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40K Achievements
Redirected from 40k Acheivements

Or, Trophies if you use a PS3.

Inspired by the original thread (http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/249972.page), below is a list of 'acheivements' one can earn in the 40k game. Feel free to add your own, and play along if you want-remember, more G=more bragging rights!

Veteran sergeant-amass a 5 win streak using codex: Space Marines-10g

Wolf guard-amass a 5 win streak using codex: Space Wolves-10g

Sanguinary Guard-amass a 5 win streak using codex: Blood Angels-10g

Deathwing Terminator-amass a 5 win streak using codex: Dark Angels-10g

Emperor’s Champion-amass a 5 win streak using codex: Black Templars-10g

Junior officer-amass a 5 win streak using codex: Imperial Guard-10g

Justicar-amass a 5 win streak using codex: Grey Knights-10g

Sister Superior-amass a 5 win streak using codex: Witch Hunters-10g

Skarboy-amass a 5 win streak using codex: Orks-10g

Exarch-amass a 5 win streak using codex: Eldar-10g

Dracon-amass a 5 win streak using codex: Dark Eldar-10g

Devourer-amass a 5 win streak using codex: Tyranids-10g

Harvester-amass a 5 win streak using codex: Necrons-10g

Aspiring Champion-amass a 5 win streak using codex: Chaos Space Marines-10g

Herald of the Dark Gods-amass a 5 win streak using codex: Chaos Daemons-10g

Crisis Battlesuit pilot-amass a 5 win streak using codex: Tau Empire-10g

Remembrancer-amass a 5 win streak using a ‘illegal’ army list (e.g. Kroot Mercenaries,)-10g

Child of the machine-amass a 5 win streak using a Forge World army list (e.g. The Tyrant’s Legion)-10g

The big guns never tire-Field an army in which every unit has a blast weapon of some kind-15g

Nowhere to hide-Field an army in which every unit has a Template weapon of some kind-15g

Just need some duct tape-Have a ‘tech’ character (e.g. Techmarine, Big Mek etc.) fix a vehicle 3 times in a game-15g

THIS is how we do it-Kill an enemy special character in assault with a sergeant of a troops squad-15g

The Good ole’ fashioned way-Win a game of apocalypse without fielding a single super-heavy or Gargantuan creature-15g

The Gods march in step-Field a Chaos space marine army containing 1 unit of Khorne Berserkers, 1 unit of Plague Marines, 1 unit of Noise marines, 1 unit of Thousand sons, and 1 unit of Chaos space Marines with an Icon of Chaos glory-25g

Redeemer of the Lost-Field a Blood Angels army where you’re only units are Astorath the Grim, Reclusiarchs, chaplains, Death Company, Death company Dreadnaughts, and transports-25g

Fetch!-Playing as Space Wolves, have over 25% of your army finish the game in the enemy deployment zone-25g

Inner circle my ass!-Field a Dark Angel army containing no Ravenwing or Deathwing units-25g

Guess he was right after all-Playing as Black Templars, have the Emperor’s Champion kill an enemy special character-25g

Lord of murder-Playing as Dark Eldar, have your Archon or Succubus kill over twice their points amount (friendly AND enemy models count!)-25g

The Gods work in mysterious ways-Playing as Chaos Daemons, lose over 75% of your army and still win the game-25g

Chains of command-Playing as Imperial Guard, issue over twenty orders in a game-25g

Who needs Kroot?-Playing as Tau, win a close combat with Fire warriors-25g

Now you see me, now you’re unconscious-Playing as Eldar, field an army with only Rangers (or Pathfinders) as troops-25g

Ask for a refund on that armour. It doesn’t work-Playing as Necrons, kill a vehicle using disruption fields-25g

Boreal would be proud-Playing as Space Marines, deep strike over half your army on a single turn-25g

Climbing in yo’ window and snatching yo’ people up-Playing as Tyranids, kill an enemy HQ with a Lictor (or Deathleaper)-25g

Already engaged, please phone back later-Playing as Witch Hunters, fail every single faith roll in a game-25g

What we were born to do-Playing as Grey Knights, table a Chaos Daemons army-25g

Gork built me ‘otrod-Playing as Orks, do not lose a single vehicle in a game-25g


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