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Made in no
Umber Guard

PP dropped a video revelating the first round of Orgoth models.

Here's a set of pictures of the models: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPcBwwI8BHyGpy79zN58Y23lAIW8VMl3lSJF56gSXrAdgmwc4M55eFf5pGSHx-5HQ?pli=1&key=bjN0R1VOczlCZE5paFRyUzRJeU01cWt2MVlUTDdB

PP made an article about the different model types:

If you watch the video you'll also see some new Cygnar models, including a Heavy Warjack and what looks like a Storm Lance Chariot and heavy infantry. The (subfaction??) is called Storm Legion. The impression is that the Orgoth are a "Reaver" subfaction.

People will probably recall the article about their development:

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2022/03/17 10:03:59

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Not my style at all, but a really cool faction. A bit like Skorne, but with more of a barbarian style than the Asian leanings. The jacks are really cool and stand out to what we've seen in the past. Really looking forward to seeing how they play.
Made in us
Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba

The Great State of New Jersey

the quite apt summary of the faction aesthetics that I've seen is basically "Skorne and Cryx had a baby that grew up worshipping Infernals".

CoALabaer wrote:
Wargamers hate two things: the state of the game and change.
Made in us
Not as Good as a Minion

Astonished of Heck

There is also their Insider article: https://home.privateerpress.com/2022/03/16/orgoth-reveal-reference/.

Edit: 2 Warcasters, 2 Warjacks, 3 Solos, 2 Units, 1 Command Detachment are presented.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/03/16 21:32:56

Are you a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Hound?
Megavolt wrote:They called me crazy…they called me insane…THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! and boy, were they right.
Made in ie
Regular Dakkanaut

Dublin, Ireland

That's really the best they could do? The Orgoth, a real, nasty, evil Faction, diluted into these try-hards that look like a bastard child of other, existing factions? Such a let-down and a wasted opportunity.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Honestly they turned out much better then I expected. It's hard to take something that's never really had much art or descriptions (outside of a few places in RPG books) and compete with the head-cannon everyone makes. The mix of Scorn and Cryx is a good description and I think fits will for what would have happened with at least some faction of Orgoth. They got their butts handed to them via magic and jacks and it's been common speculation that Orgoth would adapt by leaning into what beat them and develop their own form of warjack and possibly even more advanced in what's used by the Iron Kindgoms.

Since all the fluff seams to be going into the new RPG books I'm sure we'll have a KS over the summer for those.

Made in no
Umber Guard

Personally, I think they did a version of "Orgoth, 400 years later" that works quite well. The paint job is really well done, but I think I would have liked it better with a more traditional choice of techniques.

This kind of army aesthetic has never been for me, but I know a lot of people are excited about them.
Made in ie
Regular Dakkanaut

Dublin, Ireland

They're missing the baroque faces on armour that really scream 'Orgoth', especially moticible on the 'Jack's. The models wouldn't look out of place next to the bad'90's Gary Morley Chaos Warriors from GW. They're just not as menacing as they should be. These are the mythical Big Bad of the Warmahordes world, and they're nowhere near as menacing or unique as the Infernal, or even the Grymkin.
They just feel phoned in.
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

They're so skorne they have tusked, 4 armed elephants. Jesus Christ. Close up shop, you're out of ideas.

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us
Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba

The Great State of New Jersey

Apparently these guys are supposed to be a "Sea Reaver" type subfaction, like an advanced amphibious scouting force kind of thing, with rumors of more Orgoth to come, so maybe the aesthetic aspects that some of you feel like missing will make an appearance later.

Makes sense, Cygnar trenchers look nothing like stormknightblade guys, if not for the paint scheme I wouldn't even know they were part of the same army. Likewise Doom Reavers, Man O Wars and Winter Guard look nothing alike, yet all belong to Khador.

CoALabaer wrote:
Wargamers hate two things: the state of the game and change.
Made in ie
Regular Dakkanaut

Dublin, Ireland

chaos0xomega wrote:
Apparently these guys are supposed to be a "Sea Reaver" type subfaction, like an advanced amphibious scouting force kind of thing, with rumors of more Orgoth to come, so maybe the aesthetic aspects that some of you feel like missing will make an appearance later.

Makes sense, Cygnar trenchers look nothing like stormknightblade guys, if not for the paint scheme I wouldn't even know they were part of the same army. Likewise Doom Reavers, Man O Wars and Winter Guard look nothing alike, yet all belong to Khador.

That would be cool if it were true. I do want to do an Orgoth force, but I'll need to see the rest of the range before I decide to take the plunge.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Interesting aesthetics...

Not at all what I imagined they'd be...

greatest band in the universe: machine supremacy

"Punch your fist in the air and hold your Gameboy aloft like the warrior you are" 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

I think the heavy NMM makes the metal a little bright and overpowering. The rust in the artwork I think fits the look of the models better. On the models it kind of overwhelms the look of things, but in the close ups the styling of the armor with the fur and spikes captures the barbarian/viking vibe better than I first thought. There's also some nice "faces" on the armor, though not quite as much as I'd expect from things like Doom Reavers and Ruin.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Its been confirmed that its going to be a kickstarter. So chances of it landing in UK stores is pretty low
Made in no
Umber Guard

Sunno wrote:
Its been confirmed that its going to be a kickstarter. So chances of it landing in UK stores is pretty low

Why? Our LGS in non-EU Norway did a retailer backer kit of Warcaster Wave 1,2 and 3 and more or less treated it as a long pre-order. With the retailer discount he basically gets free stuff to sell as regular stock.
Made in us
Terrifying Doombull

grahamdbailey wrote:
They're missing the baroque faces on armour that really scream 'Orgoth', especially moticible on the 'Jack's. The models wouldn't look out of place next to the bad'90's Gary Morley Chaos Warriors from GW. They're just not as menacing as they should be. These are the mythical Big Bad of the Warmahordes world, and they're nowhere near as menacing or unique as the Infernal, or even the Grymkin.
They just feel phoned in.

Yeah, they're... straight out of World of Warcraft. Down to the weirdly impractical art deco sword designs and shiny armor sets, I'm pretty sure I have some of those weapons and armor pieces in my transmog library. And the light jack looks like a mini- Fel Reaver.
Old art had a lot of Orgoth stuff, and this ain't it.

I'm out of touch, I know, but why is the 'heavy warjack' obviously a warbeast?

Personally, I think they did a version of "Orgoth, 400 years later" that works quite well.

Honestly I was under the impression they would never do them. They were consigned to history on another continent. And probably for the best if they had stayed.

Apparently these guys are supposed to be a "Sea Reaver" type subfaction,

Sigh. At both subfactions and 'Sea Reavers' (and a model labelled 'skirmisher') in full plate.

Well, this isn't going to bring me back. Is this going to be a 4th edition thing, or are they still fumbling along with Mark 3?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/03/17 19:49:31

Efficiency is the highest virtue. 
Made in gb
Using Object Source Lighting

Right I was about to post something on news and rumours since I just found out about the new faction on another site.
Then I vaguely remember the sub forums on Dakka and here it is.

I think keeping news hidden here will not do any favours to what looks to be a very famous company and game that well... its not anymore.

This faction has some really nice sculpts on some of the units... but in general I dont see anything that would make me go out of my way and spark my interest again.

Like someone said missed chance.

I hope it does well for them though.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Voss wrote:

I'm out of touch, I know, but why is the 'heavy warjack' obviously a warbeast?

Personally, I think they did a version of "Orgoth, 400 years later" that works quite well.

Honestly I was under the impression they would never do them. They were consigned to history on another continent. And probably for the best if they had stayed.

The Titan thing (Siege Tarask) isn't a battlegroup model. It's listed on their site as a solo, likely akin to a Battle Engine and from the looks of things its on an 80 mm base.

As for why they're doing them? Honestly they kind of explored all there is to explore with Western Immoran. The Khador/Cygnar conflict has fully run its course and can only be retread at this point. The mysteries of gods and magic have largely been laid bare as well and they've even to a degree been to space. The story really needs to expand to the wider world and having a prior outside force show up to open things to the wider world is a good way to start. Giving them hundreds of years of technological development is interesting and certainly a bit more realistic than having literal Viking longboats storming the shores of Normandy in WWII.
Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

I think if they ran a kickstarter for plastic resculpts of iconic main faction units, of good quality, they could have really drummed up interest. So many people out there with nostalgia and a desire to like WMH, plus crossover potential for the RPG. I don't think a new faction is really going to drive interest like it used to when the playerbase has gotten so small.

Models look cool, though they seem to lack much of an identity to me. But it is really hard to see past the NMM everywhere. Seriously, when I need a poster boy for how to NOT use NMM this will be it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/03/17 21:33:38

Road to Renown! It's like classic Path to Glory, but repaired, remastered, expanded! https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/778170.page

I chose an avatar I feel best represents the quality of my post history.

I try to view Warhammer as more of a toolbox with examples than fully complete games. 
Made in us
Terrifying Doombull

 LunarSol wrote:
Voss wrote:

I'm out of touch, I know, but why is the 'heavy warjack' obviously a warbeast?

Personally, I think they did a version of "Orgoth, 400 years later" that works quite well.

Honestly I was under the impression they would never do them. They were consigned to history on another continent. And probably for the best if they had stayed.

The Titan thing (Siege Tarask) isn't a battlegroup model. It's listed on their site as a solo, likely akin to a Battle Engine and from the looks of things its on an 80 mm base.

Ah. I was skimming and read the names under the photographs as captions, like a sane person.

As for why they're doing them? Honestly they kind of explored all there is to explore with Western Immoran. The Khador/Cygnar conflict has fully run its course and can only be retread at this point.

That's kind of sad. A decade or two is all it takes to exhaust all the possibilities of the default setting? Even with all the wide ranging additions from distant lands, like Skorne and Everblight and elves?

The mysteries of gods and magic have largely been laid bare as well and they've even to a degree been to space. The story really needs to expand to the wider world and having a prior outside force show up to open things to the wider world is a good way to start.

Uh... no. That's a terrible place to start. We've explored the mysteries of gods and magic! We've gone to space! Now... some hooligan colonialists are coming by to be problematic at us. That's... quaint.

Giving them hundreds of years of technological development is interesting and certainly a bit more realistic than having literal Viking longboats storming the shores of Normandy in WWII.

Given they were the impetus for Immorean's development (and magic), I'm not sure I agree. No idea what viking longboats and ww2 have to do with anything. The ancient Orgoth were masters of soul magic and technology that no one in the Iron Kingdoms ever understood. (barring 3rd edition developments). They aren't using 'literal Viking longboats'

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2022/03/18 02:29:32

Efficiency is the highest virtue. 
Made in no
Umber Guard

The Orgoth showed up in longships the last time they invaded. It is pretty clear from the art and descriptions. Low freeboard ships powered by "inhumanly strong rowers" and basic square rigs that were filled by magical wind. The impression has always been that their strength came from their Infernal pacts and their magic and reinforced by their brutality once they had established control. Their technology seems to have been inferior to that of the Iron Kingdom even in the Thousand Cities era. Their architecture was quite simple as well. As it is now, Cryx has held a lot of the old magical secrets of the Orgoth since the fall of Drer Drakkerung, including War Witch training and the presumeably magical nature of Blackship construction as Cryx Blackships look nothing like Orgoth ones. The study of Orgoth magic in Khador is mostly archaeological, most of their artifacts we have seen in the RPGs and WMH itself aren't much more powerful than existing ones, with a few rare examples like the Witchfire. At the present time, Western Immoren is not really comparable to earth is terms of technology due to mechanika making a lot of things different. It is both considerably more advanced than things we have today and less advanced than World War 2 technological levels.

The Orgoth were the impetus for Thamar begging the Nonokrion Order for the Gift of Magic. It was the Immorenese lack of arcane magic that led to their fall to the Orgoth invasion, as their divine magic was unable to compete with the Infernal gifts of the Orgoth and that the Orgoth aggressively suppressed the priesthoods even further. Technological development was greatly slowed (often aggressively) by the Orgoth domination, and in the end developed in secret alongside Mechanika. It was the fusing of magic and technology that led to the fall of the Orgoth alongside the Rip Lung plague that the Circle targeted the Orgoth directly with (Immorenese casaulties were mostly a side effect of it - the intention was always to weaken the Orgoth both in Immoren and their homeland).

I don't agree that Immoren has been exhausted of possibilites. There are still a great deal of unexplained things in the setting. What was revealed during Mk2-3 was the true nature of Cyrissist worship, the origin of the gift of magic, the fall of the last elven gods an the reveal on how the Gift of Magic related to the fall of the pantheon and a new flareup in the Dragon Wars that ended with another stalemate, but with Toruk in a weakened position due to Blighterghast wolfing down the Champion Athanc. Politically, the human kingdoms seem to have stabilized somewhat. We still don't know a great many things of the regions already explored, and there are vast areas to the south, east and north that have barely been touched on. Durant's pilgrimage, the southern Trollkin settlements, the uncertain future of the elven species, how the main strength of the Skorne Empire will respond, whatever Everblight is up to after the battle of Henge Hold...there is a lot to go on. My hope was always that the Orgoth Invasion was not going to be an invasion of Immoren, but either the Iron Kingdoms setting out across the Meredius or the IK nations and Orgoth meeting somewhere else, like Zu, where the Orgoth previously had a presence. Instead they went with the Orgoth returning to Western Immoren, which is a more vanilla Ancient Enemy Showing Up solution than I would have done. The IKRPG adventure book reveals about Fellgoeth agents in Immoren gunning for Nonokrion assets makes it look like the Orgoth return is a direct result of the Nonokrion Order's failure to complete the Claiming and the relative weakening of that Order's position in the greater Infernal hierachy.

I guess I could have posted this in the News and Rumours parts of the site, but I hardly pay attention to it myself. Anyone is of course free to do so.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/03/18 09:58:59

Made in ie
Longtime Dakkanaut


I think the paint job is doing them no favours. Far too shiny looking.

That said, the Orgoth had some pretty big expectations to live up to... so I think they'd always land feeling a bit lacklustre.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/03/20 05:59:54

The objective of the game is to win. The point of the game is to have fun. The two should never be confused. 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Just to clarify, the setting is only exhausted in terms of nations going to war with one another. People felt the setting was stuck on Khador vs Cygnar at the start of MK2 and recent events have been more about leaving every army too weak to continue rather than building up tensions between them. It's an opportunity to turn outward and Orgoth are a natural instigating force for that kind of expansion.

In terms of a setting for smaller scale storytelling its always been incredibly rich. The Iron Kingdoms is my favorite RPG setting, with that nice mix of magic and tech, ancient and recent history to tell a huge variety of stories. That doesn't drive the army scale game though and after a storyline involving everyone needing to work together to stop the literal apocalypse, trying to follow up with nations fighting over land would come across as incredibly forced.
Made in no
Umber Guard

Yeah, the fourth Cygnar-Khadoran war in two decades would probably have made that cup run over. Especially after they just powered through an extraplanar invasion together and Khador is expreccedly stated to be in a weakened state
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Yeah the more I look at them, the more I realise this isn't a release that will get me back into the game.

The ott warcraft aesthetics on the armour coupled with the fur and the lack of trousers just doesn't work for me. Can't say I like the 'bug eye/sperm cell' look of the helmets/crests either.

I've not seen any pp sculpts since the totem.huntress and trencher long gunners I've really liked.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/03/20 12:06:32

greatest band in the universe: machine supremacy

"Punch your fist in the air and hold your Gameboy aloft like the warrior you are" 
Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman


Bad warriors of chaos mixed with worse black rock orcs
Made in us
Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba

The Great State of New Jersey

TBH it feels like the Orgoth have generated substantially less buzz and hype than previous new factions have. I've seen far less discussion or mention of them than I have factions in the past. Not sure if this is an indicator of the size of decline of the WMHDs community or if its just that the community is indifferent to the product (or both).

CoALabaer wrote:
Wargamers hate two things: the state of the game and change.
Made in ie
Regular Dakkanaut

Dublin, Ireland

chaos0xomega wrote:
TBH it feels like the Orgoth have generated substantially less buzz and hype than previous new factions have. I've seen far less discussion or mention of them than I have factions in the past. Not sure if this is an indicator of the size of decline of the WMHDs community or if its just that the community is indifferent to the product (or both).

I'd guess a little of column 'a', a little of column 'b'.

Just a disappointing addition, and very underwhelming considering how awesome these could have been.
Made in ca
Dipping With Wood Stain

Way too on the nose with the World of Warcraft aesthetic.
I’d say their community has shrunk drastically. The MonPoc board game KS didn’t even break 7k backers. There used to be triple that number of are players on their forums alone during MK2.
So I’d say that the indications are that their communities have slimmed down considerably. I’m curious to see how the Riot Quest board game KS goes.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

I remember reading that minicrate was bringing in more $$$s than wmh a few years ago.

Wmh community has shrunk drastically. Sadly in a lot of ways.

greatest band in the universe: machine supremacy

"Punch your fist in the air and hold your Gameboy aloft like the warrior you are" 
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