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Adeptus Custodes 10th Edition Tactics: From Golden Light  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in at
Longtime Dakkanaut

10th Edition changed a lot of things for the Talons of the Emperor. Here is a quick overview:

Here are some of the most relevant changes compared to 9th edition:

-Martial Katahs are now chosen at the beginning of the fight phase (yours and your opponents) and last until the end of the fight phase, giving you way more flexibility than before and we only have 3 options now, but all of them are really good.

-Characters are still amazing, but only give their buffs to one unit which they are attached to (this is not unique to Custodes, but how most character units work in 10th)

-Our infantry shooting got a lot better, particularly on Custodian Guard equipped with Guardian Spears.

-Jetbikes are not as good as they were in 9th.

-we still have some of the most powerful stratagems in the game.

-Fight First is THE most powerful ability to have in the fight phase, because in 10th edition if your unit has the Fight First ability, they are going to strike before your opponent does even if your unit has been charged....and we have rather easy access to get this ability via Trajann or using a stratagem. This combined with the new Katah system makes Custodes an absolute nightmare to deal with for any melee focused army.

-Castellan Axes got buffed to 3 damage, but because they strike at -1WS, have one fewer attacks and only -1 AP, the Guardian Spear is the better option in almost all cases.

-Squad sizes are weird in 10th. Custodian Guard can be selected in squads of 4-10 and Wardens can be selected in squads of 3-6...for some reason. This is not exclusive to Custodes, but a general theme in 10th.

-Vexillus Praetors are gone as individual character units. You now buy them as an upgrade for your units to increase their OC value.

-Sisters are no longer completely immune to psychic attacks and effects, but rather have a 3+ Feelnopain against everything psychic thrown against them. Not sure how I feel about this honestly, since Sisters already don't seem that impressive in 10th regarding the rest of their rules.

-Storm Shields now give +1 Wound to the bearer instead of +1 Armor Save, which makes it a good option to be equipped on a few guys in a big Custodian Guard squad to tank damage 3 hits.

Unit Analysis:


-Trajann Valoris: the old man is still amazing, arguably better than he was in 9th edition. When he leads a unit they can ignore all negative modifiers (except to their armor save) and he still slaps in melee. What makes him an auto include in my opinion is the Moment Shackle, which gives him the ability to make him and his unit fight first (the other two abilities of the moment shackle are nice, but fight first is so powerful that you are mostly going to pick fight first) which is just bonkers good.
-Valerian: if Valerian leads a unit, enemy units get -1 AP on their weapons in the fight phase, he also has decent melee. Valerian is good, but unfortunately for him we are really spoiled for choice in 10th regarding characters, so I believe he won't see as much play because there are just stronger options in our index.
-Aleya: Valerians BFF and certified badass. She's even better in 10th. She has great melee, she gives Fight First to the squad she leads and gives her squad +1 to hit if they are below starting strength. The problem is that unfortunately the squads she can lead are not that good and/or overshadowed by other options.

-Shield Captain: All three Shield Captain variants provide value because they let you use one stratagem for free once per battle round, even if that strat has already been used, which is a very powerful ability. That being said the standard Shield Captain was rarely played in previous editions. He was never a bad unit, but simply overshadowed by better options...well, no more! The Shield Captain is really good in 10th because he let's his unit use two Katahs instead of one in the fight phase and once per game lets his unit use all three Katahs at the same time.
-Allarus Shield Captain: the Terminator Captain is still good. He also has access to the aforementioned ability to make one strat per battle round free, which is great. He can also fight on death on a 2+ if he hasn't already fought. Not bad, but the standard Shield Captain provides more value in my opinion.
-Shield Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike: the infamous bike captain is in a weird spot in 10th edition. In a vacuum his rules are great. He also lets you use one strat for free each battle round and he and his unit can consolidate 6" instead of 3" which is always good. He also lets you fall back at the end of the fight phase once per game or lets you make a normal move at the end of the fight phase if you are not within engagement range which is amazing.....it's just that in these scenarios he would be leading a unit of jetbikes....and jetbikes are not that great in 10th.
-Blade Champion: The Blade Champ got introduced in 9th ed and was a premium beatstick, but was ultimately overshadowed by other characters that were better force multipliers. In 10th he i very much worth including in most lists because once per game he and the unit he is leading can advance and charge, which is just such a valuable ability for a mostly foot slogging army like Custodes. He is also still very powerful in melee and a prime candidate to lead a big unit of Custodian Guard, because like all characters leading a unit he also benefits from their ability to re-roll all wounds on an objective you control, which is hilarious with his dmg3 devastating wounds profile. If you roll hot, he can chuck out a ridiculous amount of mortal wounds.
-Knight Centuria: makes sisters unit faster and charge better...not bad like Aleya, it's just that Sisters are not that impressive in 10th.


-Custodian Guard: Custodian Guard are one of the strongest units in our Index. They always re-roll 1s to wound and if you are on an objective you control, they re-roll all wounds, which is amazing. They can also double shoot once per game, which makes them surprisingly deadly in ranged combat also.
-Prosecutors: Still a cheap backline unit for holding objectives, honestly won't do much else.
Sagittarum Custodes: : The Sagittarum are still good in my opinion, but you have to take them in units of 5 now, which is a shame because losing the option of taking a unit of 3 as a backline unit feels bad. 10th ed unit sizes strike again.
They have a neat synergy with the Coronus: Sagittarum can get Devastating Wounds on their Bolters once per game and the Coronus lets a unit that just disembarket re-roll all wounds in the shooting phase. It's cute, but probably not worth the investment in light of better options.


-Wardens: Oh boy...Wardens got quite the glow up in 10th. They were already a really good unit in 9th edition, but their new Living Fortress ability takes them over the top in 10th...they can get a 4+ Feelnopain once per battle, which basically makes them an immovable object for one phase. They are also -1 to be wounded if a character is leading the unit (which is always going to be the case) and if they are targeted with an attack with higher strength than their toughness as a cherry on top. Wardens are going to find a place in most Custodes lists.
-Venerable Contemptor Dreadnought: Still ugly but now an actual option. It's really tough due to its unyielding ancient ability, which lets the Contemptor get back up on a 2+ with D6 wounds after being destroyed the first time.
-Allarus Terminators: T7 Custodes in shiny Terminator Armor? Yes, please! Allarus Terminators are awsome in 10th. They are tough, they re-roll all failed wounds against vehicles, monsters and characters. Also their "From golden Light" ability gives them good mobility for mission play. Great unit.
-Vigilators: Badass Sisters with badass Swords. They actually have good melee, but our Custodes units do melee even better.

-Contemptor Galatus Dreadnought: still the coolest looking drednought in the game. Unfortunately all Forgeworld dreads suffered a nerf to their movement from 9" to 6" which is a massive nerf for a dreadnought that does nothing than melee. If you manage to get the Galatus into melee, it's going to do work and be a major headache for your opponent since the Galatus Shield now provides -1 to wound in the fight phase for enemy units, which makes the Galatus extremely tough in melee.
-Contemptor Achillus Dreadnought: the second coolest looking dreadnought in the game, but it suffers from the same problem as the Galatus. The movement nerf is brutal on these two dreads. The Achillus still does a lot of dmg in melee and now also can dish out mortal wounds after making a charge, which is great if you manage to actually get it there.
-Aquilon Terminators: still the most chonky Terminators in town, but they really took a hit in 10th. They can re-roll failed wound rolls of 1 if they are shooting the nearest enemy unit, which is nice I guess, but their melee weapon options really took a nerf compared to 9th, especially the power fist. They are also more expensive per model than Allarus Terminators, which are just better anyway.

Fast Attack:

-Vertus Praetors: well....they can't be good all the time, right? Our infamous dawneagle jetbikes have always been a powerful unit, but they really took a dive in 10th. They are not as tough as terminators, salvo launchers don't do as much damage as before and struggle to wound vehicles and they are expensive at 90 points per model. They still get +1 to wound on the charge and can do mortal wounds when moving across enemy units, but ultimately they are overcosted for what they do in my opinion.
-Witchseekers: Sisters with flamers that force battle shock tests.

-Venatari: They can fall back and charge now, which is good, but their pistols are only dmg1 now and they cost 235 for three dudes, that's too expensive for what they do in my opinion. Also the lances option went from S6 to S4 on their shooting profile for some reason.
-Agamatus Jetbikes: Similar issues as the standard Vertus Praetors. Not T7 for some reason, expensive and don't hit as hard as other options we have access to.

Heavy Support:
-Venerable Land Raider: it's actually not bad now, which is kinda baffling after such a long time in dumpster tier. It's rather tough, provides some anti tank firepower and has assault ramp. It also gets the Martial Katah rule, which means our Land Raiders know Karate.

-Telemon Heavy Dreadnought: Oh how the mighty have fallen. The Telemon is not much tougher than a venerable contemptor, if you play him with double fists you get no additional benefits in melee because you can only attack with one of them which is just stupid and the firepower if just OK.
-Caladius Grav-Tank: Best value anti tank firepower we have access to. Amazing unit and is going to see a lot of play for sure.


-Orion Dropship: proof that custodes truly have the most pimped up rides in the imperium. Still very expensive and if you use it for transporting troops and/or a dreanought its basically the definition of "all eggs in one basket".
-Ares Gunship: provides the heaviest anti-tank firepower custodes have access to. Probably still too expensive.

Dedicated Transport:

-Anathema Psykana Rhino: Sisters are not that great in 10th, but if you are hellbent on playing them, some Vigilators with Aleya in a Rhino might be nice.
-Coronus Grav-Carrier: I still want to love the Coronus, but I am not sure if it's going to find a place in any list.


-Inspirational Exemplar: bearer has a leadership of 5+ and can un-battle shock one unit once per game. Not bad
-Veiled Blade: +2 attacks and once per game triple the OC of the bearer. Great choice for the Blade Champ.
-Ceaseless Hunter: bearers unit can fall back and charge and once per game can move up to 6" if enemy unit ends normal move, advance or fall back within 9". Strongest ability of the four enhancement options by far.
-Unstoppable Destroyer: Mortal wounds on the charge and can force battle shock tests. Not bad, but Veiled Blade and Ceaseless Hunter are just far better.


S-Tier: you are going to use these in every single game
A-Tier: Very strong stragems
B-Tier: Situationally useful
C-Tier: Not that good

-Arcane Genetic Alchemy: -1 dmg on enemy attacks for 2CP. This is extremely powerful on Custodes bodies and you are going to use this in most of your games.
-Unwavering Sentinels: gives your unit fight first if it is within range of an objective marker. This is probably one of the most powerful stratagems in the game and one of the reasons Custodes are one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful melee army currently.
-Slayers of Nightmares: +1 to wound against vehicles or monsters in the fight phase. Great value in 10th with the overall increase in toughness.
-Vigil Unending: bring back one destroyed Custodes model (can only use this once per unit). Bringing back things like an Allarus Terminator with this strat is just amazing value.
-Sworn Guardians: one objective you control becomes sticky. Great strat for a low unit count army like Custodes
-Avenge the Fallen: +1 Attack when under starting strength +2 attacks instead when under half strength. Extra attacks are always powerful on high quality profiles like Custodes, but maybe a bit more situational than the other options. Still a good strat to have.

Not a single bad strat among these and some of the most powerful ones in the game.

Custodes came out swinging in 10th edition with one of the strongest indices. They are still a hyper elite army with amazing melee and some of the best strats and characters in the game.

This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at 2023/07/26 21:26:59

Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

I know we've been seeing big Custodian Guard bricks doing well; that Fights First thing is NASTY on a unit like that! Personally if I was going to run that unit I'd take a few with sword & board to mess up 3-damage ranged attack strategies.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 25 | Current main painting project: Kruleboyz Spearhead
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

In My Lab

Don’t Interceptor Lances have Lance?
The +1 to-wound in charge rule?

Clocks for the clockmaker! Cogs for the cog throne! 
Made in at
Longtime Dakkanaut

 JNAProductions wrote:
Don’t Interceptor Lances have Lance?
The +1 to-wound in charge rule?

Yep, totally glanced over that fact. Thanks.
Made in at
Longtime Dakkanaut

Somehow my browser is acting up, this was an accidental post. If someone catches a mistake I've made in the writeup, please PM me.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/17 13:32:48

Made in gb
Cackling Chaos Conscript

Worth noting that while AGA is a hefty 2 CPs your shield captain can make it free.
I've also had a lot of luck daisy-chaining the custodian guard to sticky multiple objectives.
I'd bump down Avenge the Fallen to B-tier. Highly situational, boosting 5 attacks to 6 is a marginal improvement especially when used on a smaller unit. The real use is for that block of 10 that's down to 4 and increasing output by 40%.
Venatari are overpriced. BUT, they are still powerful disruptive units. They are guaranteed a charge when using rapid ingress and can do so as soon as your t2 (if you go second). They have made their points back in about half of the games I've used them and provided valuable utility in each.
Being our only real anti tank, the caladius is extremely good in that role. When there are no tanks or monsters it's not quite so scary but can still make things like terminators or wraith constructs scared. Also a good bet for sniping characters exposed by your bolter shots. I think it's worth taking one per 1000 points.
Made in no
Liche Priest Hierophant


I have to ask: Does not almost all units make the charge after rapid ingress?

Made in gb
Cackling Chaos Conscript

 Niiai wrote:
I have to ask: Does not almost all units make the charge after rapid ingress?

Often, yes. But terminators walking 5" for a 4" charge is very likely but not a guarantee and have no way around screens. Armies that have strats/rules that let you move in response to other units/redeploy (grey knights, eldar) can also make the charge unviable. Units with a strong overwatch can do some damage before you get to act, while fly and positioning after their movement allows you to hide behind terrain if you have to and still make the charge.
Venatari can fly over screens to get the juicy bits.

Finally, free RI is nothing to scoff at, those CPs are a hot commodity for custodes.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/18 13:37:10

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Mad_Proctologist wrote:
 Niiai wrote:
I have to ask: Does not almost all units make the charge after rapid ingress?

Often, yes. But terminators walking 5" for a 4" charge is very likely but not a guarantee and have no way around screens. Armies that have strats/rules that let you move in response to other units/redeploy (grey knights, eldar) can also make the charge unviable. Units with a strong overwatch can do some damage before you get to act, while fly and positioning after their movement allows you to hide behind terrain if you have to and still make the charge.
Venatari can fly over screens to get the juicy bits.

Finally, free RI is nothing to scoff at, those CPs are a hot commodity for custodes.

This is one of those things where on the board, I love venetari. I just CANT justify taking 3 of them for 235 points when 3 allarus are 195, or an entire 5 man guard squad being 225. It's nifty that yhey are more agile, but we don't really need to be an agile army. We hold middle and deny enemy primary while claiming secondaries where we can.

You could make the argument that with their speed they are better for objective Play, but then they aren't fighting and doing the job a 35 point exaction squad or a 75 pt assassin could do just fine so I feel it's even more of a waste for then to not be fighting.

Free RI is a thing but I'd rather use it for free via attached shield captain(abilities work off board to 0 cp strat) to a giant blob, or spend the points on a different blob with blade champ. Either way w/ceaseless hunter you probably gonna be fine for positioning l.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/18 17:29:13

Made in gb
Cackling Chaos Conscript

Mad_Proctologist wrote:

Venatari are overpriced. BUT, they are still powerful disruptive units.

Like I said, they cost too much for what they do. That doesn't make them useless. But it's true that terminators are almost always the better choice. I didn't take them because I thought they'd be hot gak, I took them because I love the models and wanted to give it a go. And I found that they are strong, just not worth the price tag. We definitely have stronger choices for similar roles.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I'm curious about peoples thoughts on caladius, obviously it's great from a points to output perspective. But I've been feeling them as more of a drawback in reality, I been taking 2 and a lot of the times one will pop good dmg and the other totally whiffs and then and the slap back being the only tanks it almost feels like I'm giving the opponent a more efficient shooting option for their big guns instead of bringing in more options for me. Maybe my lucks just bad but overall I've been happier running more dudes instead

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/18 20:21:06

Made in gb
Cackling Chaos Conscript

Ecdain wrote:
I'm curious about peoples thoughts on caladius, obviously it's great from a points to output perspective. But I've been feeling them as more of a drawback in reality, I been taking 2 and a lot of the times one will pop good dmg and the other totally whiffs and then and the slap back being the only tanks it almost feels like I'm giving the opponent a more efficient shooting option for their big guns instead of bringing in more options for me. Maybe my lucks just bad but overall I've been happier running more dudes instead

Great anti tank. but once all the tanks are gone they're just taking up space.
I had a game the other day where I got two wounds on a Russ and rolled snake eyes
other guy proceeded to shoot everything at it and though it died it took literally every shot they had, allowing my infantry to close the gap and ultimately win me the game. However, on the same day I also one-shotted a wraithlord and made a dreadknight hide like a little bitch instead of advancing on my lines.
It's quick, scary (rightfully so or maybe not) and can hold backfield objectives. worth the points in my opinion.
Made in no
Liche Priest Hierophant


The Rhino got updated with fire deck 2. That makes the minimum squad of witchunters in a rhino much more tasty for 135 points.

I often find my minimum squad of 4 regular sisters get killed as soon as possible without much effort by the opponent

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/26 18:18:02

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

 Niiai wrote:
The Rhino got updated with fire deck 2. That makes the minimum squad of witchunters in a rhino much more tasty for 135 points.

I often find my minimum squad of 4 regular sisters get killed as soon as possible without much effort by the opponent

Honestly my issue with sisters this edition is the fact exaction squads exist xD, prosecutors and maybe even vigilators would look so much tastier if I didn't have that comparison. It's great rhinos got firing deck though, was weird how some had and some didn't
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Hey all, has anyone been trying kyria draxus? Used her in a game v knights yesterday and she did her job perfectly. I just worry about failing the roll for hiding.. doea 16% chance of failure warrant not running her?
Made in us
Morally-Flexible Malleus Hearing Whispers

Sisters losing M-7 was a big blow to sword sisters. I would have liked to play this edition, but I fear my attempts to even learn this edition have ruined my taste for it. It's no longer intuitive playing Custodes. Oh this axe is less valuable than a spear, why? Reasons? Ok....And our bikes Hurricane bolters now shoot less shots than our other vehicles? Gotcha. So all my pre-built models are worthless except for spear guardians and a badly painted Ven Dread. Ok....do you even want me to enjoy this edition?
Made in no
Liche Priest Hierophant


You have vehicles that shoot more then the bolter bike?

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

FezzikDaBullgryn wrote:
Sisters losing M-7 was a big blow to sword sisters. I would have liked to play this edition, but I fear my attempts to even learn this edition have ruined my taste for it. It's no longer intuitive playing Custodes. Oh this axe is less valuable than a spear, why? Reasons? Ok....And our bikes Hurricane bolters now shoot less shots than our other vehicles? Gotcha. So all my pre-built models are worthless except for spear guardians and a badly painted Ven Dread. Ok....do you even want me to enjoy this edition?

Yeah bikes getting smacked with the nerf bat sucked, and having to remodel my axes into spears wasn't quick, but I enjoy kitbashing so was a fun project. However I love that I'm running wardens, allarus, and guard and all are amazing instead of just spamming one thing like bikes last edition. Sure a lot of people are just spamming 10 man bricks but that's not needed at all or even better. Just a choice.

I do wish that axes v spears was a bit more of a choice, but thebaoear being good against literally everything has me less sad
Made in gb
Battleship Captain

Sisters lost a 7" move but knight centuria add 2" to their move so unless you want a *pure* sisterhood force you can give up to 3 squads 8" moves.

Given that they also add 2" to advance and charge rolls I think it's pretty much an automatic choice to add a sword-armed character to each squad of vigilators.

Termagants expended for the Hive Mind: ~2835
Made in us
Morally-Flexible Malleus Hearing Whispers

I am very sad about the bikes. I have been desperate to play a biker list since 8th, and this is kinda the nail in the coffin for 10th, or 2k games. I find it surprising that GW actually wants the faction to basically be JUST our troops, with a few characters, one of which is a BL character. Has any faction even had a BL character be one of it's best units?
Made in no
Liche Priest Hierophant


locarno24 wrote:
Sisters lost a 7" move but knight centuria add 2" to their move so unless you want a *pure* sisterhood force you can give up to 3 squads 8" moves.

Given that they also add 2" to advance and charge rolls I think it's pretty much an automatic choice to add a sword-armed character to each squad of vigilators.

I don't really know what role sisters have. Three of them is 45 the same as a Custodian Guard. But I don't know if they are more offensive then a Custodian Guard. And they die very fast.

Custodian Guard is the best melee model in games of 10th from what I can see from tournament reports. I find it hard to justify a MSU melee unit. The character addition also increases the price by a lot.

But for me at least it is not tempting to take them.

Made in gb
Battleship Captain

 Niiai wrote:
locarno24 wrote:
Sisters lost a 7" move but knight centuria add 2" to their move so unless you want a *pure* sisterhood force you can give up to 3 squads 8" moves.

Given that they also add 2" to advance and charge rolls I think it's pretty much an automatic choice to add a sword-armed character to each squad of vigilators.

I don't really know what role sisters have. Three of them is 45 the same as a Custodian Guard. But I don't know if they are more offensive then a Custodian Guard. And they die very fast.

Custodian Guard is the best melee model in games of 10th from what I can see from tournament reports. I find it hard to justify a MSU melee unit. The character addition also increases the price by a lot.

But for me at least it is not tempting to take them.

Whether they're cost effective enough to be tempting or not is a different matter but they do do a few jobs better than custodes. I'm not saying they're not fragile or that they're necessarily cost-effective. The big issue (much like inquisition units) is that they're matchup-specific.

3 vigilators are OC3 versus OC2 for a single Custodian.
They have a *slightly* higher damage output against a space marine-esque target due to [Devastating Wounds], and that difference gets more noticeable against anything with a 4+ invulnerable save or 2+ armour save (elite infantry) and especially against 1-wound models like celestians or bloodletters, because mortal Wounds 'splash' on overkill.

Obviously they really come into their own where the combination of [Anti-Psyker 4+] and [Devastating Wounds] applies. Synapse Creatures, Dreadknights, Greater Daemons, Knights Abominant and so on take scary amounts of damage for a cheap expendable unit.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/08/07 14:16:47

Termagants expended for the Hive Mind: ~2835
Made in no
Liche Priest Hierophant


I don't think the OC argument is that exciting.

But 5 of them in a rhino is 150. The minimum squad for 4 Custodies is 180. However I feel you just pay the 30 points more and bite the bullit

Made in gb
Battleship Captain

That's fair.

Personally I wouldn't bother buying a rhino for a 5 man squad though. Unless an anathema psykana unit is full strength with an attached leader its basically a disposable pocket change unit in a custodes force.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/08/08 09:54:13

Termagants expended for the Hive Mind: ~2835
Made in no
Liche Priest Hierophant


T3 3+ just evaporates. They will most likly not reach melee.

Made in us
Morally-Flexible Malleus Hearing Whispers

Do sisters Rhinos get open top? Wouldn't a squad of flamer sisters in a rhino be a good objective holder?
Made in gb
Battleship Captain

They get 'firing deck 2' - so only 2 can shoot. Kind of a waste with an all-flamer squad, especially since witchseekers have 'scout' baked into their points.

Termagants expended for the Hive Mind: ~2835
Made in no
Liche Priest Hierophant


While five S4 flamers are not great I had a lot of sickness with witchseekers in rhinoes in 9th edition. They could shoot/movement block or just hold objectives cheap. The Rhino was also great itilaty

However in 10th transition they lost assault, ap1, and one point of movement. I have not had enough games to figure then out.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
While five S4 flamers are not great I had a lot of sickness with witchseekers in rhinoes in 9th edition. They could shoot/movement block or just hold objectives cheap. The Rhino was also great itilaty

However in 10th transition they lost assault, ap1, and one point of movement. I have not had enough games to figure then out.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/08/09 11:37:27

Made in gb
Battleship Captain

They're much more of a delaying/harassing unit now.

Scout 6" means you don't *have* to use a rhino to get them into position, and overwatch let's you react to ANY movement ending within 12" with a bunch of automatic hits, not just people trying to charge them. On top of that, the battleshock effect can stop their target using stratagems, which can mess up a unit's ability to attack, or even remove their ability to co troll objectives mid-tutn if your opponent ignores them.

4 sisters is easy enough to kill but at 60 points you don't really care and if it wastes a turn of a much more expensive unit digging them out, that's probably enough to justify them.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/08/09 13:30:29

Termagants expended for the Hive Mind: ~2835
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Denison, Iowa

Brace yourselves boys, Rumor has it that the FAQ tomorrow will limit us to 5-man squads.
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