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The Worst Design Flaw in 40k  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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I think it's not having a consistent design choice over 7 complete editions of the core rules.

Shine on, Kaldor Dayglow!
Not Ken Lobb

Made in us
Agile Revenant Titan

Austin, Texas.

 jasper76 wrote:
Yeah i guess that was what happened. The guy was playing death guard and by the beginning of Round 3 I had taken out all his heavy weapons. He still had a ton of death guard, but zip he had left on the board could damage AV12, so soddenly two AV12 walkers ripped right through his army. Not even Typhus could hurt him.

It was just a bad game. I don't like that it's so easy to bring things down to mathematical certitude so quickly.

I could be wrong but if choas are like the loyalists, dont they all have krak* grenades? Meaning every one of his models can hurt your walkers?

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/08/18 03:31:35

I do drugs.
Mostly Plastic Crack, but I do dabble in Cardboard Cocaine. 
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Automated Rubric Marine of Tzeentch

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

 jasper76 wrote:
crack grenades

This message was edited 6 times. Last update was at 2014/08/18 02:58:24

"We are the Red Sorcerers of Prospero, damned in the eyes of our fellows, and this is to be how our story ends, in betrayal and bloodshed. No...you may find it nobler to suffer your fate, but I will take arms against it." -Ahzek Ahriman
1250 Points of The Prodigal Sons  
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Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps

Phoenix, AZ, USA

A major design flaw of 7th Ed is that GW wrote it to be 3rd Ed (5th iteration), as seen in all the missing rules they seem to think they wrote but didn't. Examples include, but not limited to:

Building rules (those are in 6th)
Moving through other models (somewhere in 5th)
Vehicle top and bottom AV (3rd)


“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world.”
- Ephesians 6:12
Made in au
Crazed Spirit of the Defiler


Not entirely sure if i'm honest, but random charge distance was a real ripper.

Not neccessarily a design flaw, but if they interacted with the community and took suggestions to balance it more, that would be amazing.

Made in gb
Prophetic Blood Angel Librarian

 ThunderFury 2575 wrote:
Not entirely sure if i'm honest, but random charge distance was a real ripper.

Not neccessarily a design flaw, but if they interacted with the community and took suggestions to balance it more, that would be amazing.

I agree. Being two body lenths (model wise) away from an opponent and failing a charge is ridiculous!
Made in ru
!!Goffik Rocker!!

ForeverARookie wrote:
The biggest flaw apart from GW's policies is definitely the way turns work. One side shooting everything first means the the second player will have a much reduced army to fight back with from the start, and the problem is worse with larger lists.

It could be fixed by removing player turns entirely and replacing them with a modified game turn like...

1st: Player 1 Movement Phase
2nd: Player 2 Movement Phase
3rd: Shooting Phase: All models have an Initiative. Each unit takes it Shooting Phase action at it's Initiative step. Slain models at the same Initiative step is handled the same way as close combat. Super-heavies would go last for balance.
4th: Charge Sub-phase Units have the option to declare charges using the same Initiative order. If a unit is charged, they may choose to counter-charge or fire overwatch.
5th: Fight subphase: Same as it is now.
*: Repeat 5-7 times.

So, orkses (my army) alwayz going last and eldar alwayz going first? Now i alwayz want to place models last cause otherwise, there's no way my army's gona work with all those fragile vehicles and huge av12 battlewagon sides when ALL the opponents i'm facing are gona 100% of the time alpha-strike me if i even can't reliably hide my army placing second.

If you ask me, it's a worse game design than existing one. Initiative's not supposed to work like this. You should add another stat that represents battle-readiness and pay extra points for it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/08/18 06:00:32

Made in nz
Stealthy Space Wolves Scout

Auckland, New Zealand

Adapt the Lord of the Rings system?

Without the Hobbit cluttering.

Most elegant GW system ever.

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I find passive aggressive messages in people's signatures quite amusing. 
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Soul Token

West Yorkshire, England

ForeverARookie wrote:
The biggest flaw apart from GW's policies is definitely the way turns work. One side shooting everything first means the the second player will have a much reduced army to fight back with from the start, and the problem is worse with larger lists.

Other ways to avoid that would be to reduce weapon ranges so that you can't alpha strike the other army before they can actually do anything. Yes, this is less "realistic", but it's really not that realistic that all the tanks and super-heavies with massive-range weapons got so close in the first place without shooting at each other.

"The 75mm gun is firing. The 37mm gun is firing, but is traversed round the wrong way. The Browning is jammed. I am saying "Driver, advance." and the driver, who can't hear me, is reversing. And as I look over the top of the turret and see twelve enemy tanks fifty yards away, someone hands me a cheese sandwich." 
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Huge Hierodule

land of 10k taxes

Codex creep aka units good in the old codex are shitte in the new codex. Buy more model please. Not really a flaw, designed that way.

was censored by the ministry of truth 
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Regular Dakkanaut

Randomness = fun / balance

CSM Undivided
CSM Khorne 
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Moustache-twirling Princeps

Gone-to-ground in the craters of Coventry

If you bring an army that cannot deal with an enemy unit means you left something out.
S8 models like the Wraithknight cannot be hurt by Bolters. You didn't pack a Lascannon? Line up the bodybags.

The idea of the codexes is that there's a counter to everything. Some codexes have problems with that. But there are units there that can fill roles that other units cannot.

Which is why everyone tells you to take anti-tank as well as anti-infantry.
If the enemy takes out your AV, that's a win for them.

6000 pts - 4000 pts - Harlies: 1000 pts - 1000 ptsDS:70+S+G++MB+IPw40k86/f+D++A++/cWD64R+T(T)DM+
IG/AM force nearly-finished pieces: http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/images-38888-41159_Armies%20-%20Imperial%20Guard.html
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." - George Bernard Shaw (probably)
Clubs around Coventry, UK 
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Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

Oregon, USA

 Elemental wrote:
ForeverARookie wrote:
The biggest flaw apart from GW's policies is definitely the way turns work. One side shooting everything first means the the second player will have a much reduced army to fight back with from the start, and the problem is worse with larger lists.

Other ways to avoid that would be to reduce weapon ranges so that you can't alpha strike the other army before they can actually do anything. Yes, this is less "realistic", but it's really not that realistic that all the tanks and super-heavies with massive-range weapons got so close in the first place without shooting at each other.

This, to a degree.

Warmahordes ranges, for example, are drastically shorter than 40K.

A LONG ranged weapon has a range of about 18'', and most are far shorter.

This means that you have to get close to do any damage, and they then get to close with you fast also. You have to actually risk your shooty stuff being eaten in CC whenever they are in range.

Most of my favorite 40K games happened at very close range. Being bombed off the table turn one before you've even moved just isn't fun (for the bombee - the bomber probably enjoys it no end if he's being a dick).

Nothing like setting up a bunch of models, then putting them away again unused, then having to shake the hand of someone whose idea of a fun game is to hide behind a wall

P.S. apologies if i sound a little bitter, but just got back from a tournament where my three opponents were Tau Artillery Smackdown (from behind a wall and with a vsg) , IG Artillery Spam (from behind a wall, and with an Aquila strongpoint) and Eldar waveserpent shield bombardment (from behind 2 walls... )

The Viletide: Daemons of Nurgle/Deathguard: 7400 pts
Disclples of the Dragon - Ad Mech - about 2000 pts
GSC - about 2000 Pts
Rhulic Mercs - um...many...
Circle Oroboros - 300 Pts or so
Menoth - 300+ pts
Made in us
Thane of Dol Guldur

The krak grenades didn't occur to me....wish it would have, although in honesty, it wouldnt have helped him out. At least it would've given him next to no chance, instead of just no chance.

This was the army the guy brought. It was loaded with death guard. He had a vindicator and a predator. With lucky rolls I took them both out by Round 2. He had melts and plasma, which also got taken out. Anyway by the beginning of Round 3, he still had a gakload of Plague Marines on the board, but there was nothing (except the krak grenades, which obviously did not occur to either of us) that could hurt AV12 deff dreds (sp?).

Was really just venting as this was a 2.5k game, took a lot of time to setup, and I had to read all the rules for the models I was using because they were unfamiliar. Just a really bad game that took 3 x longer to setup than it did to reach an inevitable conclusion.

The way I read krak grenades, he would have gotten 1 attack per round that could've glanced on a 6...it was still inevitable once his heavy weapons were gone.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2014/08/18 22:40:59

Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

 ThunderFury 2575 wrote:
Not entirely sure if i'm honest, but random charge distance was a real ripper.

Not neccessarily a design flaw, but if they interacted with the community and took suggestions to balance it more, that would be amazing.

Random charges exist, because they wanted to introduce pre-measuring. Pre-measuring combined with fixed charge ranges would make it too easy to stay within 6.1" range from the enemy and thus safe from charging.

For 40k, I prefer IGOUGO-system over activation system. This is because rhythm of the game is more comfortable that way: you play your turn, move around and kill some stuff, then you lay back, sip some bee...er, lemonade, watch as your opponent does his turn and you only get up to roll some saves or close combat. It's much more relaxing than being alert the entire match.

Mr Vetock, give back my Multi-tracker! 
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Worst design flaw in 40K? The point system. Please explain to me how a Space Marine costs the same as a Genestealer. (ok SM might be a point or 2 more than a Stealer but still way so more effective than a Stealer).

Agies Grimm:The "Learn to play, bro" mentality is mostly just a way for someone to try to shame you by implying that their metaphorical nerd-wiener is bigger than yours. Which, ironically, I think nerds do even more vehemently than jocks.

Everything is made up and the points don't matter. 40K or Who's Line is it Anyway?

Auticus wrote: Or in summation: its ok to exploit shoddy points because those are rules and gamers exist to find rules loopholes (they are still "legal"), but if the same force can be composed without structure, it emotionally feels "wrong".  
Made in us
Cosmic Joe

Davor wrote:
Worst design flaw in 40K? The point system. Please explain to me how a Space Marine costs the same as a Genestealer. (ok SM might be a point or 2 more than a Stealer but still way so more effective than a Stealer).

Cannoness costs the same as a Chaos Lord.
How much is a Riptide compared to a Defiler?

Also, check out my history blog: Minimum Wage Historian, a fun place to check out history that often falls between the couch cushions. 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 jasper76 wrote:
The krak grenades didn't occur to me....wish it would have, although in honesty, it wouldnt have helped him out. At least it would've given him next to no chance, instead of just no chance.

This was the army the guy brought. It was loaded with death guard. He had a vindicator and a predator. With lucky rolls I took them both out by Round 2. He had melts and plasma, which also got taken out. Anyway by the beginning of Round 3, he still had a gakload of Plague Marines on the board, but there was nothing (except the krak grenades, which obviously did not occur to either of us) that could hurt AV12 deff dreds (sp?).

Was really just venting as this was a 2.5k game, took a lot of time to setup, and I had to read all the rules for the models I was using because they were unfamiliar. Just a really bad game that took 3 x longer to setup than it did to reach an inevitable conclusion.

The way I read krak grenades, he would have gotten 1 attack per round that could've glanced on a 6...it was still inevitable once his heavy weapons were gone.

Sounds like he didn't have much anti-tank to be honest. Any 2500 point guard list I made would have at least 10 meltaguns and 6-7 heavy weapons on my tr oops alone. Position them towards the back of the squad and there is very little your enemy can do to take them out.

What else was in his army? 1 vindicator and a predator sounds pretty light for 2,500 points.
Made in us
Thane of Dol Guldur

Iirc he had 5 Spawn as well, a unit of Plague Zombies, and Rhinos for his Plague Marines.

There were a ton of Plague Marines. After we called it quits I did tell him to put more heavy stuff in that army list.
Made in us
Agile Revenant Titan

Austin, Texas.

 jasper76 wrote:
The way I read krak grenades, he would have gotten 1 attack per round that could've glanced on a 6...it was still inevitable once his heavy weapons were gone.

1 per model, in a 10 man squad thats 10 s6 attacks. Not great, but better than nothing.

I do drugs.
Mostly Plastic Crack, but I do dabble in Cardboard Cocaine. 
Made in us
Thane of Dol Guldur

 ninjafiredragon wrote:
 jasper76 wrote:
The way I read krak grenades, he would have gotten 1 attack per round that could've glanced on a 6...it was still inevitable once his heavy weapons were gone.

1 per model, in a 10 man squad thats 10 s6 attacks. Not great, but better than nothing.

Hmmm. P. 181 specifies one model per unit can use krak grenades in the Shooting Phase, but doesn't specify how many models in a unit can use them in an assault...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Actually page 180, first paragraph specifies that only one grenade can be thrown by a unit per phase , so I read that as only 1 grenade in an assault phase per unit.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/08/19 01:18:45

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Springfield, VA

 jasper76 wrote:
 ninjafiredragon wrote:
 jasper76 wrote:
The way I read krak grenades, he would have gotten 1 attack per round that could've glanced on a 6...it was still inevitable once his heavy weapons were gone.

1 per model, in a 10 man squad thats 10 s6 attacks. Not great, but better than nothing.

Hmmm. P. 181 specifies one model per unit can use krak grenades in the Shooting Phase, but doesn't specify how many models in a unit can use them in an assault...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Actually page 180, first paragraph specifies that only one grenade can be thrown by a unit per phase , so I read that as only 1 grenade in an assault phase per unit.

Grenades are only thrown in the shooting phase. Krak grenades in the assault phase are one attack per model at Strength 6.

If he had ~2000pts entirely of plague marines (since what you've said that weren't plague marines were only around 500 points, if that), he should've had enough str 6 stuff to glance a pair of AV12 walkers to death. Easily.
Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut

But wave serpents move faster then plague marines. How are they suppose to get in to melee and deliver those kraks?
Made in ca
Commander of the Mysterious 2nd Legion

Davor wrote:
Worst design flaw in 40K? The point system. Please explain to me how a Space Marine costs the same as a Genestealer. (ok SM might be a point or 2 more than a Stealer but still way so more effective than a Stealer).

that's more a flaw with individual codexes rather then the system. I mean the only other way to balance it would be as opposed to saying "here's your FOC you may take x units within these permeters of these many points" you'd instead have "ok let's have a game, how about 3 troops, 2 elites and a fast attack" "ok sure, I'm playing space Marines, I'll take 3 tatical squads, 2 heavy bolter devestator squads, and a land speeder, what are you taking" "ohh I'm taking 3 squads of grey knight terminators 2 squads of Paladins and a Storm raven"

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/08/19 07:20:03

Opinions are not facts please don't confuse the two 
Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

Yeah, most of the 'design flaws' people generally cite are actually flaw of the bad Codex design.

For example, people complained in 5th edition how powerful vehicles were. It's true that they were made bit tougher, but just as big factor was that new set of Codecies made the vehicles - particularly dedicated transports - cheap as heck. Then 6th edition and assault nerf, again part of the problem was that in addition to changes in basic rules, they gave some armies insanely cheap dakka which could be spammed to such extent that it was all but impossible to successfully assault - Tau particularly.

There just seems to be total disconnect in how the game is balanced. It's as if none of the people who write the rules and make the army books talk to each other, much less concert their effort in any way.

Mr Vetock, give back my Multi-tracker! 
Made in au
Hacking Proxy Mk.1


BrianDavion wrote:
Davor wrote:
Worst design flaw in 40K? The point system. Please explain to me how a Space Marine costs the same as a Genestealer. (ok SM might be a point or 2 more than a Stealer but still way so more effective than a Stealer).

that's more a flaw with individual codexes rather then the system. I mean the only other way to balance it would be as opposed to saying "here's your FOC you may take x units within these permeters of these many points" you'd instead have "ok let's have a game, how about 3 troops, 2 elites and a fast attack" "ok sure, I'm playing space Marines, I'll take 3 tatical squads, 2 heavy bolter devestator squads, and a land speeder, what are you taking" "ohh I'm taking 3 squads of grey knight terminators 2 squads of Paladins and a Storm raven"

Point systems are necessary for non historical games, but GWs implementation of it is just absurdly awful.

I'd still say the worst design flaws are:
A) The lack of commitment to a real scale, it needs to either scale back to a skirmish game or strip the skirmish rules out of it and go for real mass battles.
B) The IGOUGO system. In a skirmish game it is fine, at the current scale of 40k I have literally nearly fallen asleep waiting for my turn. The turns are too long and alpha strike too powerful for it to work.

 Fafnir wrote:
Oh, I certainly vote with my dollar, but the problem is that that is not enough. The problem with the 'vote with your dollar' response is that it doesn't take into account why we're not buying the product. I want to enjoy 40k enough to buy back in. It was my introduction to traditional games, and there was a time when I enjoyed it very much. I want to buy 40k, but Gamesworkshop is doing their very best to push me away, and simply not buying their product won't tell them that.
Made in us
Grim Rune Priest in the Eye of the Storm

Riverside CA

I think it is the ID/EW System and it is not for the reasons most people think.
The problem started with the creation of Instant Death. All of a sudden models were being killed off to easy so they created Eternal Warrior for specific Models to balance it out.
To me this was a failure to deal with an issue in a positive way.

It is not the ID/EW is actually the issue, it is the current players reaction to it that is the problem. The moment a model does not have the knee jerk response it "With out EW this model is worthless because he will get killed with on lucky shot so I am not going to use it."

The way we first misread it would have been better. We read it the first time as ID did not need to roll to wound. This would have made it a much more balanced rule. EW would just mean that you still had to roll to wound.

Space Wolf Player Since 1989
My First Impression Threads:

I am a Furry that plays with little Toy Soldiers; if you are taking me too seriously I am not the only one with Issues.

IEGA Web Site”: http://www.meetup.com/IEGA-InlandEmpireGamersAssociation/ 
Made in gb
Killer Klaivex

The dark behind the eyes.

Personally, I think infantry should have a rule along the lines of 'combined ranged attack' in Warmahordes.

i.e. a way to combine a large number of weak shots into a few stronger ones (probably with some restrictions).

 blood reaper wrote:
I will respect human rights and trans people but I will never under any circumstances use the phrase 'folks' or 'ya'll'. I would rather be killed by firing squad.

 the_scotsman wrote:
Yeah, when i read the small novel that is the Death Guard unit options and think about resolving the attacks from a melee-oriented min size death guard squad, the thing that springs to mind is "Accessible!"

 Argive wrote:
GW seems to have a crystal ball and just pulls hairbrained ideas out of their backside for the most part.

 Andilus Greatsword wrote:

"Prepare to open fire at that towering Wraithknight!"

Akiasura wrote:
I hate to sound like a serial killer, but I'll be reaching for my friend occam's razor yet again.

 insaniak wrote:

You're not. If you're worried about your opponent using 'fake' rules, you're having fun the wrong way. This hobby isn't about rules. It's about buying Citadel miniatures.

Please report to your nearest GW store for attitude readjustment. Take your wallet.
Made in ca
Lord of the Fleet

Halifornia, Nova Scotia

 jonolikespie wrote:

I'd still say the worst design flaws are:
A) The lack of commitment to a real scale, it needs to either scale back to a skirmish game or strip the skirmish rules out of it and go for real mass battles.
B) The IGOUGO system. In a skirmish game it is fine, at the current scale of 40k I have literally nearly fallen asleep waiting for my turn. The turns are too long and alpha strike too powerful for it to work.

I second this.

Mordian Iron Guard - Major Overhaul in Progress

+Spaceship Gaming Enthusiast+

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Made in au
Fresh-Faced New User

As far as I'm aware, the closest GW have ever come to one army being unbeatable by another was Man O' War - Norse v Dwarfs.

Dwarf ships cannot be boarded unless they have already been damaged, cracking open the armour.

Norse ships have neither ranged weaponry nor rams, and fight only by boarding.

The only option that gave the Norse even a slim chance was taking a wizard.
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