, it's a Deep-Striked Land-Raider. Anything is possible when your Tanks move like Blood Angels, and not like Guardsmen. I'm on a Baneblade. 
Made in gb
Preacher of the Emperor

Manchester, UK

IIRC it is possible to squeeze 150+ SOB into an 1850pts list. Yes, it would be footslogging, but can you imagine you opponents reaction

Player1: What are you playing?

Player2: About 150 suits of power armour which, if you get close to killing, will be getting 3++ saves.

Player1: Oh, go f***ing hang.


Gwar! wrote:Debate it all you want, I just report what the rules actually say. It's up to others to tie their panties in a Knot. I stopped caring long ago.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

San Francisco

MinMax wrote:And, just FYI, Master-Crafted Power Fists only count as 15 points against Wargear limits, so you CAN arm them with that...

Power Fists cost 20 points under the "current" (about to be "old) IG Codex.
Made in ca
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!

Soviet Kanukistan

Space Marines are capable of some terrible combinations:

Master of the Forge, Digital Weapons (110)
2x Scouts w/ Teleport Homer (180)
3x Techmarine, Thunderhammer, Servoharness (315)
3x Thunderfire Cannon, Drop Pod (405)
7x 5 man Servitors (490)
8 2+ save wounds on techmarines.
45 T4 4+ save wounds BS3/WS3 bodies on scouts and servitors... 35 of which do nothing 50% of the time, unless attached to a techmarine.

Here's another gem:

2x Epiolstary Librarian w/ Terminator Armor, Force Dome and Quickening - no shooting weapons!(350)
2x 5 man Scouts (225)
3x 10 man Legion of the Damned (910) Yay! 3+ (I) saves on bolter guys who have to deepstrike.
Made in us
Sword-Bearing Inquisitorial Crusader

Northern Virginia

well this on the heels of another Marine list but here it goes

Vanilla Master of Forge
2x 5 man scout squads

2x 10 man vanguard with 10 thunderhammers/10 plasma pistols

1510 points

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/04/30 04:14:03

"Paranoia is a very reassuring state of mind. If you think they are after you, you think you matter" 
Made in us
Lurking Gaunt

Los Angeles, CA

Ripper bases, and nothing but.


Actually, that'd be hella fun to play.

Made in au
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

Australia, Victoria

NinjaPenguin wrote:Ripper bases, and nothing but.


Actually, that'd be hella fun to play.


My Youtube channel.
"What is a Belmont? A miserable pile of whips and sub-weapons." 
Made in gb
Krazy Grot Kutta Driva


6 un-upgraded haemoculi
rest of the points spent on Mandrakes and Hellions.
Made in us
Bounding Black Templar Assault Marine

Parma, OH

Tau at 1502

1 - Ethereal,naked with no weapons 50
1 -3x Remote Tower Sensors w/Marker Light & Target Lock, no weapons, Troop Choice - 120
6 - 4x Drone Sentry Turrets with 12" range twin linked fusion blasters and deepstrike insertion - to send these to the far corners of the battlefield and as close to the corners as possible - 3 as troops and 3 as Heavy Support - 1156 points
1- 3x Crisis Battle suit - Adavnced Stabilization, Black Sun Filter & Targeting arrays, No weapons

In all 24 weapons with 12" range al on units that have to deepstrike onto the battlefield. Chances are you could play this with no chance of getting a shot off the whole game.

Made in us
Bounding Black Templar Assault Marine

Parma, OH

Actually this could be even worse if you drop a couple of the Heavy Support Drone Sentry Turrets you can take 3 of the non-armed Crisis Battle Suit teams instead of the one and then add Commander Shas'el with Ejection Sytem, Black Sun Filter, Multi-tracker and Target Lock, Command and Control Node, Positional relay and a Shield Geenrator and no weapons for 123 points, That set-up takes you to 1500 and cuts you down to only 16 12" weapons.

Hialmar wrote:Tau at 1502

1 - Ethereal,naked with no weapons 50
1 -3x Remote Tower Sensors w/Marker Light & Target Lock, no weapons, Troop Choice - 120
6 - 4x Drone Sentry Turrets with 12" range twin linked fusion blasters and deepstrike insertion - to send these to the far corners of the battlefield and as close to the corners as possible - 3 as troops and 3 as Heavy Support - 1156 points
1- 3x Crisis Battle suit - Adavnced Stabilization, Black Sun Filter & Targeting arrays, No weapons

In all 24 weapons with 12" range al on units that have to deepstrike onto the battlefield. Chances are you could play this with no chance of getting a shot off the whole game.

Made in us
Wolf Guard Bodyguard in Terminator Armor

Rune Priest, chooser of the slain, auspex, bionics, 102
9 wolf guard body guard, auspex, bionics , 288
Wolf Lord, bionics, auspex, 87
9 wolf guard body guard, auspex, bionics , 288
Iron Priest, basic gear (thunderhammer and bolter/bolt pistol) with 4 thralls, auspex, bionics, 132
Iron Priest, basic gear (thunderhammer and bolter/bolt pistol) with 4 thralls, auspex, bionics, 132
10 Grey Hunters, bolters, frag grenades, wolf totem, 210
Wolf Guard Pack Leader, auspex, bionics, 37
10 Grey Hunters, bolters, frag grenades, 190
Wolf Guard Pack Leader, auspex, bionics, 37

1503 points, and you get 2 useless, weaponless characters, 2 crappy techmarine wananbes who cant even repair, 20 useless, weaponless wolf guard, 8 useless weaponless servitors, and 2 units of 10 grey hunters

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/05/03 14:39:06

THE HORUS HERESY: Emprah: Hours, go reconquer the galaxy so there can be a new golden age. Horus: But I should be Emprah, bawwwwww! Emprah: Magnus, stop it with the sorcery. Magnus: But I know what's best, bawwwwww! Emprah: Horus, tell Russ to bring Magnus to me because I said so. Horus: Emprah wants you to kill Magnus because he said so. Russ: Fine. Emprah's always right. Plus Ole Red has already been denounced as a traitor and I never liked him anyway. Russ: You're about to die, cyclops! Magnus: O noes! Tzeentch, I choose you! Bawwwww! Russ: Ah well. Now to go kill Horus. Russ: Rowboat, how have you not been doing anything? Guilliman: . . . I've been writing a book. Russ: Sigh. Let's go. Guilliman: And I fought the Word Bearers! Horus: Oh shi--Spess Puppies a'comin? Abbadon: And the Ultramarines, sir. Horus: Who? Anyway, this looks bad. *enter Sanguinis* What are you doing here? Come to join me? Sanguinius: *throws self on Horus's power claws* Alas, I am undone! When you play Castlevania, remember me! *enter Emprah* Emprah: Horus! So my favorite son killed my favorite daughter! Horus: What about the Lion? Emprah: Never liked her. Horus: No one does. Now prepare to die! *mortally wounds Emprah*Emprah: Au contraire, you dick. *kills Horus* Dorn: Okay, now I just plug this into this and . . . okay, it works! Emprah? Hellooooo? Jonson: I did nothing! Guilliman: I did more nothing that you! Jonson: Nuh-uh. I was the most worthless! Guilliman: Have you read my book? Dorn: No one likes that book. Khan: C'mon guys. It's not that bad. Dorn: I guess not. Russ: You all suck. Ima go bring the Emprah back to life.
Made in us
Death-Dealing Devastator

Ethereal - 50
Honor Blade - 10

Aun'va - 205

3x crisis suits - 75
3x Shield Generators - 60
3x Advanced Stabilization Systems - 30
3x Targeting Array - 30

3x crisis suits - 75
3x Shield Generators - 60
3x Advanced Stabilization Systems - 30
3x Targeting Array - 30

3x crisis suits - 75
3x Shield Generators - 60
3x Advanced Stabilization Systems - 30
3x Targeting Array - 30

6 fire warriors - 60
Pulse Carbines - 0
Photon, EMP grenades - 24

6 fire warriors - 60
Pulse Carbines - 0
Photon, EMP grenades - 24

6 fire warriors - 60
Pulse Carbines - 0
Photon, EMP grenades - 24

6 fire warriors - 60
Pulse Carbines - 0
Photon, EMP grenades - 24

6 fire warriors - 60
Pulse Carbines - 0
Photon, EMP grenades - 24

6 fire warriors - 60
Pulse Carbines - 0
Photon, EMP grenades - 24

Piranha - 60

Piranha - 60

Piranha - 60

Total - 1534

They kill either ethereal, and watch your entire army run off the board, except for the stingwings.

And it's 14 KP.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2009/05/03 21:46:01

"Each must find their own way. If those in our heartland had witnessed the savageries of the void as have we they would know this. The hand of each of the great starfarers is turned against the other; none will join their strength together just to to see their ancient enemies prosper. Neither should we."
- Commander Farsight. 
Made in us
Ambitious Space Wolves Initiate

Demogerg wrote:Rune Priest, chooser of the slain, auspex, bionics, 102
9 wolf guard body guard, auspex, bionics , 288
Wolf Lord, bionics, auspex, 87
9 wolf guard body guard, auspex, bionics , 288
Iron Priest, basic gear (thunderhammer and bolter/bolt pistol) with 4 thralls, auspex, bionics, 132
Iron Priest, basic gear (thunderhammer and bolter/bolt pistol) with 4 thralls, auspex, bionics, 132
10 Grey Hunters, bolters, frag grenades, wolf totem, 210
Wolf Guard Pack Leader, auspex, bionics, 37
10 Grey Hunters, bolters, frag grenades, 190
Wolf Guard Pack Leader, auspex, bionics, 37

1503 points, and you get 2 useless, weaponless characters, 2 crappy techmarine wananbes who cant even repair, 20 useless, weaponless wolf guard, 8 useless weaponless servitors, and 2 units of 10 grey hunters

A similar list that lets you get up and personal.

Rune Priest 95
Auspex, Bionics, Wolf Pelt
9 Wolf Guard Bodyguard 405
Auspex, Bionics, Runic Charm, Wolf Pelt, Wolf Tooth Necklace
Drop Pod with Locator Beacon - 45

Wolf Guard Battle leader 80
Auspex, Bionics, Wolf Pelt, Wolf Tooth Necklace
9 Wolf Guard Bodyguard 405
Auspex, Bionics, Wolf Pelt, Wolf Tooth Necklace
Drop Pod with Locator Beacon - 45

6 Grey Hunters with Bolters, Wolf Totem 128
Wolf Guard Pack Leader 50
Auspex, Bionics, Wolf Pelt, Wolf Tooth Necklace
Drop Pod with Locator Beacon - 45

6 Grey Hunters with Bolters, 108
Wolf Guard Pack Leader 50
Auspex, Bionics, Wolf Pelt, Wolf Tooth Necklace
Drop Pod with Locator Beacon - 45

10 Kill Points,

34 Models. only 12 Bolters, 12 CC weapons and 4 Storm-bolters for weapons

1501 points.

Strategy is to drop as close to enemy units as possible and assault them.

Victory in combat is not a product of how many you bring, but who they are. 
Made in us
Sister Vastly Superior


Canoness w/ every expensive bit you can muster

2 squads of standard sisters

3 squads of Sisters Repentia.

"...I hit him so hard he saw the curvature of the Earth."
Made in ca
Tail Gunner

1500pts of armoured company hands down!

You have to anihalate the enemy for a win 2/3s of the time
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