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Confrontation: Resurrection-Skirimsh and board game confirmed.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Member of a Lodge? I Can't Say

Philadelphia PA

 odinsgrandson wrote:
You make some good points. It is entirely possible that Miniatures Market is out a lot of money over this.

Another sale on Warmahordes coming up then?


I gotta say this came as no surprise. I got burned on Robotech and now I'm cautious on any KS that promises the moon.

I prefer to buy from miniature manufacturers that *don't* support the overthrow of democracy. 
Made in us
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?

Affton, MO. USA

 odinsgrandson wrote:
You make some good points. It is entirely possible that Miniatures Market is out a lot of money over this.

Which could be a really GOOD thing. I don't wish them bad, they are my local shop being only a couple miles away. But if they did put in a lot of money and then it doesn't deliver there is always the chance they could sue for compensation, which could lead to them acquiring the right to Confrontation . That would be a huge boon for the game as MM could then have the game as their flagship. They bought the game All Quiet on the Martian Front, so another game isn't out of the question. Also with their obvious connection to CMON, they could go full boardgame plastic with it.

all just hopeful speculation.

LOL, Theo your mind is an amazing place, never change.-camkierhi 9/19/13
I cant believe theo is right.. damn. -comradepanda 9/26/13
None of the strange ideas we had about you involved your sexual orientation..........-Monkeytroll 12/10/13

I'd put you on ignore for that comment, if I could...Alpharius 2/11/14 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I just question if there's really enough demand for Confrontation to bring it back in plastic? I love me some good PVC minis but so many people have been burned by it, even from the original Rackham shutting down, I just don't see how the game can ever come back after multiple attempts and failures.
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


It's an opportunity to make use of all that varied sculpting talent to create a new game without the baggage, where the miniatures are focused on a similar stylized aesthetic.

As it stands, it's a 15 year old game, Rackham collapsed 10 years ago. I think miniature companies of today could do better than to follow in the footsteps of 2 different companies that ran themselves into the ground.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I mean that was the point of CMoN Way of Kings. After they gave up on Confrontation Phoenix they just took the Ex-Rackham talent they had and put them on that game.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/08/08 00:10:26

Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending

 Vertrucio wrote:
It's an opportunity to make use of all that varied sculpting talent to create a new game without the baggage, where the miniatures are focused on a similar stylized aesthetic.

Also, Legends of Signum? Sans Detour, of course, decided to go after the creators of that game for their recastings after funding.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 odinsgrandson wrote:
- Fixing crowd funding to be a safer place for backers seems like it would necessarily make it a less friendly place for new creators and defeat its purpose of eliminating gatekeeping. At least I don't see a way to have one without the other.

I keep wondering, though, how many more backers KS would have if KS didn't have the "wild west" risk of backers losing all their money with little recourse.

Creators, of course, have their own problems with KS. Something like 10% or 15% of pledged money isn't collected. Backers who cancel their pledges through their credit card result in the creator paying refund charges and lower their credit reputation (?). And, of course, KS doesn't help the creator find a retail channel, nor a way to reprint product with uncertain demand (eg. expansion sets).

From a Gloomhaven thread, I got the impression that retail pre-orders only reserved a copy of an existing print run. Anyone know if there's a pre-order system that funds the publishing company before their product is made, but with a guarantee that the product will be delivered or your money back?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/08/08 04:26:28

Crimson Scales and Wildspire Miniatures thread on Reaper! : https://forum.reapermini.com/index.php?/topic/103935-wildspire-miniatures-thread/ 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


 ced1106 wrote:

From a Gloomhaven thread, I got the impression that retail pre-orders only reserved a copy of an existing print run. Anyone know if there's a pre-order system that funds the publishing company before their product is made, but with a guarantee that the product will be delivered or your money back?

Nothing that would work, anything were the money is actually needed would be subject to the same problems of a company failing to make the items for whatever reason (scam, overoptimistic costings, getting stiffed by their manufacturer, unforeseen crisis etc) and your left with a business in administration and nobody to pay the refund

anybody large enough not too need the money at all to pay for the product/design/staff etc is probably not going to use the service as it ties them into release dates nd what product actually gets made far more than is ideal

Made in be
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Theophony wrote:
 odinsgrandson wrote:
You make some good points. It is entirely possible that Miniatures Market is out a lot of money over this.

Which could be a really GOOD thing. I don't wish them bad, they are my local shop being only a couple miles away. But if they did put in a lot of money and then it doesn't deliver there is always the chance they could sue for compensation, which could lead to them acquiring the right to Confrontation . That would be a huge boon for the game as MM could then have the game as their flagship. They bought the game All Quiet on the Martian Front, so another game isn't out of the question. Also with their obvious connection to CMON, they could go full boardgame plastic with it.

all just hopeful speculation.

Unfortunately, since SD doesn't own the Confrontation license, MM can't buy anything from them as compensation.

Let's not forget the license is in the hands of Stellar licensing. Basically they can say "so long suckers!" and you can't do anything about it.

But I guess Stellar licensing could make a deal with another society to sell Confrontation miniatures, sure. I wonder if there will be many willing to do so after the bad reputation of the SD's kickstarter, though...
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


I'd wager since they've made a load of models at some stage Stella will licence it out to another firm managed by someone else in their friend/business circle with the hope of making a big amount of noise in a year or two. Basically try and pull the wool over people's eyes.

Honestly I'd say go buy into Legends of Signum - same aesthetic designs and the team behind it seem far more competent! https://signumgames.com

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


I think Stella Licencing is owned by one of the San Detour owners (the finance director?) so unless there is criminal finding against him which leads to its seizure I can't see it going anywhere (or anybody sensible wanting to hand money over for the use of it)

Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

Melbourne, Australia

 Monkeysloth wrote:
I just question if there's really enough demand for Confrontation to bring it back in plastic?

Given how much and how cuikly funding came in for this KS before the rat started smelling there absoluetly is.

I've been saying for a while that game fo Confrontation is dead, mostly thanks to the inept crookedness of the people holding the licence. However, if someone were to create their own game based heavily on the 3rd ed rules (which, while great, are 15 years old and creaky so need some tidying) and spread the word far and wide as to the aim I do think, done properly, it would do well.

One of the main issues in the past are the rpesence of recasters, but much of the old Rackham line is just that, and there's plenty of opportunity to grow from those old sculpts into new ones, which would also sideline places like Cadwallon.

I half jokingly spoke to Pete at Demented Games (who make twisted) that they should get the licence to do just that as they're known for making great models people just love to paint even if they don't play the game (a la Conf), but he said it's not going to happen. And he also pointed out quite a few of the Conf rules made it into Twisted.

Anyway, yes there's a market for a return of Conf if it's done right.

The galaxy is littered with the single-planet graveyards of civilisations which made the economically sensible decision not to explore space. 
Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Mike, do you think Legends of Signum, Twisted, or another game will be a "successful" spiritual successor to Confrontation? i guess by "successful" I mean will have a devoted following or something like that...

Crimson Scales and Wildspire Miniatures thread on Reaper! : https://forum.reapermini.com/index.php?/topic/103935-wildspire-miniatures-thread/ 
Made in us

Twisted! could be, it has similar rules and FANTASTIC miniatures, but it is a small outfit at this point, based in Australia - it definitely deserves to be more...popular/successful/etc.!

But yes, I agree with .Mikes. - Confrontation could still be a player in the market, if it could somehow land in the hands of a reputable company.
Made in us
Raging Rat Ogre


I concur, and not just due to nostalgia. When Confrontation was new and only in French, me and some friends began buying for the sculpts. When we found translated rules, we began playing. When Nemesis came out, we played the hell out of it. At-43? We still play a few times a year, as it is a damn good game...and we own all the armies. Ragnarok? Well, an attempt was made...

Did we pledge? Yes...3 of us did, and after about 4 days 2 dropped it and I stayed at 1€. Will we go after a new edition by someone reputable? Yes.

Aarklash is a wonderful setting, and just the right kind of fantasy world. Currently Mierce and Signum are filling that void for Rackham, but we are always hoping...

Urusei Yatsura, Cerebus the Aardvark, Machiavelli, Plato and Happy Days. So, how was your childhood?

Made in us


I wish Mierce's ruleset was "only" as complex as Confrontation's was!

But yes, their miniatures are, for the most part, brilliant.
Made in ca
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran

California the Southern

I think it'll take a dedicated effort to see this game come back, like Para Bellum is doing with Conquest. Put the legwork in and play the long game.

It'd be great to see Twisted get to a similar level, but I don't know if they could levy the resources necessary to do that.

Signum has the model quality and output but their flagship game is more of ccg hybrid- although I believe the Dragon hunter one they made plays a bit different.
I think they'd rather continue to carve out their own niche game- wise these days and move away from the stigma of being known as a Rackham ripoff.
I also think they'd do better to focus their attentions on the war game crowd rather than board and card gamers who are a bit more loathe to build models, but that's their prerogative.

Or you go the Wrath of Kings route, where you make a game that carries on the spirit with nice models, rules, and fluff- but hopefully with more support! Or just bring it back. I don't mind.

Poorly lit photos of my ever- growing collection of completely unrelated models!

Watch and listen to me ramble about these minis before ruining them with paint!
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


I honestly hope the Signum team does well and moves fully away form being recasters into supporting their own game full time. I'm not one to support recasting in general, however as a team they are showing a passion for the hobby and ploughing resources back into the industry through their own game.

I also recall that when the Confrontation KS got underway they did also stop selling the Confrontation models on their site; even after the Confrontation team then sabotaged the Signum Kickstarter for a while (which still funded well).

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 .Mikes. wrote:
 Monkeysloth wrote:
I just question if there's really enough demand for Confrontation to bring it back in plastic?

Given how much and how cuikly funding came in for this KS before the rat started smelling there absoluetly is.

I've been saying for a while that game fo Confrontation is dead, mostly thanks to the inept crookedness of the people holding the licence. However, if someone were to create their own game based heavily on the 3rd ed rules (which, while great, are 15 years old and creaky so need some tidying) and spread the word far and wide as to the aim I do think, done properly, it would do well.

One of the main issues in the past are the rpesence of recasters, but much of the old Rackham line is just that, and there's plenty of opportunity to grow from those old sculpts into new ones, which would also sideline places like Cadwallon.

I half jokingly spoke to Pete at Demented Games (who make twisted) that they should get the licence to do just that as they're known for making great models people just love to paint even if they don't play the game (a la Conf), but he said it's not going to happen. And he also pointed out quite a few of the Conf rules made it into Twisted.

Anyway, yes there's a market for a return of Conf if it's done right.

I think there's demand for the game but not in plastic as the person I was replying too was talking about. Especially after this KSer just cost a lot of people money. The demand isn't going to be as high next time.

I mean SD were crooked as hell but CMoN wasn't (well at least at the time they had the licenses as we're still waiting for their audit review) but dropped it do to recasters causing them too much of a headache (official reason) but probably also a strong pushback from their rules rewrite as Confrontation fans aren't really welcoming of change from my experience. This is not really uncommon with groups that keep a dead game alive for like 15 years.

I'm sure Peter would love to bring it back, I've known him since the old days of Dragon Painting (though FB friends haven't talked with him much over the years), but I think him and Sebastian are happy doing their own thing. That brings a bigger issue that creatives want to be creative without the baggage of the expectations of a very well established fan group. You're restricted quite a lot in making new stuff without really causing an uproar so it takes someone that really, really wants to live exclusively in those very firm and set expectations (or one of the original designers/creators) to take on the project.

Also if we're listing out games with Confrontation rules inspirations Bushido has many as well and the designers have stated Rackham closing down the catalyst for them creating the game.
Made in be
Longtime Dakkanaut

Honestly, recasters don't have anything to do with keeping Confrontation from being reborn again. Recasters just provide miniatures that aren't available somewhere else. I call it BS on Cmon's official reason to get rid of the license - seeing what they did with Wrath of King, I believe the true reason is more about Cmon not knowing what to do with it to make it profitable for them.

And it is tied to the fans of Confrontation, in the end. When the Kickstarter was done, it was all about nostalgy - bringing back the miniatures and rules of the past days. Even though SD (and Joss) talked about the next step of making a new game, I believe they knew as well the real difficulty is to bring something new with Confrontation that won't make the nostalgic fans mad.

We see it with GW's Blood Bowl new season changing the rules (even if it's not a complete overhaul) - veterans aren't happy with it at all, because that's not what they wanted. They just wanted the same teams than before with the same rules they know. I think Confrontation's problem is that as well.

That's why the most interesting things that happen from Confrontation are actually games that are inspired from it, but aren't Confrontation. The license in itself is just too burdensome - you can't do anything too new, yet you have to bring something new to make it profitable. It's easier to make a whole new license, really. At least, you won't have to suffer the comparison with its past.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/08/09 21:24:06

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


As I recall Cmon also put some very high prices on the few models for Confrontation that they did sell - I seem to recall one of the dragons at something like $300 or so. Ergo they went very high end with the price that likely cut out a huge portion even of the nostalgic market.

I think the issue with old fans only wanting the old game is valid, but like Bloodbowl once its out, provided it takes off, then it should grow with new fans. Plus sometimes the anti-change is just random fear of change and once its done people move on.

The real issue Confrontation has had is missmanagement and that's been present since before its demise (since it helped contribute to it). Since its demise its had terrible management. It's hanging on, but it lacks the right attitude, and finances, behind it to get it off the ground again.

Sadly at this stage SD have likely killed it in a terrible way. The KS didn't just fail its folded like all their other firms and that's going to leave a huge sour experience for what is supposed to be the biggest core of fans. That will only be restored with a new firm taking over - perhaps even only a big established name that has a good track record. Not SD or any of their other licence firms - that bridge is burned and honestly I hope it remains burned when you look at how used to closing, folding and killing off firms they are.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Overread wrote:
As I recall Cmon also put some very high prices on the few models for Confrontation that they did sell - I seem to recall one of the dragons at something like $300 or so. Ergo they went very high end with the price that likely cut out a huge portion even of the nostalgic market.

They did but at first everyone was fine with it as the first few items were models that had never been released or had been really rare. It was the one two punch of charging really high prices for the gargoyles, the fionnas (easily available things at the time on ebay) and then they released the dragon which they weren't even casting but were from a wharehouse and were all from the Rackham days at a really high price over what it originally was that people got upset and CMoN saw the sales really drop as people were pretty sure CMoN paid pennies on the dollar for those dragons. If it had been closer to the original MSRP people probably would have been fine with the dragon but not at like double the price it was expected at.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/08/10 00:33:54

Made in de
Trustworthy Shas'vre


The Rackham IP by now is dead. SD really nailed it (pun intended). The rights are all over the place and chances of getting all of them are close to nil.
Best thing is to take the rules, tidy them up and create a similar but different universe.

André Winter
L'Art Noir - Game Design and Translation Studio 
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

Melbourne, Australia

*taps mic* is this thing on?

The galaxy is littered with the single-planet graveyards of civilisations which made the economically sensible decision not to explore space. 
Made in be
Longtime Dakkanaut

 .Mikes. wrote:
*taps mic* is this thing on?

It is. I was reading the thread since its beginnings, it's interesting with the insight from now. Fun too, when you interacted with Duncan_Idaho at the time you were a supporter of the KS and doubting his words about his knowledge of how the industry works.

On other news, we have some words from Christian Grussi, the artistic director from Sans-Détour, who confirms he received his letter of dismissal and can now "speak freely". He said he wasn't part of the Confrontation KS's team, but he was working on the Aventure's project on Ulule. Of course, it's in french, but you can have a general idea with Google Trad.

Source : https://rafiot-fringant.com/retour-sur-sans-detour/?fbclid=IwAR3w-Pso5rf9qvenkVDowUKgBvYYHrjG8qYnKSTyJr8hXk9MIK7Fz4MMQIE

Google Trad

I am finally officially free, released from any obligation, after 12 years. I received the termination letter. The Sans-Détour period, a company I helped found, is now part of my past. And I am relieved. So much so that it's hard to imagine. So yes, there were some very beautiful things, but unfortunately overshadowed by a descent into Hell.

What I'm sharing in this article is just my experience, what I know, and what don't know. I am writing these words because I have seen so many comments, questions, and true truths come and go with bombast being nothing but a tissue of rumors and unfounded allegations. It therefore seems necessary to me to put things in a factual way, because I do not put any faith in the diatribes of those who claim to know. We even hope that it will enlighten them a bit and that they can take the necessary step back.

First and foremost, it's important to understand that Sans-Détour quickly became a two-headed entity, with the production team on one side and the “big guys” with a financial vision on the other. That the employees' offices were located in Nancy, away from decision-makers, with e-mails and a quarterly meeting as the main channel of communication.

This mode of operation could very well have been viable, if the two branches of this entity had not taken different paths. How many times have I read that the books are superb, the quality is great, but the management is dire? This two-headed aspect gave the beginning of an answer to this state of affairs: a production team with the objective of releasing beautiful, quality titles. And on the other, purely financial goals.

So yes, I know it takes both for a business to run. And I have nothing against that.

Again, the problem is not so much the "structural" state of affairs of this current model. But the dichotomy that resulted from it. How many times have we received directives such as "we need a crowdfunding that has such and such a financial objective by such and such a date", all within very tight deadlines, to have to improvise in a month a project which, under normal circumstances, should have taken several.

When I think back to the year, if not more, that it took me to orchestrate the simple and collector's edition of "Par-Beyond the Hallucinated Mountains" or the first edition of "Masques de Nyarlathothep", it's a miracle of having succeeded in releasing such imposing titles thereafter, within increasingly tight deadlines. Wondering where worries like "the plastic steel criterium" or the faux duck tar leather satchel come from? Look no further: very tight deadlines and reduced production costs, all imposed in the name of profitability and profit.

Already, at this stage, as editorial or / and artistic director, I only had the title, because in fact, I was just asked to manage a project imposed by purely economic choices so that it would be the most profitable. possible, with the means at hand (yes, I know, given the sums collected, it may seem ubiquitous, but it was indeed the case). If I am writing this, it is not to absolve myself of some responsibility, because if only to accept this fact, I had it.

It went on for a while, but soon enough I couldn't take it anymore. Really more. It was all too far from my aspirations, from my philosophy. So why didn't you slam the door, you will say? Simply because to do that, you have to have the means or the opportunities. And like many, I need to fill the fridge ...

Add to that the disastrous internal communication between these two halves of the entity: not only did we no longer speak the same language, but as employees we found out through networks or external contacts what was going on. Learning about the loss of the Call of Cthulhu license along with everyone else when we were told internally that there was no problem ... It's pretty magical, after all. I know, it's hard to believe, and yet ...

Let us now move on to the thorniest subjects, which crystallized a lot of reactions, provoked a lot of debate. Adventures and Confrontation. In my opinion, these projects have concentrated all of the aforementioned flaws, and more. A logic of cavalry. Because in hindsight, I'm convinced, it was just that: empty cash registers with the urgent need to bring in cash, without any consideration for the project itself.

I was in charge of the Adventures file at Sans-Détour. And everything was going very well with Mahyar. We had passionate and productive discussions every week on the construction of the game, the editorial line, and it was going well. I even saw a rich and interesting universe looming, more than the show already allowed. In short, it was the possibility of transforming an urgent crowdfunding into a great project.

But it all came to an end when I found out through email exchanges that even other Sans-Détour writers were no longer being paid, contrary to management claims.

The legitimate requests for accounting elements to produce the game having gone unheeded, a legal procedure followed, in order to obtain these. And Sans-Détour has remained silent. Until the day of exchanges by interposed press releases. I quote: "It is with amazement and incomprehension that Sans-Détour editions have learned ..." While for several months there have been explicit, written, legal requests from Mahyar.

I believe it was at this point, which coincided with Chaosium's public announcement of the unpaid royalties on The Call of Cthulhu, that I definitely understood that there was nothing more to save. That the facade of Sans-Détour editions was no longer a game of untruths, and that even internally we did not know what was going on.

And it took two years after these incidents to finally see the conclusion. Before I get to that, I would like to talk about Project Confrontation. I didn't participate in this one, so I saw it from a distance. The only intervention the Nancy office had was limited to the graphics. Not even access to crowdfunding to possibly react to comments ... In short, we had no control at all. For us, it was incomprehensible to see the launch without any team presence on the kickstarter to answer questions from underwriters.

And even if later, according to the great financial visionaries, it was a great success, I myself had no doubts about the disaster not only of crowdfunding as such, but also of its consequences.

One of the most common questions I have seen on social media over the past two years is "where did the money go"? It must be said that it's a hell of a lot, these two cumulative funding ... Frankly, I do not know. Because even by torturing our brains with all the possible calculations, knowing that no one has been paid, or almost, by removing the amounts of known wages, the charges ... we can only ask the same question: where is it money?

After all these adventures, expectations, anxieties, here I am finally free from a more than burdensome situation. Spending years, and I weigh my words, bound by contract, unable to do anything, not able to express myself, not being able to say what I thought about the situation, is not only terribly frustrating, but destructive.

Spending two years getting paid being shelved, with nothing to do, when I offered every possible legal solution to breaking the contract, is incomprehensible to me. My only assumption: I was being pushed to resign. Which was not possible for me. I know, it's mind-boggling to think that a TPE would rather hold someone down all this time rather than come up with a quick and easy arrangement. If you don't believe me, I couldn't blame you, it's such a huge situation.

In any case, all of this will have taught me a lot. Especially the things that must not be done. At least I took advantage of this time to prepare my personal projects, under the colors of Rafiot Fringant, in line with my values.

These latent projects that I could not develop during those "Factory" years where internal creations had no place, because only potentially juicy licenses were worthy of the catalog.

So, with my freedom, I can fully express myself, let myself go, try things out, rediscover the pleasure of writing in order to write, without financial obsessions, without results objectives. Become the craftsman I never should have stopped being. Here are some projects in progress and already well advanced in my reconstruction process.

A board game with soldiers and dinosaurs, to play with the toys of our childhood, Dino Soldiers, and available in PnP.

A narrative role-playing game, based on blackjack mechanics, which is being written and will be released soon, Tribute. A UFO which I hope will find favor in the eyes of its public.

And a new edition of Arkeos, which I've been working on for a long time, is in the pipeline. Make a new look with this Indiana Jones universe that I still cherish so much.

Hoping to have enlightened you a little bit about this soap opera which will have spilled a lot of ink, and wasted years for some, money for others. Hoping to have enlightened you a little bit about this soap opera which will have spilled a lot of ink, and wasted years for some, money for others. By wishing never to see such a mess again, near or far.

And for those who would like to know more about my journey, you can read this article.

Obviously, he's speaking to defend himself here and we only have his side of the story.

But then, he's saying that Sans-Détour's management always pushed for crowdfunding with only a financial objective to achieve in a tight schedule. He's also wondering where went the money, since he's saying almost "no one got paid".

Apparently, he's also saying the employees were lied to by the management, including the Chaosium debacle that they learned mostly the same time as us backers.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2020/08/24 14:59:48

Made in us
Terrifying Doombull

Not sure if its the translation or the 'woe to poor Artist, shackled to Base Industry,' but I got nothing out of that. Beyond that maybe financial shenanigans happened and he's pleading ignorance (and making his own games, with blackjack and dinosaurs, but I'm not sure if that's serious or just memes at this point)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/08/24 14:56:06

Efficiency is the highest virtue. 
Made in be
Longtime Dakkanaut

Voss wrote:
Not sure if its the translation or the 'woe to poor Artist, shackled to Base Industry,' but I got nothing out of that. Beyond that maybe financial shenanigans happened and he's pleading ignorance (and making his own games, with blackjack and dinosaurs, but I'm not sure if that's serious or just memes at this point)

No, that's basically the summary of the french version. Google Trad is actually right on the spot on the feeling here.

And he's indeed starting his own company for games he always wanted to make.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/08/24 15:08:08

Made in us
Tzeentch Aspiring Sorcerer Riding a Disc

Orem, Utah

I think most of that was "Dude, it wasn't me! I was as in the dark as the backers."

The arrangement fits from what we can tell happened with Joss (it looks like he kept working on the rules with playtest groups, and was suddenly fired when the money ran out- or maybe they just stopped paying him).

I wonder if Sans Detour ran their whole business like a Ponzi or other scam- it was just a matter of gathering enough money to make running away worth it.

But even with all the cash that SD brought in with Confrontation, it didn't bring in enough to deliver.

 ScarletRose wrote:
 odinsgrandson wrote:
You make some good points. It is entirely possible that Miniatures Market is out a lot of money over this.

Another sale on Warmahordes coming up then?


I gotta say this came as no surprise. I got burned on Robotech and now I'm cautious on any KS that promises the moon.

I completely agree. The signs that this was going to fail were there from the very start.

Still, I think people look at the game that made them so happy once upon a time and believe in it because they want it to be true.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/08/24 16:08:15

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

Voss wrote:
Not sure if its the translation or the 'woe to poor Artist, shackled to Base Industry,' but I got nothing out of that. Beyond that maybe financial shenanigans happened and he's pleading ignorance (and making his own games, with blackjack and dinosaurs, but I'm not sure if that's serious or just memes at this point)

He seems to be breaking out on his own and is putting this out likely in part as a CYA to protect his reputation ahead of what is likely to be his own crowdfunding. We saw the same thing when management from Prodos broke off and did their own project crowdfunding. In the ex-Prodos case, they had to play catch up with their spin (since they forgot to scrub the conflicting public info proving otherwise) whereas he is trying to get ahead of it. It's a smart move on his part.

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


I suspect we might get more of these as the company dissolves and contracts end or people simply decide that there's no "threat" in the NDA contract and break out without warning.

The real risk is that "everyone" ends up writing the same sort of "it wasn't me it was someone else" story which results in those who were responsible getting away with it all over again. The other is that some names might just vanish into the system - taking up apparent minor roles in new firms with new ideas and starts the ball rolling again.

If there was any criminal intention/company drive behind SD and its operation you can bet they'll likely do this all over again - perhaps with a new firm and new name and new IP; but you can bet if anyone has profited a lot from this they'll like as not try it again.

A Blog in Miniature

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Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps

Damn that's a fairly large amount of money to lose without a trace. And looking at the promised miniatures I can understand why some were tempted. I definitely would not have backed. I love the minis, but I've been burned a tiny bit by KS and once was enough (Creature Caster), plus I own a a huge pile of metal Confrontation stuff that I got for pennies when the company caved the first time (or maybe it was the second or third). Either way I definitely wouldn't have trusted a Kickstarter / Confrontation combo no matter what they were offering so I'm unsurprised that many others were of similar disposition.
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