Aenigma 2010-03-16 18:57:46 oh my Gino! how the hell you did that effect on his axe?O_O
GrimTeef 2010-03-31 18:11:17 Aeg - painted it black, then did jaggy lines of lighter reds in progressively smaller amounts, up to almost white. Then washed with a thin layer of red ink on it.
Loricatus Aurora Painting 9/10, Coolness 10/10 @ 2010-10-01 11:40:08 Beautiful. Love how you got one the iron halo and the unique banner/unique thingy. Very very imperial/chaplainy/zealot/pre heresy word bearer look. I like it.
RutgerMan 2011-07-21 06:14:28 Facing this guy on the table would be epic! Really good work there!