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Firefight 2ed Starter Box Impressions  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in mo
Fresh-Faced New User

I’m not going to go over everything in the box (there are several unboxing so on YouTube if you want to see that), but I thought I’d give some brief impressions.

Big heavy box! I don’t think anyone can argue that pound-per-pound this is a great dea.

The rules are two softcover books about 50-60 pages each. Have flipped through them but haven’t had a chance to take a closer look. I wish there was more background content about each of the factions, but at least there’s more than Deadzone.

The tokens seems to be decently thick, about the same as Deadzone. There are plenty of D8s provided and a decent number of command dice.

As for the models, they actually look pretty nice! However, they can really be a pain in the ass to build, especially the Enforcers. The problem isn’t even figuring out how to assemble them, but how to know if the poses you’ve assembled them in are correct. They are basically mono-pose models (for the legs at least) that don’t have any guides for connecting the legs to.

The jet bike models are super simple to build and are probably my favorite model from the set. The guns also look really easy to magnetize. Haven’t built any of the Peacekeepers yet, but they look easier to build than the regular enforcers.

The new Marauder infantry models are super simple to assemble. They are big and chunky, with plenty of detail. They put my (admittedly old) 40K ork boys to shame. The only complaints I have are that the reloading arms pose looks a little awkward and I wish there were more heads included.

The Marauder power suits are the only models made of PVC, which is a pain to clean and glue. Also, at least one piece didn’t seem to fit correctly. Also, gluing the ammo belt was a bit of a pain as well. They look nice, except for the heads which are the “old” version of Marauders and don’t look as nice as the new ones. Thankfully, it looks like there is just enough extra heads on the commando sprues to use on these. There are slight mold lines in the middle of their faces, but they’re much less noticeable than I expected.

I bought the mega bundle from Mantic that included some extra flyers. They came in plastic bags (no boxes) alongside the starter box. To be honest, I don’t really care that they didn’t include other packaging, but some people might be annoyed.

Overall, I am really happy with this box. However, I don’t understand why Mantic decided to include the Enforcers in it instead of an army with less frustrating models (the Forge Fathers would have been my choice, though their models also have their own quirks). For someone coming from 40K, it just seems like a huge step down in build experience (though again, I think the actual assembled models look pretty nice).

Can’t wait to get this game on the table. In the meantime, I will print up some models to use for Deadzone.
Made in ca
Skink Chief with Poisoned Javelins


Agreed on the frustrations with enforcers, especially the legs. I'm happy with how mine turned out in the end, but it involved a lot of trial and error.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Central Valley, California

Thanks for the overview. I too struggled with my Enforcer assembly. They turned out ok as well in the long run for the most part.

Question -- what glue do you use for the two type of material? I've heard conflicting opinions, and that both work on the plastic. Thoughts?

~ Shrap

Rolling 1's for five decades.
AoS * Konflikt '47 * Conquest Last Argument of Kings * Team Yankee * Horus Heresy * The Old World * Warcrow 
Made in mo
Fresh-Faced New User

 Shrapnelsmile wrote:
Thanks for the overview. I too struggled with my Enforcer assembly. They turned out ok as well in the long run for the most part.

Question -- what glue do you use for the two type of material? I've heard conflicting opinions, and that both work on the plastic. Thoughts?

I just use Tamiya plastic glue on everything except for the Marauder power suits, which I used superglue with.

The Enforcers aren’t too hard to assemble with some practice, but the initial experience was a bit off putting. I have also assembled all of the Peacekeepers, and some of them are a little weird too.

One nice thing about the Enforcers is they they are super easy and quick to paint. I haven’t started painting the Marauders yet, but they seem to have a lot more details to highlight (not complaining, they’re still great models).
Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


Mantic could really do with getting some instructions for building their models. Especially for the larger vehicles and so on.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

cpugeek13 wrote:
As for the models, they actually look pretty nice! However, they can really be a pain in the ass to build, especially the Enforcers. The problem isn’t even figuring out how to assemble them, but how to know if the poses you’ve assembled them in are correct. They are basically mono-pose models (for the legs at least) that don’t have any guides for connecting the legs to.

The legs and body pairings are labelled on the sprue. First few are a pain but you get the hang of it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/07/12 14:17:43

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