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Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Big guy is coming along quite nicely. A few good washes can fill in those fiddly areas. Liking the greenskin, too.
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

 youwashock wrote:
Big guy is coming along quite nicely. A few good washes can fill in those fiddly areas. Liking the greenskin, too.


Once again I ended up building something rather than working on the stuff I was supposed to:-

But sometimes you just need to lose yourself in assembling a kit.

I can show this guy off though (Crimson Armoured Warrior - Kingdom Death):-

He was painted up a few months ago for the last Kingdom Death painting competition.
Didn't get anywhere, I was way out of my league, but I like him and I only entered for the participation prize, so it's all good!

Really need to get the others painted up one day.
Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

You're doing a better job getting through KD than me, aku. I love their models, but when I think about working on them I get bogged down with the malaise that has grown around that KS. Been so long, with so little progress, and the continual sales of new stuff on their website while backers face the real possibility of a 10 YEAR fulfilment drag me down.

Keep up the good work!
Made in ca
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

Wow, I really love your painting style and color choices.
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

youwashock wrote:You're doing a better job getting through KD than me, aku. I love their models, but when I think about working on them I get bogged down with the malaise that has grown around that KS. Been so long, with so little progress, and the continual sales of new stuff on their website while backers face the real possibility of a 10 YEAR fulfilment drag me down.

Keep up the good work!

It may not have made much financial sense, since I'll probably end up buying a big chunk of it anyways, but I still think I did the right thing getting my Kickstarter pledge refunded.
No good getting things cheap if you no longer want them when you finally get them.

Tommygun1918 wrote:Wow, I really love your painting style and color choices.


Life is still getting in the way of painting, but I am finding the odd moment here and there to build things.

The missing minis from my Warcrow starter arrived, so I could finally build the human half of the set:-

Fortunately, went together a lot better than the Orcs did!
And I've been building more Kingdom Death ladies:-

Frog Girl and Crossbow Knight so far.
Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Those minis look pretty rad. Reminder to self: stay away from Warcrow.

Bring on the Frog Girl!
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