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Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


Really quick, hacked this together because I want to do some siege games with my Celtic Ringfort being defended from Vikings, and I really like SBG for sieges (the pushing mechanic, the ability for captains to do heroic things and the way the game naturally promotes a sort of shieldwall style of battle).

I just got the Wild Man of Dunland and used him as my base, and then everything else is an extra charge on top. The only alteration I made was making Two Handed Weapons free rather than costing a point, as I think the consensus is they were never really worth the point. Used a Captain of Rohan as the basic Captain and a King of Men as the basis for the Chieftain.

Name... Fight........Strength..Defense...Attacks....Wounds....Courage
Warrior 3/4+ ........3..............3..............1...............1..............3
Points: 5
Shield 1 pt (+1 Defense)
Spear 1 pt (supporting attack)
Throwing Spear 2pt (thrown weapon)
Bow or Sling 1 pt (bow)
Chainmail 1 pt (+1 Defense)
Fine Chainmail 2 pt (+2 Defense)
Two Handed Weapon 0pt (replaces hand weapon, -1 to duel roll, +1 to wound)
Make Elite 1pt (+1 Fight)
Make Brave 1pt (+1 Command)
Make Levy -1 pt (-1 Fight)
Mount on Horse 5pt

Captain 4/4+.........4..............4..............2...............2..............4.....................2.............1........1
Points: 40
Shield 5 pt (+1 Defense)
Spear 5 pt (supporting attack)
Throwing Spear 5pt (thrown weapon)
Bow or Sling 5 pt (bow)
Chainmail 5 pt (+1 Defense)
Fine Chainmail 10 pt (+2 Defense)
Two Handed Weapon 0pt (replaces hand weapon, -1 to duel roll, +1 to wound)
Mount on Horse 10pt

Chieftain 5/4+.........4..............4..............2...............2..............5.....................2.............2........1
Points: 55
Wargear: As Captain.

Pretty straightforward and nothing revolutionary, but I thought it might be of interest.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
An example:
Roman Legionnaire
Warrior 5pts
Fine Mail 2pts
Shield 1pt
Throwing Spears 2 pts
10 Points

Veteran Legionnaire
As above, with Elite for +1 Fight.
11 Points

Warrior 5pts
Shield 1pt
Throwing Spears 2pts
8 Points

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2024/03/29 12:46:59

Made in de
Oozing Plague Marine Terminator

In the current rules they made it possible to support two handed weapons with spears, justifiying their points costs.

An alternative to your approach of "building your human" would be to look through the rulebook for counts as.
Rohan or Khand as Celts, Gondor or Numenor as Romans for example.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

You seem to have a pretty interesting set of rules for playing siege games using the Celtic Ringfort and the Vikings as the attacking side. Your changes, such as free two-handed weapons and additional equipment options, add flexibility and fun to the game.
Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


Yeah, I definitely thought about going the "sub in a faction" route, but ultimately it was stuff like Rohan Infantry not having proper spears and the like that stopped me. But I think it's definitely a valid way to do it, and you could have a lot of fun figuring out which historical figure the crazier characters represent.

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