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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Tuesday paint night, mostly getting options ready for the challenge this month.

Got a space marine superheavy ready for fun, but for the challenge was thinking either some assault mechs in a 1st Kestrel black and blue flames scheme, a Long Tom in a Skye Jaegers blue and checkers:

Or some badgers for burrows and badgers:

Ended up painting up the base colors on the mechs and Long Tom, though not really happy with either, blue is peeling, and the black reads more grey:

But most of the night was just near finishing the Fellblade:

Just needs a base, and maybe an edge highlight and some minor recognition markings. Feels like decent progress for the start of the month.
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Nice paintjob on that superheavy! Very cool.

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Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting


Got them done too:

Base was too small, but enh, it'll hold it down well enough.
And the mechs aren't really getting better, but hey, they got flames on them now I guess?

Gonna try to just push them to done, then see what else grabs my fancy...
Made in au
Possessed Khorne Marine Covered in Spikes

Nice flames and lava patterns on the Fellblade

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Thanks Cap'n Facebeard!

Almost there on the mechs, just needs basing to dry and get painted, and some unit logo freehand.

And made a bit of progress blocking badgers colors:

Little more tonight, then see what happens at paint night.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Got the mechs done:

Still not happy with them the black and fires are meh at best, but not feeling up to more fighting on improving them.

Small progress on the badgers:

And finished mechs means room to start another project, in this case some test tacs for my emperors children LI stuff:

Hopefully turn some more stuff to done at paint night tomorrow.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/10 01:28:29

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Paint night stuff, got a fair bit done

Kept inching forwards on the Badgers:

Need to do cloth and figure out if I'm TMMimg or NMMing...

Also doubled back and got the kroxigor painted up ready for basing:

And cleaned up and mounted the Long Tom--probably going to need a third base section, and still needs checkering:

Plus ran the emperor's children tests through to done--gloomy violet xpress paint, with dark plum drybrushed over works, though I might like to try pushing the color more if I could figure out how:
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

Badgers are looking fierce!
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Thanks aku-chan! Got a little further on then, with some highlights:

Not sure I like the steel grey armor plan still, but only other color I can think to sub is green, and not sure that's going to work either. Also think the cloth needs some deeper shading I'll have to figure out, but got some time still.

Also got the kroxigors based up and done:

Started some 15mm splintered light skeleton beastmen as 10mm skeleton minotaurs, which just count as plain skeleton warriors at tje warmaster zoom level:

And made some progress on more 8mm emperor's children:

Hopefully get a bit more done today and maybe even get some of them done for paint night...
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

So, got some more work done monday night, pushed a bit and got the infantry support done:

And paint night wise, started some 10mm (15mm, but used as minotaur skeletons) skeletons:

Started a base color for some heros for the store's painting contest:

Did the checkers for the skye jaegers scheme on my mobile long tom, albeit badly:

(Still needs a base bridge...)

And nearly done the badgers, mostly needs tartans, basing, a couple bits of freehand, and a little cleanup:

Still not sure whats going on the cards in the hat, and tempted to do some work on the breastplate, but worried about screwing it up. Not sure the sword snail is readble either, but we'll go with it...
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