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W&G Ch.4 Da Final Fight?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Dakka Veteran

A few weeks ago, you crawled out of the dirt, a freshly spawned ork. You found yourself in a desert and immediately started walking toward the nearest ork settlement, a scrap filled city on a red sandy beach, overlooking a vast ocean.

Eventually you found your way to Da Job Pole…a large pole where a bunch of other yoofs and a few boyz were standing around. You weren’t sure what it was but eventually an old wizened runt herder explained a few things.

“Oi, new Yoofs. Listen up! Dis da job pole. Yah don’t av nuffin ta do, yah stand around ere and wait for a Nob to come round and grab yah. Do what yah Nob sayz or git krumped. Got it?”

Not long after a large hulking ork with a massive choppa and a single large leering tooth came up to the job pole and pushed you all out of the crowd. He wore tattered blue ragged clothes, adorned with skulls, signifying his mark as part of the Death Skull clan.

I’m Nob Big Toof. Youz my boyz now. Follow me to da Boom Dakka Snazzwagon, wez going back to Da Fort, an den you gonna git your chance to prove yah selves,”
Big Toof drives you across the desert to a small scrap fort adjacent to a large mountain range.

Once you get there, Big Toof addresses you all again.

“Right, yah see that big mountain. Ders a bunch of caves, in da caves is a bunch of scrap. Yah go in there, find da scrap, bring it back ere, an den we drive da scrap back to town and sell it to da Meks. Ders also a buncha weird stuff in da caves, so it’ll be some gud fightin as well.”
“So go grab yo slugga, choppa, and shoota and if’n yah hungry grab a squig sausage from da grot cook, den meet me back ere so we can git started.”
Then he gestures to two grots: “Oi, Snotload, Shina, git that ladder yah been working on, and light up some torches. Wez goin Caving!”

At the entrance to the caves:

After getting your gear together, Big Toof, trailed by the two grots, Snotload and Shina leads you on foot to a cave entrance. The grots are carrying a ramshackle ladder, that looks terribly flimsy. One of the grots, Shina, also has a headlamp worn around his head. Once inside the cave, Shina lights the torches and gives one to each of you in turn, providing some light and warmth.

After a short walk down a narrow corridor, you reach a fairly large hole. Big Toof gestures to the grots to lower the ladder down into the hole.

“Right me and my old boyz went down ere a while back. Tons of good stuff. Should be good lootin and good fightin. Now…git down that ladder and make sure it works right. Den I’ll follow yah.”

You start down the ladder. Managing to hold your lit torch and other gear while keeping a hold without losing your balance is tricky but you seem to be doing ok. Below is pure blackness…you can’t see anything but it must be a long way down.

Snotload let’s out a loud wailing cry as he loses his grip on the ladder, his foot knocks a lit torch into the ladder, which causes the ladder to start burning up. To your dismay the fire quickly spreads across the ladder before anyone can put it out. With a loud cry, Snotload jumps from the ladder and disappears into the darkness. It’s quickly followed by Shina.

Meanwhile Big Toof, who never set foot on the ladder starts cursing loudly.

“You cheeky grots! You better hope I don’t jump down there right now and bash yah heads in!”

Eventually though his anger turns to merriment. It’s funny when bad things happen to other orks, as long as it’s not you.

Har Har Har, dats why we send Yoofs in first. Nothing ta do but jump now! Ain’t much of a fall, just try not ta land on yah head. Sides, once yah get down there, yah can git right into scrap hunting and fightin. Once yah find something just meet me back here and I’ll be back with a new ladder…and some new grots!”

Athletics + Agility DN 3 to successfully jump from the burning ladder. Fail=take 1 mortal wound.

Once you hit the ground you are able to assess the situation. Pieces of the burning ladder continue to fall to the ground and the way back would be very difficult to climb. Fortunately Big Toof said he would be back with a new ladder so as long as you don’t get lost you should be able to come back and climb back out of the caves.
You also recovered all your gear…nothing damaged and the torches should be able to provide light for at least a few hours. And, the two Grots Snotload and Shina are also around cowering behind a rock in the corner of the room, snickering at the chaos they causes.

As you look out, you notice the cavern seems to fork off into two small tunnels.
One tunnel smells wet, and you hear the dripping of water. It also carries with it a foul stench of some kind. The other tunnel is dry and absent of any smell…just dead silence and darkness.

Which tunnel will you take?

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/03/21 10:07:19

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

SnazzKrunk gathers his things and then checks around for any decent bits of rope from the ladder that might come in handy for bundling up scrap [is that a roll? I dunno]

He sniffs the wiffy tunnel and scowls.
“Bah, smells rotten down dere. I don’t want no manky old swamp-gubbinz wot is all covered in swamp-gak. Meks only pay da big teef for da snazzy stuff.”

He sniffs the other tunnel and smells no such rotten stench.
“Dis here is da way I wants to go. If dere’s any good scrap down here it’s dis way.”

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/13 08:22:15

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

 theCrowe wrote:
SnazzKrunk gathers his things and then checks around for any decent bits of rope from the ladder that might come in handy for bundling up scrap [is that a roll? I dunno]

He sniffs the wiffy tunnel and scowls.
“Bah, smells rotten down dere. I don’t want no manky old swamp-gubbinz wot is all covered in swamp-gak. Meks only pay da big teef for da snazzy stuff.”

He sniffs the other tunnel and smells no such rotten stench.
“Dis here is da way I wants to go. If dere’s any good scrap down here it’s dis way.”

[Snazzkrunk makes the jump from the ladder with ease. Not only does he land safely, but he manages to do in an intimidating orky sort of way, kicking up an excessive amount of dirt and dust in the process, which causes the grots to start coughing. CRITICAL SUCCESS. 1 GLORY EARNED

Its's not easy fumbling around in the dark, but SnazzKrunk does manage to find a lengthy piece of climbing rope in the assorted gear that fell down off the ladder. Not enough to escape the caves, but it might come in handy if you needed to repel down a cliff.

Snotload peers out from behind a rock and jeers. "Wot makes you fink you know wot gud scrap looks like? You dun this before?"

He points to himself, a lumen now fashioned to his head and turned on. "I bin with the boss before. I knowz dis place and I can tell yah dry tunnel just goes to a dead end, Yah have to start with the wet tunnel. If'n yah don't believe me I show yah."

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

rolled 2,5,5, so 2 successes, failed the jump

Fractions of seconds after Snazzkrunk, another Youf lands, or rather smashes flat face into the ground at the bottom of the shaft. As Grotskorcha pulls himself up, he is shocked to realize that the fall must have blinded him. It takes him some moments tumbling around in the darkness until he realizes that his rusty buckethelmet has just turned itself around. Readjusting it he hopes none of the other Yoofs has seen it and takes a look around.

Puzzled about the situation he explores the inside of his nostril for a while mustering Snazzkrunk and thinking about his idea which tunnel to get into. Realizing that the other Yoof is somewhat bigger and stronger than himself, he comes to the conclusion, that this is obviously a great idea and gets in line to his left, but slightly behind him. "Yeah! Me smells like da good stuff is down dere!" he seconds the ork, nodding enthusiastically and ignoring the Grot for now. He might be on the lowest step of the ladder in Ork society, but at least he was no Grot...

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

SnazzKrunk has literally never seen a piece of scrap before, let alone compared the quality of one pierce to another, but two concepts loom large in his simple mind. One is Snazz- anything shiny and flash; the good stuff. And the other is Gak. And that other tunnel smelled like gak.

“Bah! Shows wot grots knows.”

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

With a slight snicker of his large nose, Snotload leads you through the dry barren caves, the other grot Shinna trails close behind. True to his name Shinna, ocassionally shines his large headlamp in your eyes much to your annoyance.

The cavern is low, barely above your own heads, and very narrow forcing you all to move single file through it. After what seems like a long time, Snotload abrubtly comes to a halt.

"See I told you it's a dead end. Guess you better turn around eh?" Snotload says derisively.

Something in you, an instinct tells you to look around first.

Sure enough, the tunnel ends in a dead end. But SnazzKrunk notices an odd looking green glyth in the wall. But it doesn't look like an ork glympth. Looking at it makes you feel strange and uneasy.

"Dats a Mutie glyth, Shinna says helpfully. Dey live in dese caves...sometimes give da orks a good scrap."

"Still doesn't change the fact that this is a ded end though!" Snotload leers.

Grotskorcha has even better luck. In his fumbling around in the tunnel he accidently trips over what seems like a hole. Upon close inspection though, you see a very small crawlspace that you could all crawl through. And when when Grostskorcha examines the glyth on the wall, he realizes that the wall behind it is hollow. With a little choppa bashing, perhaps the wall could come down and lead into another cavern.

Snotload looks at the crawl space and grimaces. "That looks scary. I'm sure you yoofs can fink of something better."

Shinna pipes up. "Yah bashing wall way betta. That's propah orky way!"

[Intelligence test: Snazzkrump failed and burned 1 wrath and 1 glory but still failed. 1 Wrath remaining though. Grotskorcha succeeded without having to spend anything]

[Decision: Take the crawl space (no test needed at this time) OR start digging. (Strength test DN 3). First player to roll can take a bonus die for getting assistance from the other yoof. Any attempts to intimidate grots will automatically succeed].

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Grotskorcha pulls his foot out of the hole he just stepped into and inspects it with a doubtfull look under his heavy brow "Datt looks crawly down dere..." He just looks up to take a measure of the grots and how well one might stuff them into the hole to see where it leads to as he becomes aware of the Glyph at the wall. "Uhh! Shiny!"" and stomps over to the wall. "Datt will look flashy on a chain!"" he exclaims enthusiastically, deciding to cut the Glyph out as a souvenir. As he hits the wall with the heavy cudgel, it gives an unexpected hollow sound. "Oi! Lads! Deres a room behind dis! Get ova here and smash it! Smash it good!"

Grotskorcha himself is immediatly fully invested in his goal, going to town on the wall with two handed swings and the occasional kick with his heavy iron-capped boots, shouting happily as he turns the cave wall into debris.
4/4/5/1, 3 successes, so that should work

As he finishes he looks to the ground, shuffling the rocks from side to side to see if at least a part of the shiny glyph is still intact and handy enough to carry it with him until he finds something even more flashy. Then he reminds himself why he wanted to smash that wall in the first place. "Oi, look at dat!" he exclaims, pointing into the newformed entrance...

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

The grots cheer at the sight of the big ork breaking apart the wall even as they scamper away from debris flying away.

When the ork is done smashing the rock apart, the grots remove some of the debris, clearing a path to the entrance. As you look out, you see a long narrow tunnel, similar to the one you just came from. But amazingly...you also see what looks like a light in the distance. A blinking artificial light.

Snotload stares in amazement. "Blinky lights...dat can only mean."

Shinna finishes, "Da Scrap Cave...wez found it!"

[Will pick this up on Saturday! Feel free to post some dialogue in the meantime]

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

Ya see. Wot did I tells ya? I knowd dis woz da way ta go.”

(Now to intimidate the living gak out of Snotload) Picking the gobby little coward up by the throat SnazzKrunk brings the grot up to eye level and speaks flat and calm into his twitching ear.

You listen to me good an’ propa ya grot git. You knowd dis Mutie tunnel was dis way an’ you tried to steer us off. An’ I don’t know why you wanted to go down in da gak-cave, just to stuff yer fat gob wif shrooms, I rekkon, but I’m tellin’ you now that ain’t yer job. An’ I swear ta Gork an’ Mork if I catch a sniff of one more bum steer offov you, one more schemin’ lie… I’ll bite off both yer legs and let you crawl outa here on tha bloody stumps. An’ you can die in dis hole cursing da name ov SnazzKrump til’ ya bleeds out for all I cares, coz Gork an’ Mork don’t hear da snivellin’s ov lying Grotz anyways.”

Then turning to Grotscorcha with a winning smile and a friendly tone. The conversation with the grot all but forgotten for the moment.

Nice work, Skorcha. Proper Orky dat woz. Shame about day shiny glyph. But I reckon we’ll find plenty more in dere.”

Making a show of limbering up for a fight, big shoulder roll and a knuckle popping stretch, SnazzKrunk picks up a hefty looking piece of loose rock and grins.

Lights out Shinna! Let’s go in real sneaky-like an’ scare da living gak out of ‘em.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/16 19:28:09

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Snotload's eyes bulge and, true to his name, his nose begins to discharge quite a bit of snot out of it as he squirms. He tries to say something but only manages a feight nod and a "Yis boss." He gasps for air when he finally hits the ground again, thankful to be alive.

Shinna snickers at the sight of his rival being pummeled. "Serves yah right snotload," he mutters before he scurries up ahead, turning the light off when directed to.

Slowly but surely the motley group approaches the blinking light until eventually, you can peer in and verify that there are no muties, monsters or anything else for that matter.

Nothing but the tell tale signs of long buried civilization. Two sides of the room are solid rock, but the other two sides appear to be made out of some kind of rusting metal. The haphazard construction and ork glyths clearly show that at least this room came from a partially buried ork structure.

Snotload quickly examines the glyths. "Don't recognize any of this...must be old stuff."

Up ahead you see the half rock half rusted metal corridor branch off in two directions. There is no other lighting ahead and everything appears pitch black outside of this small room. Oddly enough though, the smell of squig wafts through one of the tunnels, making your tongue water with the thought of fresh meat to eat.

Shinna licks his lips. "I'm so hungry. That smells like squig. Boss shouldn't we go dat way?"

Snotload scampers behind one of the orks as he hisses back. "Right into a mutie trap I reckon. Dem gits is cunnin boss, dey love laying out traps for da boyz whenever we down ere. I say take da uver tunnel. Dey'll be plenty of food back at da fort once we find sum scrap!"

[Choice...squig meat smelling tunnel, or the other tunnel!]

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Grotskorcha rubs his belly a bit. That tunnel smelling like squig does feel pretty tasty. Then again, getting their hands on some nice scrap seems more important right now and the Squigs will taste even better if they are a victory dinner after a succesfull scrap hunt! To highlight the point he slaps Shinna over the back of his head "Shut ya trap, stupid Grot. We iz here to take sum scrap, dats why we iz here, undastand? Now get ya sorry arses down dat tunnel!" to get the Grot going he kicks him - not to hefty - in his behinds and slowly starts down the not-smelling tunnel, letting his gaze circle around the floor, walls and ceiling to not miss any interesting pieces of loot. After not being able to pick up that nice shining glyph, Grotskorcha is currently more focussed on finding a nice trinket and less attentive regarding possible attacks, even though he wouldn't mind a bit of a fight right now.

With a sidelong glance he looks over to SnazzKrunk, if he already found something interesting.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

SnazzKrunk sniffed the air and frowned. Smelled like a trap, eh? He didn’t like the sound of that much. And maybe if the Muties were that way, and the scrap was this way… the choice seemed obvious. He looked around and noticed that the rest of them had already come to the same conclusion and quickly stepped on forward pressing his way to the front of the group.

I reckon we go dis way. Prob’ly loads o’ scrap and gubbinz dis way. I’m gonna carry it all out an’ make a load ov teef and get me a real flash wagon. You lot can be me road crew.”

He notices GrotSkorcha looking around the passageway.

Good finkin’ Skorch, you look out fer traps an’ I’ll keep an eye out for gits to krump.

He squints into the cave ahead, hefting his rock ready to lob it at whatever might appear.

Get dat light on Shinna! I can’t see gak down here!

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

"Got it, Boss!" Grotskorcha replies with an orkish caricature of a salute and keeps inspecting the walls, floor and ceiling while going forward. Should he find anything suspicious, he will grab one of the Grots and push him into the possible trap to see what it does.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

The dark tunnel descends even further, with the only light provided by Shinna's head lamp. The narrow cavern appears to have half orky rusted scrap metal walls, and half of the straight concrete walls that humies make.

Eventually, you reach a wider cavern that opens up a bit, and as you walk into the wider cavern, motion sensing lumens light up the room from above.

It is an odd open cavern, with the ceiling a good 20 feet high or so. You see stalagmites hanging down ominously and the sound of dripping water nearby.

Interestingly enough, you also find the rusted out remains of an ork buggy which juts out from the wall on the left side, almost like the vehicle crashed through the wall while engaged in some ancient battle long long ago. It looks much smaller than the Boom Dakka Snazzwagon you road to the fort on. Who knows, maybe Meks made things smaller in the distant past?

Snotload and Shinna immediately begin scouring the buggy for anything of value. They pull little tools from their puches and begin prying and loostening various parts under the hood. Most appear to be worthless rusted junk and are discarded, not even worth a grot's attention.

Eventually Shinna pulls out a fancy looking part from the mostly rusted engine and holds it up high. "Meks can make a new buggy go vroom with this fing. I seen it before. Worth a few teef I reckon."

But while this is going on, you see two shadows appear to move near a large rock about 18 meters away, your ears pick up feignt whisperings from a low gravelly voice.

"Only two of the big ones."

"Will be a fitting sacrifice for our Dark Lord."

"Go get the others....go quick."


1. Pull out your shoota and open up at long range. As you can't really see them and they are in cover it will be DN 8 to hit. If you empty your clip on full auto you get +2 dice, and you'll have two clips left.

2. Charge toward the shadows and start shooting your slugga: DN 9 You can also empty a clip to go full auto and add one extra die.

3. Wait for these creatures to show themselves then either immediately charge in or give them some dakka as soon as they do.

4. Start heading back the way you came. It's not cowardly running away, it's being...strategic...like a Blood Axe!

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

Snazza immediately runs forward toward the shadowy figures and when he reckons he’s close enough he lobbs the big rock at them as hard as he can before pulling out his choppa for a propa close up fight.

WAAAAGH! Eat rock Muties!

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

[The throw rock test fails but you roll a wrath critical gaining 1 glory, you then use the Glory to Seize the initiative and get an extra turn, which you use to complete the 18 meter charge and get stuck in. Clearly the Ere we Go Strategem is in effect!]

The large rock lands with a crashing sound a few meters in front of the shadows, and explodes into a million pieces. But somehow Snazza is able to charge much farther and much faster than anyone anticipated, and soon he is face to face with two horribly mutated humanoid creatures.

Snazza plunges his choppa into the first mutant, nicking a good chunk of his hip. It was so dark on this side of the cave that it made it hard to hit the thing but at least it did some damage. [1 Wrath used to re-roll dice and score a success and shift for extra damage. Two wounds converted to two shock damage with GM spending 1 RUIN]

The surprised mutant recovers from the startling reality of an ork charging 18 meters in a matter of second and chopping his hip and tries to slam the ork with some kind of large metal club. However the creature appears to be blind (likely from living in a dark cave) and seems to wield his weapon clumsily. Snazz manages to easily dodge the clumsy counterstrike from the mutant.

[Next is Grotskorcha, then the second mutant fights, that ends the first round of combat. I'll automate subsequent combat rounds if it continues beyond that if you just give me an idea of the types of attacks your character would use. (Choppa right? )]

Keep in mind Grotskorcha won't be able to charge this round, the best he can do is to run and shoot, which might hit Snazz by accident if he rolls a Wrath Failure. Snazz getting to charge double distance was solely the result of GLORY and Seize the Initiative used in a propah orky way!]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/26 03:41:16

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

SHINNA! Gerra bleedin’ light ova ‘ere ya grot git! Waaaagh!”

The sound of chopping and shouting continues from the shadows.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/26 08:06:39

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Grotskorcha also runs forward, but lags significantly behind SnazzKrunk. He considers pulling out his shoota for a moment, but as he feels more choppy right now, he draws his choppa instead hoping there is still some Mutant left to krump with it when he gets there "Hey Snazz! Leave some for me!" he shouts enthusiastically.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

[I just rolled for a quick combat resolution and the dice have given us this result...]

Snotload and Shinna trail a few steps behind Grotskorcha's choppa, and thanks to Shinna's headlamp, he is able to shed some light in the direction of the fight.

The second mutant hear his comrad cry out for help and lunges toward Snazz with his own massive metal club. Despite the hunchbacked creature's own apparent blindness, the large metal bludgeon rams home, striking Snazz clean across his skull and tearing into his ear. Snazz goes down to the ground, severely injured but not incapacitated.

But that doesn't stop Snazz, while on the ground he kicks out viciously, and swings his choppa wildly at the mutant that bashed him in the head, cutting into the creature leg and nearly knocking it over. However in the process, he feels something inside his body give out and his chest starts to hurt badly.

The first mutant panics and starts sprinting away down a side cavern and well out of sight, into the depths of the cave below.

And then Grotskorcha charges in and delivers a series of crushing blows with his choppa into the sole remaining mutant in the combat. The pathetic already injured hunchbacked creature doesn't stand a chance against the full charge of the ork and soon the mutant is down on the ground and dying.

At that point, Snotload does what grots do best. He sneaks around Grotskorcha and puts his knife right through the mutant's eye (or the place where there should be an eye if it had one), killing it instantly.

Snotload immediately starts checking the mutie's corpse for anything of worth: "Oi, that was a good scrap, wonder if this mutie got any gud loot on em?"

Shinna soon follows suit, completely ignoring the sevrely injured Snazz.

Shinna, "We gotta hurry up and get back out. Mutie going ta git his friends, and now we only gots da one yoof."

Snotload glances at Snazz. "Eh not completely krumped but not gonna be much elp unless we git im to a painboy."

[Results: Thanks to a critical hit from the Mutir, Snazz is now "Dying" and has a traumatic injury. That means that he can only crawl right now, and if he fights he risks injuring himself more. He can be carried though by other characters. Traumatic injury: Chest injury, +1 DN to all future toughness tests. He also has the memorable injury torn ear, but that doesn't have an in game affect, just a cool,scar]

[Grotkorcha is unhurt other than the injury he first took when he fell at the beginning. He still has full two wrath and earned the party a glory by critical hitting that Mutie into dust!]

Fortunately, once the group gets back to the fort, Da Dok will fix Snazz up. Just got to get him back!]

[Loot: The mutie has the equivalent of ork primative armor and a choppa. Both can be salvaged as additional loot]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/28 13:09:47

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

"Dat mutie still counts as ma own krump!" Grotskorcha mutters somewhat grumpy. "Stoopid killstealin' grot!"

He looks down the tunnel the other mutant disappeared into and his brow wrinkles as he considers how to proceed. Looking down on Snazz for a long moment he decides to try his luck and see if Big Toof already brought a leader and would be willing to fix his friend up, before they venture deeper into the cave. At least they have the new tunnel to show for them.
"Common Snazz! Leds getcha outta here! Take Yang shoota and shoot any git dat follows us, will ya? "

With that he pulls the other Yoof up on his shoulders and trails back towards the entrance

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

hnnng… ah Zog almighty dat ‘urts. If I eva sees dat blind git again I iz gonna take his skull for a… hnnng, ah zog… Gork’s Gak! I reckon I needs takin’ to da docs surjury ladz… hnnng… tell ‘im to make a real snazz job of it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/29 03:20:19

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

"I wasn't kill stealin. He wuz already ded, just doin my extra checkin," Whined snotload.

The two grots stripped down the mutant corpse, and took hold of its primitive armor, and industrial bludgeon weapon.

Noting the sickly pale green mottled skin on the mutant, Shinna couldn't help but remark. "Oi dese muties are green like us."

Snotload sneered. "Yah but not propah green. Deyz da sick green."

Slowly, the group trudges back up the dark and winding tunnels, back the way the came. Sometime into the trek back, you hear a loud thunderous monstrous roar from the direction you came. That causes you all to quicken your pace just a bit.

Snotload whimpered. "Dat sounded like somethin much worse den a mutie ta me."

Eventually, you reach the cave entrance and find a large mob of ten or so ork boyz and Nob Big Toof himself at the base of a ladder.

Big Toof manages a wide grin. "Oi, the Yoofs is back! Wot you ladz git lost? Me and the rest of da boyz just got back from the tunnel with the gak pond, chopped up a good 8 legged Octo-Squid fing. Real gud fight dat wuz. Not much loot though."

"So wot loot you lot find down dat uver tunnel?"

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

We foun’ a new cave, but don’t worry, hnnng… we left you lot loads of loot and Muties to krump. Show ‘em wot we got Snot.

Da Grotz’ll show you da way, if ya don’t mind, Boss. I needs to see da Doc real quick. Den I’ll be right wif ya.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/29 10:29:40

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

"Ya, dats da wrong green. Mo' like slime dat is. Not proppa orky!" Grotskorche seconds Snotload as they make their way back to the entrance. The monstrous roaring fills him with a mix of the urgent feeling of getting some backup - and Snazz fixed up again - and the happy anticipation of some really proper fight against a big monster. If it is still around when they come back.

As they reach Nob Big Toof and the others, he returns the smile in a submissive way, impressed as he always is by an Ork bigger then himself. Servile he congratulates "Dat sounds like some real propa krunkin, Boss! Wish I coulda have seen it!"
Then he reports: "Snazzkrunk here led us down dere. Has good instincts, our Snazz here, Boss. Wez found a wall that was just for showing and bashed it in. Found a cobble of muties down dere. Me barely blinked befoor Snazz was already at them hackin' slashin' krumpin'! Was a sight to see. He chased da muties away, but one o' dem got him good. Me finished it of and den we went back to get Snazz patched up. Heard some big old rooarin beast back dere. Should be fun to krump it to pieces! But me think, wez Yoofs need some bigger sticks for dat. And Snazz, 'cause he knows whatta do!"

[Grotskorcha honestly thinks Snazz is the brain and boss between the two of them, so he will report in a way to shed some real positive light on him. Of course Big Toof can just krump the monster himself, he is a Nob and can do what he wants. But it is obvious that Grotskorcha would love to be present when they start down that tunnel, but not without hie new friend Snazz]

As he waits for Big Toofs answer, he longingly inspects the big Skorcha of one of the boys "Now dat's a propa flamy Shoota! One day Iz gonna get me one of dose!"

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Before the Burna Boy can answer, Big Toof approaches the two yoofs with a big smirk on his face. A strange slime like substance drips from the big choppas that he brandishes.

"Now wot do we got ere boyz? Two Yoofs and one of em finks his name is Snazz Krump?"

He looks down at the wounded ork and snorts. "Well he don't look snazzy ta me. And as far as I can tell he ain't krumped nuffin yet. But at least he got stuck in right quick. So from now on we're gonna call this one Stuckin!"

At this the orks all start laughing loudly, even the grots manage a quiet snicker from the shadows.

Big Toof then points to Grotskorcha. "You fink dats funny yoof. At least he's got a name. Until you do sumfin, I just call yah dumb yoof, got it?"

The orks chuckle a little more, somewhat amused at the boss making fun of the new yoofs.

Big Toof then points to Snotload and Shina. "Eh runts, show us this new tunnel then. Sounds like youz foung a Spawn. Dat'll be a good fight, eh boyz?"

The orks let out a loud raucous: "Yeah WAAAGH!" and start to move toward the new cave.

Almost as an afterthought, Big Toof turns his head to look back at you.


And with that the mob disappears back into the tunnels yelling and whooping with delight.

Back at the fort:

Grotskorcha and Snazzkrump (Or Stuckin as the Nob called him) make it back to the fort without incident. Once there, Snazzkrump gets unloaded at a tent with the ork glypth for medical care above it while Grotskorcha throws the acquired mutie club and armor into a massive pile of loot. Afterwards, he helps himself to a squig sausage dinner prepared by a conniving grot cook and a cup of warm fungus brew.

Meanwhile Snazzkrump is seen to by a grot named Nibchop that claims to be an orderly. "No pain boy ere, but I seen enuf. Leg fiz is easy." The grot takes a little hammer and hits both of Snazzkrump's knees. It hurts a little but soon he can walk again.

As the hours of the night go by. Snazzkrump starts to feel better again, though the pain in his chest continues to nag him. He wonders if he'll need to see a real pain boy in ork town...if he wants to risk it.

Eventually, they drift off to sleep exhausted, dreaming of even greater adventures to come...

[Chapter 1 completed! 10 XP awarded. Wrath reset to two each, glory back down to 0. Great job! All wounds healed except Snazzkrump will keep his chest wound unless he sees a doc. (will be an opportunity in chapter 2)]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/02/01 03:40:26

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

Wot in da name of Gork do you fink you’re at? Gimme dat hamma you grot git! Me legs is fine! It’s me head wot got bashed and it don’t need Fixin’ see. Gonna scar up good’n proppa… Hnnngh… me chest don’t need no grot orderly muckin’ about in it neither.”

Stuckin rolls off the operating table and grabs his gear. Checking that no pilfering grot git has been pinching his dakka on the sly.

He staggers out and stuffs his gob full of sausages before clambering up onto Bigtoof’s loot pile with his shoota in hand intending to guard the boss’s loot as ordered, and that’s where he sleeps like a dragon upon the hoarded treasure.

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

"Dumb Yoof!" Uhhh that stung! Grotskorcha is visibly downthrotten as they get back to the base and guard the scrappile.

At least SnazzKrunk - and Grotskorcha will keep calling him that way - made a name for himself. Well, Gork and Mork be damned, he will do better next time!

"Hey Snazz, feelin' bedda yet? Readdy to krump some bigger Muuti down dat hole? Ya think Big Toof will leave sum for us? "

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Sometime in the next morning, Nob Big Toof and his mob of boyz return from the caves.

You notice that there aren't that many boyz left in the mob. Whereas before there were about nine other boyz with Big Toof, only about two other boyz had returned.

Notably, the Burna Boy that you had seen earlier is gone. Does that mean he got krumped and left his burna in the cave?

In any case, Big Toof seems rather pleased with himself and proclaims loudly to everyone in the camp as he swaggers in.

"Alright you lazy lot of grots, Da Boss is back! An dis time, I krumped me biggest fing yit, da big bad spawn of...badness. I reckon those scrap caves are right for the taking now."

At this point he looks around the camp and then starts counting on his fingers, but then loses count. He frowns.

He points to a grot and yells. "How many orks in this camp runt?"

The grot quickly does some quick counting on his own. "Two yoofs, two boyz, and you boss."

Big Toof frowns. "Iz dat lotz?"

The grot figits nervously and looks down, not daring to meet the eyes of his master.

"I fink dats close ta lotz, but might be a bit short."

Big Toof shrugs and starts mumbling to himself. "Need lotz of orks ta go back and win fights in those caves. So that'll mean a trip ta ork town to git more. Might as well sell us some scrap while wez at it. But some un dats not a grot gots ta guard da fort."

Decision Time!

1. Tell the boss you want to go into town. From what you remember, it seems like you could see a Doc, buy weapons and armor from a mek, and enjoy the sights and smells of propah orky civilization.

2. Tell the boss you're the best gits to guard the fort. This would be a golden oppoprtunity to head back into the caves and get stuck in with muties and other gits...plus there might be a burna lying around waiting to be nicked!

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Under Grotskorchas heavy brow, a plan starts to hatch, or rather crab its way out of his thick skull. Somewhere down there was a Burna - HIS Burna, waiting for him. And he won't keep it waiting more than necessary. He raises a volunteering "Weez can guard da fort, Boss! Weez good at dat!"

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

Snazza raises a shoota from atop the pile of scrap and makes a big show of how he’s dead-good at guarding the loot.

Imaginary raiders are blasted from all angles including one that is dispelled by an actual errant bullet or two that he accidentally lets fly before another mini-heart attack shuts up his yooffull enthusiasm.

While passed out on the pile he has a dream where he’s battling through a cavernous flaming nightmare-scape, beset on all sides by hideous mutated creatures. It was a right propa scrap and when he awakens going back down into those caves is all SnazzKrunk can think about.

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