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Brush cleaning question.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Guardsman with Flashlight

I've been doing a lot of painting recently and the amount of paint I'm getting though is starting to take their toll on my brushes, I've decided to clean them but I have no brush soap, I don't really fancy waiting to get some online or whatever but I heared that baby shampoo and warm water is an acceptable substitute, is this true? Ideally I just want to get back to finishing my guardsmen so I can go ahead and varnish them while the weather is good.

Made in us
Troubled By Non-Compliant Worlds

It's not a 'good' option but it's probably the least troublesome of bad options.
(It really is worth going down to the local art supply store and getting some real brush cleaner [I prefer Pink Soap and Master's, both of which are inexpensive.])
Made in gb
Guardsman with Flashlight

Cheers, Will have to look into getting some, I suppose for today though warm water by itself can't do any harm even if it isn't ideal.
Made in gb
Implacable Skitarii

Judging by your profile, you're also a Brit. Hobbycraft do a little bottle of brush cleaner that works pretty well.

Made in gb
Been Around the Block

Are your brushes natural or synthetic?

If they're synthetic, then normal soap should be fine. Also, just make sure the water isn't too hot - it can soften the glue that holds the bristles and lose some shape.

If they're natural, get yourself some master's brush cleaner.
Made in gb
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

Bristol, England

I think it's probably a bit too late.
Brush soap is to be used between each session as a long term preventative measure.
It will have some restorative properties and will possibly help get your brushes a little cleaner but I have a feeling that they may be too far gone?

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Made in es
Been Around the Block

My suggestion: Just dont use soap. Clean them as soon as possible, with cold water and before they have their paint dry. It has worked for me for now XD

Made in gb
Courageous Space Marine Captain

Glasgow, Scotland

If you have Amazon Prime you can get the Master's brush cleaner for about £6 with free next day delivery. If you don't have Prime, get it, well worth every penny. You save money on Prime products, which for a wargamer makes your money back in just 3 months, plus the money and time saved on delivery is excellent. Run out of glue? Amazon, you'll have it tomorrow without having to leave the house.

So get that option. I've just started using Masters and even my worn out, 7 year old Large Drybrush is looking almost like new (bar the paint stains on the ferrule and handle).

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Credit to Castiel for banner. Thanks Cas!
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