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Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Don’t think my collection of WDs goes back that far. I started collecting them at the tail end of 2nd.

Built another scorp, clipped the next. Moving them along.

Grey rainy weather today, so instead of going for a walk for my health, I painted:

Not a huge amount of progress, but progress none the less.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Nids need their touch up pass, almost done. Chaplain is gathering his basecoats. almost ready for the drybrush and washes.

So some fun stuff in yesterday’s reveals, but nothing for me.

Jump canoness is nice to see back. I recall much gnashing of teeth when she was dropped as an option. No plans to pick up more sisters, or even the codex at this point. Despite having a large legacy army sitting on the shelf. I would like to get them to the table, but I am not even doing that with my primary armies these days.

GSC get a new zoenthrope based character. Not a huge fan of the giant brain look on people, or the inclusion of other nid strains into the GSC. Not that it’s called out as being zoe based, but giant brain that shoots short range AV attacks? Where have I heard that before... At some point I might start a GSC army but it’s pretty far down the road. Which would be after I’m done with the hive fleet, if at all.

I don’t play Necromunda, and while I like the concept, to get the most out of it you need to be a regular with a reliable group and schedule. Which is not me. The GSC/malstrain genestealers look cool, but I don’t like the imperial half. And a GSC army is too far down the road to pick them up as a plan for the future. The way these boxes are generally priced, there is normally enough savings over buying them as individual releases that it makes it worth it. Plus bonus game. But nope.

Mechanicum looks cool, but not my army, not my system. When they dropped cross support for 30k/40k they killed my drive to get my UM legion up and running. It’s still a WIP, but lower priority. Now I did have the thought to put together the preator in charge of bots that let you add a squad of them to your army. Them being in plastic makes that a lot more likely to happen. But no time soon.

LI is a game I could get behind, but the rhino I put together was just so fiddly. And I really hate the campaign book rules release format. If you want to use all the units you have availible, you need to own a small library. So cool for people willing to ride that treadmill, but it’s not for me.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekends!


Made in us
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot


Bike chaplain is looking pretty good so far, as are the nids.

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