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[Warcry] To quad, or not to quad.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in nl
Bounding Assault Marine

Hi all,

I am not sure whether I look for confirmation, or for opinions. Suffice to say I'm open to both. The rulebook seems rather clear, RAW, that you have a 'Quad' whenever four of your initiative dice roll the same number. Still, I attend circles where people have started to ask, if they could say they have rolled two doubles instead of a quad, and they just happen to have the same value.
On that same note, I witnessed an interesting rules debate after a player had defied odds, and rolled five 5's and a 3. Is this a quad and a second single (which it can't be, technically, as the 5 isn't the only number of its kind)? Is it a double and a triple? The rules seem rather silent on this. And what if the player rolled six 5's instead? Or rolled those five 5's and decided to add his wild die there, as a 5? A quad and a double? Two triples? three doubles?

Lord X.
Made in us
Lieutenant General

Florence, KY

From page 40 of the Warcry Core Rulebook:

Once a fighter has used an ability, discard the ability dice used for that ability. You can use a [triple] for an ability that requires a [double], or a [quad] for an ability that requires a [triple] or [double], but if you do so all those ability dice are discarded.

That leads me to believe a [quad] can not be split into two [double]s as it's not presented as an option.

As for if you roll five or even six of the same score on the dice, this is covered on page 37 of the Core Rulebook (emphasis added):

Finally, if 4 or more of your ability dice have the same score, it is referred to as a [quad].

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/02/28 23:51:26

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Made in nl
Bounding Assault Marine

Made in us
Deranged Necron Destroyer

Whereas normally quads do offer objectively better abilities, given that my main warband is Splintered Fang, I feel like that is one of the few double abilities that I'd consider burning a quad for. Paralyzing Venom is great if you happen to roll a crit and happen to roll a 5-6 after that (1/6 chance times 1/3 chance = 5.56% chance, I'd want at least six attack die to roll).

For which other warbands is the quad anything other than situational? I'm really only aware of the Warcry warbands - I haven't seen any of the AoS faction warbands' abilities.

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