nerdfest09 Painting 8/10, Coolness 8/10 @ 2010-02-19 04:06:24
 hi there, this is just plain old good! nice use of muted colours and your weathering is really effective without being overdone, good positioning, great paint control, well done! |
Euzebeau Painting 9/10, Coolness 10/10 @ 2010-08-08 15:27:15
 I think the rating is far too low for this model because its really good, great atmosphere, great conversion work, and a great pose too! |
BrassScorpion Painting 9/10, Coolness 9/10 @ 2010-11-17 20:33:57
 Terrific atmosphere and skillful paint job with many great, subtle aspects to it. |
Scambone Painting 9/10, Coolness 9/10 @ 2012-02-06 05:02:15
 nice subtle conversion. The faceplate really adds to the intimidation factor, and leaves no question of Chapter. |
optometris Painting 10/10, Coolness 10/10 @ 2012-03-05 01:58:51
 Excellent job, really like the walking pose as well - its not too over the top and looks natural (or so I would imagine)
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