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Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

44.328850 / -73.110190

...and Genestealer Cult. If it's there, I missed it.

 Gitsplitta wrote:
That's.... dirt... Skalk. Actual dust. (09/08/2021)
Made in be
Fresh-Faced New User

And where is CUSTODES???????? :-(
Made in us
Unbalanced Fanatic

Atlanta, Ga

IG, Chaos Marines, Grey Knights, and Tau.

I haven't played my Chaos in a while, and I'm updating my IG for an upcoming tourney. My GKs and Tau have always been pretty standard. I just think that GKs, with their access to free force weapons, and MW spam. Hold a pretty nice place in the game, right now.

One has to wonder. Do the Tyranids consider drop-assault troops... fast food? 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Columbia, SC (USA)

I play Imperial Guard.

Didn't vote though since I hate the name, Astra Militarum.

And where are GSC, Custodes, and Votann? Inquisition isn't even an army now but the others are.

The secret to painting a really big army is to keep at it. You can't reach your destination if you never take any steps.

I build IG...lots and lots of IG.  
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Iron Hands painted as an custom successor chapter.
Adeptus Mechanicus as an custom forge world.
Word Bearers
Drukhari as an custom Kabal/Cult/Coven
Made in de
Annoyed Blood Angel Devastator

Frankfurt, Germany

Blood Angels, CSM, and some Orkz on the side.
Desperately trying to suppress the urge to buy loads of Eldar, if that counts.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/09 12:02:42

'Awsum' is the highest rating I can give something based on quality. Example: I would call it an 'Awsum' AWS-8Q instead of an 'Awesome'
Yes-Close To The Edge is the best song of all time and I'll virus bomb/PPC anyone who says otherwise
my Plog:
my firstborn blood angels army blog: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/813479.page

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