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Astartes Legion X - The Iron Hands

My aim is gather as many Iron Hands Players on Dakka into one article so all Dakka members can admire each others "Iron work". The Great Clan Council is such that it lends itself to this project. So if you have an Iron Hands force get involved.




==The Great Clan Council==

The Chapter does not possess a Chapter Master, but is instead led by the Great Clan Council, which itself is made up of revered representatives from each of the ten Clans; this is seen as a precaution against future heresy and a reflection of Ferrus Manus' teachings. The Clan Council's membership can vary according to what sort of presence each Clan maintains on Medusa, meaning that, despite the chapter's predeliction towards reverence for their Venerable Dreadnoughts, it is equally likely that other Marines of varying rank or Specialty will be in attendance. An Inquisitorial official as of Abaddon the Despoiler's Thirteenth Black Crusade made mention of petitioning the Chapter Master of the Iron Hands for assistance, although whether this means the agent lacked in knowledge or that the Iron Hands can elect temporary Chapter Masters in times of great strife is unknown.

==Moirae Schism==

There was a civic conflict known as the Moirae Schism, which occurred during the Nova Terra Interregnum. During this Schism, which affected all branches of the Adeptus Mechanicus and those Imperial factions closely tied to it, the Iron Hands chapter stood at the brink of destroying itself in an internal chapter war. The Great Clan Council of the Iron Hands were able to settle the matter by exiling the Moirae dissidents from the chapter, with both sides swearing never to take up arms against each other. Almost a full third of the chapter split away to become a fleet based divergent branch of the Iron Hands. This branch soon later became known as the Sons of Medusa.

==Clan Resources==

Each Clan is a roughly a self-contained unit not dissimilar to a Codex Astartes Battle Company; however, each Clan is responsible for its own recruiting and maintenance of its motorpool. Each Clan, in addition, possesses a roaming fortress monastery on Medusa which they consider their base of operations. Some materials do pass between the Clans, but even still they are often in open competition with one another. The Chapter's fleet disposition is unknown.


1st Clan - Raukaan Clan, led by Iron-Commander Dozeph Imanol

2nd Clan - Vurgaan Clan, led by Iron-Commander Pelles

3rd Clan - Sorrgol Clan, led by Iron-Commander Vaarkul

by Klausmasterflex

4th Clan - Kaargul Clan, led by Warleader Bannus

5th Clan - Garrsak Clan, led by Unknown

6th Clan - Fegaan Clan, led by Iron-Commander Yurizan - THE FLEET OF IRON

by Mwnciboo

The Clan is lead by Iron Commander Yurizan. Yurizan rose to prominance as a talented Dreadnought maintainer, who has successfully resurrected an ancient Contemptor and restored it to full order. He led the rights of purification before Iron father Sceptimus ascended to full Iron Hide. Sceptimus is the only example of an a true Ancient Dreadnought in the Fegaan Clan and he now leads the other Dreadnoughts in Battle and acts as Yurizan's second in Command. Despite this dreadnought being 11,000 years old Sceptimus still leads prayers and technological rites for the Clan.

The Clan is isolationist, but will act in concert with other Clans when directed by the Great Council. It is this Isolationist aloof attitude that drove the Clan from the Surface of Medusa to a Geostationary Orbit on a large orbital Fort. This Fort is part Chapel, part Bulwark and part Orbital Shipyard, here the Clan co-ordinates its recruitment activities, administration and its huge fleet of Warships, Starships and Assault craft. It is from this base that they train in all kinds of Orbital Combat and they naturally excel at Fleet Operations, Boarding Operations, Blockades and Massive Naval Engagements. It is this that brings them into contact with other Clans where the 6th will happily provide transportation, Orbital bombardment and fleet based support. They are also experts in Planetary Assaults and maintain large fleets of Thunderhawks, Drop Pods and a rumoured to have a Stormbird that was once touched by the Emperor's Hand.

It is due to the Orbital Fort and its attendant Shipyards, that the Fegaan Clan has the largest contingent of Serfs, menials and Servitors including whole Hulks of accommodation for Shipwrights, Naval architects and Naval Ratings. Fegaan Clan Techmarines are expected to demonstrate their skill by designing, overseeing, conducting trials and commissioning a Warship into the Emperors service. These range from Astartes Strike Cruisers, to Battle Barges to fast Astartes frigates. It is rumoured that many of their ships are delivered to Titan in the Sol System.

The Fegaan Clan holds the largest number of suits of Mk4 Armour from the fateful day when the Legion was betrayed on Istvaan V and almost destroyed. This is chiefly because much of the Clan was based in space or on Fleet Operations maintaining the outer perimeter of the cordon on the world, and firing Orbital bombardments on Horus's Forces before the Betrayal of the Raven Guard, Iron Hands and Salamanders. It was the 6th that held off the seven Legion fleets long enough to evacuate at least some of the Iron Hands, but in the confusion they allowed Salamander and Raven Guard alike to seek refuge in their Hangars before the rapid warp jump to get clear before being overwhelmed by the Traitor legions. The Salamanders and Raven Guard owe a great debt to the Iron Hands, but the Iron Hands despise both Chapters for their perceived cowardice in not following Ferrus Manus Lead, in assaulting the centre and going for Horus himself. It is widely held that the combined power of Corax, Vulkan and Ferrus would have broken through and allowed a strike at Horus himself, thereby offering an opportunity to decapitate the rebellion. This could have spared the Emperor, and Terra from the ravages and represents an opportunity lost. This is the real fuel of the Iron Hands hatred, the lack of Iron resolve and Iron will to be determined to carry a costly assault, because the thought of capitulation and handing victory to the Heretics was a far greater threat and the tremendous loss of life in the assault was more than justified by the bringing of Horus to his knees. The fact that many of the Astartes were not planetside meant that many of the old suits survived the betrayal. These are holy relics to the Fegaan Clan and the rest of the Legion. It is a matter of pride that the Fegaan Clan uses these suits daily and keeps them in perfect functional order.

7th Clan - Vigaen Clan, led by Iron- Commander Votran

The Clan is a very secretive clan that only participates in battle they feel in nessecary. They excel in range and vehicle using. They used very little artillery though, feeling that artillery takes away from seeing your enemies life slip away, from a safe distance.

Though they prefer range, they equip all terminators with thunderhammers and storm shields for extra support.

8th Clan, Sieber Clan - led by Iron Father Valin

by ironfather83

The Sieber Clan is a very aggressive Clan. While other Clans of the Iron Hands make war in a methodical, almost robotic manner, the Sieber Clan believes the strongest way to enact the Emperors will is through the slaughter of His enemies in close combat. As such the Sieber Clan maintains and employes the largest number of Assualt Marines of any other clan. These Assault Marines are often employed as the lead of an assault force and as a surgical weapon to hunt down and destroy the elite elements of an enemy force.

Unlike other Clans, the Sieber Clan is led by an Iron Father. The current Clan leader, Iron Father Valin has been in command for over two centuries. Valin believes that a commander should lead from the front and as such often leads his Space Marines into battle personally. The Sieber Clan maintains an unusually high number of Iron Fathers in the ranks, regularly deploying them in the vanguard of their forces. Their sheer presence often drives battle brothers to greater feats of heroism and bravery. The Iron Father is also invaluable in shielding his battle brothers from the predations of the warp, preaching psalms of protection and strength in the middle of a battlefield overrun with daemons and heretics. The Iron Father's combat prowess, skill of artiface, and strength of faith our invaluable assets on any battlefield.

The Sieber Clan maintains a very unique relationship with the Inquisition, often providing support to the Ordo Hereticus and tasking more brothers to the Ordo Xenos than any other Space Marine chapter in the Imperium. This relationship has proven vastly beneficial to both organizations, providing the Inquisition veteran Space Marines to perform their missions and in return the clan is allowed to reclaim and consecrate ancient and rare technologies. This relationship has allowed the Sieber Clan to acquire a bewildering array of ancient armor and equipment including pre-heresy marks of assault jump packs, tactical dreadnought armor, and even jet bikes to name a few. It is even rumored that the Clan acquires alien technology, reverse engineering the Xenos Tech and fielding newly manufactured weapons from these studies. The Sieber Clan refuses to comment on such accusations, dispite demands from the Adeptus Mechanicus and even to the Great Clan Council itself.

Link to the 8th Clan as they progress http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/410685.page Link to the 8th Clan's Fluff http://www.dakkadakka.com/wiki/en/Special:History?topicVersionId=29716&topic=Image:The_Cerus_Invasion_by_ironfather83-

Unknown, led by Unknown

10th Clan, Kenson Clan - Led by Relic Contemptor Abishai

By Salted Diamond

The Kenson clan is the smallest of the clans, with approximately 2/3 the strength of it's brothers. They are able to compete with the larger clans by having the closest ties to the Adeptus Mechanicus. These ties allow them to maintain a higher level of equipment and technology. They boast more Techmarines with most of their Sargernts and above having techmarine training. They maintain more Dreadnoughts than any other clan, including the Relic Contemptor rumored to have been salvaged from Isstvan V. The major shortfall of their armory is in Tactical Dreadnought Armor. The clan has only a handful, barely a dozen full suits. Dire the treat must be when they are seen on the battlefield.

The Clan's fortress tends to travel with the clan caravan that they draw most of their recruits from. Giving protection in exchange for recruits and resources. The Kenson clan has some of the best miners in Segmentum Obscurus, and this protection means they can often get the best mining sites, regardless of their smaller numbers. The Iron Hands then are able to get the pick of the resources, giving them the highest quality ores for forging into their weapons and armor, and to trade to the Adeptus Mechanicus.

They are currently led by the Venerable Abishai, who has been active non-stop since being inturred after being wounded defeating a Emperors Children Daemon Prince during the 8th Black Crusade in 999.M37 making him what many believe to be the longest non-stop operating Dreadnought of any Chapter. He claims to have known Dante before he took command of the Blood Angels, and speaks well of the "Young Astartes", high praise given the Chapters reclusive nature and feeling towards other Chapters. The Clan is silent on how they have been able to maintain him so long without the usual stasis Dreadnoughts are kept in.



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