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The Motherland's first dip into MK IV  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Iron Fang


Khador is moving again. This time into MK IV.

We had a small tournament this weekend, where I managed to get my first three games of MK IV under the belt.

As we are still waiting for the new models, Armored Korps had to do the heavy lifting.

It was fun. I like MK IV. Armored Corps has also improved a bit (the player not so much).

You can read all about it here: https://greylordarchives.blogspot.com/2023/01/first-go-at-mk-iv.html

Until next time.

For the Motherland!

Visit The Greylord Archives my blog on mostly Khador.  
Made in us

Westminster, MD

Man, it's nice to see some real terrain on the board again!

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

That's easily my favorite thing about the new unit rules. The game can play with a LOT of terrain without issue.
Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Great to see your blog continuing into the new edition! Thanks for the reports, sounds like you enjoyed your games? Including the weird unit teleporting?

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in dk
Iron Fang


Asmoridin wrote:
Man, it's nice to see some real terrain on the board again!

I love proper 3D terrain. The mousepad stuff is simply too boring.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 LunarSol wrote:
That's easily my favorite thing about the new unit rules. The game can play with a LOT of terrain without issue.

I agree. However, it really require us old people to unlearn screening and learn a new way of doing this. Its cool, but difficult

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Boss Salvage wrote:
Great to see your blog continuing into the new edition! Thanks for the reports, sounds like you enjoyed your games? Including the weird unit teleporting?

I love it. The only thing which feels really new is basically the funky unit movement. It is really fast, but forces us to think differently; which is nice.

I just wonder what happens when (if) Doom Reavers arrive with Berserk. The unit effectively becomes a solo, as the first hitter will kill its own complete unit I notice that Prisoner 102822 has Killing Spree instead, which allows for a 1" move that could mitigate this a bit. But still...

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/02/07 11:53:59

Visit The Greylord Archives my blog on mostly Khador.  
Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut

Here, in Poland, we've been using 3D terrain at events for some time.

We've only been playing 50pts games and Brawl scenarios in mk4.

Still, there's only a few of us left. Maybe 20 players nation-wide, with only one city with enough players to run an event (6-8 players come). It was the harsh reality at the end of mk3, but mk4 seems to be the nail in the coffin here.

Rules seem ok so far, apart from the unit teleports being clunky, unintuitive, especially for less experienced players (a non-charging unit threatens farther than a charging one? How did you get me with this huge house between me and your army?) and incredibly tedious - trying to count and predict where enemy models can end up takes ages.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/02/07 13:08:53

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Cyel wrote:

It was the harsh reality at the end of mk3, but mk4 seems to be the nail in the coffin here.

Is it dead on arrival Cyel?

Mk3 basically did not exist here in Scotland, I'd be kinda sad if mkiv didn't lead to any wee bit of a revival/changing of fortunes...

greatest band in the universe: machine supremacy

"Punch your fist in the air and hold your Gameboy aloft like the warrior you are" 
Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut

Deadnight wrote:

Is it dead on arrival Cyel?

It feels like that. The community was in decline already, but mk4 making players wait to see if they even can play with their mk3 models, changing rules not to everyone's liking coupled with regular problems iwth availability and exorbitant prices seems to convince many of the old guard to give up on the game. I haven't seen most of our top WTC players play enywhere since last summer - from what I've heard they moved to Legion, Kill Team, ASOIAF or similar games with huge attendance.

I don't think there'll be any Polish WTC team this year. Is WTC 2023 happening, btw? I don't have a FB account so I have no idea what WM&H communities around the world are doing.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/02/07 13:50:27

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

 igorkhador wrote:

I agree. However, it really require us old people to unlearn screening and learn a new way of doing this. Its cool, but difficult

It's less about screening and more about jamming. I tend to describe Mk1-3 as American Football where Mk4 has more of a rugby feel.

It's also just not as alpha strike oriented as prior editions. It's a lot more common to get dug in and brawl in my experience.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Cyel wrote:

It feels like that. The community was in decline already, but mk4 making players wait to see if they even can play with their mk3 models, changing rules not to everyone's liking coupled with regular problems iwth availability and exorbitant prices seems to convince many of the old guard to give up on the game. I haven't seen most of our top WTC players play enywhere since last summer - from what I've heard they moved to Legion, Kill Team, ASOIAF or similar games with huge attendance.

Yeah sadly I can believe all of that. All those reasons is why I too am staying away - ill use my wmh models for other things.

Game was on a decline here since late mk2, but about a dozen or two dozen gardcore players kept up through mk3. Marvel crisis protocol and legion took a lot of people away. Mk4 is a bit of a damp.squib, I can't see it taking off again sadly!

greatest band in the universe: machine supremacy

"Punch your fist in the air and hold your Gameboy aloft like the warrior you are" 
Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

I'll be real, it's the high price for mediocre material that has done me in from a buying new product perspective - even when I wasn't playing WMH mk3, I was still picking stuff up and hobbying on it, because I genuinely like many PP sculpts and would like the company to exist. I intended to give them money for WM4 and maybe even get some games in ... but the material they're using and level of production doesn't justify the sky high pricing. Plus I don't like the massive sets and inability to buy individual units. Yes, they're fighting sku bloat and making it easier to meet demand, but I do not want some of the new sculpts or do want multiples of others, and that's not an option.

Plus, all of my local game stores have refused to stock WM4, after being burned so thoroughly by mk3, exacerbated by PP's ordering requirements and very low local demand. I could probably get games in with our old Pressganger, who's a friend and still a fan of PP's, but that doesn't really incentivize me to pick up big $200 boxes of sculpts I don't want to paint in material I don't want to work with (and can 3D print better myself).

All that said I really appreciate hearing about the game's reception. I'd like to paint the Orgoth starter I have at the least, whether or not I get them on a table.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/02/09 18:18:59

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

FWIW, singles are reportably going to be available on their webstore or for special order. At the moment though they're behind on demand for the starters.

Personally, I'm extremely happy with the quality of the models I've seen so far. Personally I've just gotten the Khador preview box, but friends have Cygnar and Orgoth and have been super pleased with the purchase. They appear to be very nice from casual inpsection at the shop, but I haven't worked with them myself to form a full opinion on the product.

It's a tough sell for sure though. We've had good luck with new players and mixed luck with old. Most people have been pretty happy if they had a mk3 theme force that transferred over or were excited for one of the new factions. Most of the gripes come from people that had stopped playing during mk3 to begin with.
Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

To clarify, I am not a PP hater in the least, tho I am a big fan of their in house cast resin plus I have my own 3D printer, both of which makes me look down on their 3D print quality. Or at least on the quality we got in the GenCon starters. Personally, I don't find it worth the MK3+ prices they're charging - and that's ignoring that I'm well aware of what it's costing PP to print this stuff. Good to hear on the singles tho!

There's a good chance that they've gotten better at printing or worked more time into the production time for print clean up or at least reoriented their prints to more intelligently handle curved surfaces, but I literally do not know. I've only heard all the bad things in the beginning and the mediocrity that I've cleaned and primed myself, there's not a very vocal group still interacting with the product line, for all I can tell.

But I'm going to drop this talk here, sorry Igor for taking over your thread, I guess we were all inspired by somebody actually talking about WM4 in 2023

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/02/09 21:12:55

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us
Nihilistic Necron Lord

On the subject of 3D terrain…


Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Central Valley, California

that's a very nice piece. I hope it will be durable.

~ Shrap

Rolling 1's for five decades.
AoS * Konflikt '47 * Conquest Last Argument of Kings * Team Yankee * Horus Heresy * The Old World * Warcrow 
Made in dk
Iron Fang


Cyel wrote:

I don't think there'll be any Polish WTC team this year. Is WTC 2023 happening, btw? I don't have a FB account so I have no idea what WM&H communities around the world are doing.

Oh no, please make a Polish team. WTC 2023 is very much happening. It is in my neck of the woods in Copenhagen, Denmark. It will be held in walking distance (even indoors walking distance) from the train station and airport. There is some tiny bits of information here: https://wmhwtc.wordpress.com/2022/11/28/wtc-2023/

Hope to see you all there.

Visit The Greylord Archives my blog on mostly Khador.  
Made in no
Umber Guard

I'm coming, at least. Copenhagen is, after all, just a little boat trip away

We're getting some new people and some Mk2 people back at the moment, and the new starting armies are selling. I am quite happy with my Storm Legion kit, all told, but atm I aim to finish the last of my Convergence for the Belgian Masters next weekend.
Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut

Quite a lot depends on how expensive the event is going to be. Denmark isn't exactly the most affordable country

Even taking the cost out of consideration it may be hard to just find anyone willing to go, as even local events barely have any attendance.
Made in no
Umber Guard

Cyel wrote:
Quite a lot depends on how expensive the event is going to be. Denmark isn't exactly the most affordable country

Hey, it could have been held in Norway. We have been asked once, but somehow the questions ceased when we told them the low low price of beer in the cold north: At least 5EUR for a pint in the very cheapest, most dingy bar you can find
Made in dk
Iron Fang


 Kaptajn Congoboy wrote:
Cyel wrote:
Quite a lot depends on how expensive the event is going to be. Denmark isn't exactly the most affordable country

Hey, it could have been held in Norway. We have been asked once, but somehow the questions ceased when we told them the low low price of beer in the cold north: At least 5EUR for a pint in the very cheapest, most dingy bar you can find

Denmark is not the most inexpensive country in the world. However, our beer is cheaper than in Norway

Visit The Greylord Archives my blog on mostly Khador.  
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