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Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Looking for some advice with my Skaven warband, the Death Stalkers. First game was against a Shadow Warrior Warband, which I don’t like. At the first chance he took rout first and chose to run. We both had ours leaders OOA, one of my night runners, and some henchmen apiece. This resulted in me losing none of my giants rats, having one of my night runners captured, and fully recovery for my leader. My remaining Night Runner leveled up and I chose infiltrate for him, along with buying another to replace the lost one.

I won’t be doing any more changes till after the next battle, but I am looking at some possibilities. If I get enough gold, so that I still have a decent amount, I’ll probably get more Giant Rats or Verminkin, with maybe uping the wizard to use a spear (don’t know if that Is the right call). Skill-wise, I really don’t know where to go with the Night Runners (the only reason I took infiltrate is because I thought it could be useful), the Assassin either Expert Swordsman or Step Aside, Wizard IDK, the the Black Skaven Art of Silent Death probably.

Any advice you guys could give me would be much appreciated.

Here is my warband, the Death Stalkers.

Crowns - 38
Shards - 1
Treasure - 0
Warband Rating - 119

Assassin Adept
Skills: Leader, Perfect Killer
Equipment: Weaping Blades, Sling, Lucky Charm
XP: 22

Eshin Sorceror
Skills: Wizard (Spell: Children of the Horned Rat)
Equipment: Club, Dagger, Sling

Black Skaven
Skills: N/A
Equipment: Fighting Claws
XP: 9

Black Skaven
Skills: N/A
Equipment: Fighting Claws
XP: 10

Night Runner
Skills: Infiltration
Equipment: Slings

Night Runner
Skills: N/A
Equipment: Slings

Verminkin, 2 man
Skills: N/A
Equipment: Club, Dagger, Sling, each

Verminkin, 2 man
Skills: N/A
Equipment: Club, Dagger, Sling, each

Giant Rats, 3 man
Skills: Packsize
Equipment: N/A
Made in gb
Servoarm Flailing Magos

Which book are the Shadow warriors in? I'm not familiar with their strengths.

Your warband look to me pretty decent. How long have they been running for?

"Praise Be To The Omissiah!"

"Three things make the Empire great: Faith, Steel and Gunpowder!"

Azarath Metrion Zinthos

Expect my posts to have a bazillion edits. I miss out letters, words, sometimes even entire sentences in my points and posts.

Come at me Heretic. 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Mine has been up for less then a week. The Shadow Warriors are IIRC an unofficial warband. Here is the link to Mordhiemer's for them.

Made in gb
Servoarm Flailing Magos

From having a quick read of their rules I would say their weakness is their low numbers and high costs.

So every OOA caused is a telling blow against him. High numbers in henchmen could also help to overwelm his low numbers.

With just what you have currently I would suggest trying to pick off stragelers with your superior speed and maybe the few slings you have. Or a devide and conquer approach splitting the gang going down the board edges towards your opponent?

Is their any other players in your group?

"Praise Be To The Omissiah!"

"Three things make the Empire great: Faith, Steel and Gunpowder!"

Azarath Metrion Zinthos

Expect my posts to have a bazillion edits. I miss out letters, words, sometimes even entire sentences in my points and posts.

Come at me Heretic. 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Yeah, two Orks, another Skaven, and a 2-3 human warbands.
Made in us
Posts with Authority

The spear isn't a bad idea for the Sorcerer. I'd generally go with verminkin since you can give them slings. Lightning reflexes might be worth looking at for your adept as well.
Made in us
Pragmatic Primus Commanding Cult Forces

Southeastern PA, USA

Get Verminkin with slings...you're not fielding enough of them as is, IMO. Especially early on, slingspam is very powerful.

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Horrific Howling Banshee

Glen Burnie, MD

everyone can get daggers (they're free.) Having everyone equipped with Slings/Clubs/Daggers is an easy way to be successful thanks to the doubleshots at half range.

Your list looks pretty good otherwise. I wouldn't worry about losing to Shadow Warriors -- they were errata'd out as an official warband due to the lack of playtest they received. They're an extremely overpowered army for the game, starting out with ridiculous stats as far as shooting goes.

Once everyone has club/sling/dagger, evaluate whether or not the rest of the people in the campaign are using a lot of clubs/hammers/other concussion weapons. If they are, stock up on helmets. If they aren't, work towards getting Fighting Claws/Weeping blades for your melee guys and braces of warplock pistols for whoever can use them (the non-fighting claws guys )

As far as skills go, get tail fighting always!

And don't be afraid to buy the rat ogre, he's a bit of an investment (and a costly one if he dies too soon) but having him as a personal bodyguard for a beefed up hero is surefire victory in close combat, as well as mobile cover.

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

So when I get more gold get some more Verminkin with the club, dagger, sling setup the others have and expand on the already exsisting units? Each one of those verminkin are 25 gold so it will have to wait a bit.

AFAIK, I'm really the only one running clubs so helmets will take a backseat to other things, unless stunned starts creeping up a lot.

Tail fighting I like, but I think that is at earlist a second skill, more likly third.
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