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Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon


Evidence from my FLGS that my goodies are in-hand.

Not getting them until release day of course. But exciting to know I am getting them.

[Thumb - IMG_4318.jpeg]

Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

I guess it's cheaper by GW standards, but it's a big change from the second edition release where it was almost one of the cheapest ways into wargaming.

Think there was a period of early 90s when 40k was a bit of a sprawling mess (just prior to 2nd edition being released) and expensive as well, and then you had the 'all in one' Space Marine starter set come along with 3 full armies, rules, dice and a titan! And the extra boxsets were very reasonable too. I think it's why so many of us (around the 40yr mark) got into wargaming through Epic.

Think the new game is targeted at that same group who are now 'grown up' (haha) - they have the money to buy the 'boutique' epic minis, and it doesn't matter that the rules are all over the place cause 90% of the people buying them for nostalgia purposes won't ever get to play a game - but are happy enough with putting some together and on the shelf. I suppose for me, it's a shame an attempt wasn't made at a more 'mass market' game that everyone would play, rather than almost deliberately targetting a niche - Epic itself has the track record to show it could have been a main system again.

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Whilst allowing for inflation the prices aren’t as different as at first thought? They are still more expensive.

The main thing for me is I’m still getting fieldable units per box. Even if, like the Infantry box, they’re not necessarily effective on the field.

Though the Fast Attack one does look like a potentially competent “one box wonder”.

Made in es
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer

 tauist wrote:
 Albertorius wrote:
I agree that Epic, as GW is currently selling it, is not a cheap game ^^

Well sure, LI is not a cheap game, but HH 2.0 with LI models is a very different proposition. The boxes split up perfectly for mirror matched army builds

I have decided to play HH 2.0 with 15mm models, kind of a best of both worlds ^^
Made in au
Grizzled Space Wolves Great Wolf

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Also, odd thought?

Whilst I think this thread goes to show Epic isn’t a Cheap Game? Because I tend to get multiple units per box, I get a different kind of warm and fuzzies. Whilst non-tanks sets need at least two for decent sized units, there’s still the illusion of better value.

And…I’m happy with that illusion. It’s like the olden days. And if I can just get my idiot head around “hey genius, you don’t actually have to max out all your units!” then I could reduce my costs.

But I won’t. Because they look fantastic on display!
I think I'm the opposite, I see a box of 6 "tanks" that are actually smaller than your average 32mm infantry model but double the price and find it off-putting.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Which is fair.

Mild grump? The two week pre-order window. Particularly since I’ve started, y’know, actually Painting All The Things? It’s too long!

I’ve paid my money, gimme my sweet sweet toys! I want them now!

Made in es
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Which is fair.

Mild grump? The two week pre-order window. Particularly since I’ve started, y’know, actually Painting All The Things? It’s too long!

I’ve paid my money, gimme my sweet sweet toys! I want them now!

That's why 3d printing is bad. (Almost) immediate gratification! It's soooo bad when you have poor impulse control...

Incidentally, I printed a hundred 28mm ashigaru and samurai last week >_>
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

I can’t be arsed with that stuff. Too many fiddlins needed. Not least a computer that doesn’t run on Hamsters.

Made in es
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
I can’t be arsed with that stuff. Too many fiddlins needed. Not least a computer that doesn’t run on Hamsters.

I can honestly say that LI specifically is much fiddlier, miniatures wise, given how many parts do they have and all. But I an completely understand not wanting to get into the cleaning and curing hassle.
Made in fi
Posts with Authority

For someone like me, who actually enjoys the model building part of the hobby the most, LI kits are awesome! They are just fiddly enough that you really have to tighten up those hobby skills to a razors edge if you want to achieve a "perfect" finish. While working on 28mil figures I got the feeling I was already at the upper echelons of the game, the new epic scale has shown me I still have ways to go before I'm anywhere near "Master Builder" tier.. humbling, and I welcome the new challenges!

I was looking into 3D printing, but 1) the conclusion that I dont know where to properly dispose all the toxic chemicals it requires, and 2) reading about the horror stories of "bad resins" ruining the models and their paintjobs months after the models have been finished, have been keeping me well clear that ish. Im good love enjoi

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/11 09:09:09

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

There is satisfaction in building them. But I still question the necessity of say, Leviathan legs coming in three parts when that sprue could’ve done with weapon options instead.

But I do mean question the necessity because as ever I know bugger all about plastic injection moulding and its foibles.

I am looking forward to the Fast Attack set. With the bikes and jet bikes being just two or three parts, they should be pretty quick to build.

Think I’ll visit the DIY shop to get a suitable spray stick and some double sided tape for the undercoating though.

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

OK doke. Costs update. I’ll stick to current RRP for clarity and ease of reference, however I have bought everything at some discount or other.

2 x Legions Imperialis Core Sets - £250.00 total
2 x Legion Infantry sets - £63.00
1 x Kratos Heavy Tanks - £31.50
2 x Spartan Assault Tanks - £63.00
3 x Legion Support - £94.50
3 x Legion Fast Attack £94.50
1 x Legion Xiphon Interceptors - £31.50
1 x Legion Fire Raptors - £31.50
1 x Legion Sicarans - £31.50
2 x Sicaran Arcus/Punisher - £63.00

So straight off of GW’s shelves for models and core rules? £722.50.

Add on the two expansion books at £31.50 each, and we’re a little under £800.00.

However. I not only bought universally at varying discount, call that 15% averaged out? But the core sets I got well under retail.

First half I bought for £70.00. Astartes models, Book, Templates, Tokens etc. The second set I bought, but sold on the Solar Auxilia half. Pretty sure I got £55 or so for that. Might’ve been more. So that’s another £125.00 I managed not to spend, or recouped.

So, £785.50 straight RRP. Less £125.00 saved is £660.50. Less 15% (£99 more or less) a far more tolerable £561.50.

Points wise I’m probably somewhere around 6,000 or so, maxing out unit selection.

Now, being twice the usual “recommended” game size I’m not about to argue “therefore halve the spend”. Oh no. For that would be dishonest. Because from those 6,000 points, I still need to stick to Formation minimums and maximums. And I think everyone likes some flexibility in their army selection, no?

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