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Blood and Stones: Captain Gunnbjorn vs. Morvahna Autumnblade


The game was played using the Supply Line Scenario.


  • Morvahna the Autumnblade (*6pts)
    • Gorax (4pts)
    • Feral Warpwolf (9pts)
  • Shifting Stones (2pts)
    • Stone keeper (1pts)
  • Shifting Stones (2pts)
  • Tharn Bloodtrackers (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
    • Nuala the Huntress (2pts)
  • Tharn Bloodweavers (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
  • Blackclad Wayfarer (2pts)
  • Blackclad Wayfarer (2pts)
  • Lord of the Feast (4pts)
  • Captain Gunnbjorn (*5pts)
    • Slag Troll (6pts)
    • Troll Impaler (5pts)
    • Dire Troll Bomber (10pts)
  • Pyg Burrowers (Leader and 5 Grunts) (4pts)
  • Pyg Bushwackers (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
  • Trollkin Scouts (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
  • Fell Caller Hero (3pts)


This was an unusual game for Miljan. He was fielding Morvahna, a warlock who doesn't favor too many heavy warbeasts. In addition, this much of his army had the advance deployment ability, leaving very few models with regular deployment.

Morvahna's Bloodweavers deploy on the left flank, far from the rest of her army to try to thin out the lines.

She takes the center with her Stones. Her 'beasts and waywatchers stay close. Tharn Bloodtrackers and the Lord of the Feast deploy on the right flank and elect the Trollkin Scouts as their Prey.

The Pyg Bushwhackers deploy on the left, facing the Bloodweavers. It's a bad deal because the girls have the Stealth Ability, but they're hoping the Snipe Spell gives them opportunity targets in the center. Their companions, the minimum unit of Pyg Burrowers, deploy in the center, intending to hide behind the center objective before they burrow. And to the right of the Burrowers the Trollkin Scouts deploy, hoping to slow down the Bloodtrackers long enough to buy some time for the guns.

Captain Gunnbjorn sets up with his warbeasts and Fell Caller. The Impaler is on the outside, with the Bomber closer. On his right are the Slag Troll and Fell Caller, looking to support the Scouts.



The Bloodweavers run forward, claiming one of the three Supply Line objectives. One of Morvahna's Black Clad Wayfarers teleports over to support them.

The other goes to support the Lord of the Feast with the deceptively dangerous Shifting Stones.

Nuala and her Bloodtrackers run forward with the Regrowth Spell cast on them. As the unit dies, more models can be returned if Morvahna pays 1 fury point per model during her turn.

Morvahna herself has the Harvest Spell cast on her, generating fury for each enemy model killed in her control area.

The Pyg Burrowers run, getting ready for a turn 2 Burrow order. Therefore, they won't be able to contest or score on the middle Supply Line objective.

Captain Gunnbjorn activates and casts the Snipe Spell on the Bushwhackers and the Far Strike Animus on himself. Then he advances into the trench, targets just one of the Shifting Stones, and spends his remaining fury to boost the attack and damage rolls in the hopes of removing their teleportation ability.

He succeeds, taking a crucial move away from the Crcle Orboros.

The Bushwhackers advance, then use their Combined Ranged Attack Ability to target the distant Wayfarer supporting the Bloodweavers. While the left flank objective blocks LOS for many of them, the remainder combine from either side of the objective, taking down the druid in a storm of bullets.

The Trollkin Scouts stay right where they are, benefiting from Cover and the wall, daring the Bloodtrackers to come closer. Of course, later on they might regret that decision.

The Fell Caller starts to encircle the Scouts' position further to the right, hoping to remain just far enough away from the bloodtrackers while still remaining a viable threat.

The 'beasts advance into the advance deployment area, but they run into a problem. They only forced for five fury points. Captain Gunnbjorn will have to cut for full fury next turn.

The surviving Blackclad Wayfarer sneaks up to put a Hunter's Mark on the Burrowers.

Lord of the Feast then swoops in among the Burrowers and completely flubs his attack rolls. He only manages to hit one out of three Burrowers and that one makes its Tough Ability roll, preventing the Lord of the Feast from escaping or further engaging with its Sprint Ability.

Tharn Bloodweavers charge the Pyg Bushwhackers, exploding each kill with bloodmist. As they explode, more Pygs die, whittling down the Bushwhacker line.

This alone might have been worth using the Fortification Feat to make the Burrowers immune to Bloodmist's blast damage. However, the POW of the damage is based on the Pyg's base STR, which isn't very high to begin with.

And finally the Bloodtrackers approach, kill a few Burrowers and then retreat using Nuala's Reform Ability.

Scoring Those Points

The Burrowers escape the grips of the Lord of the feast by tunneling underground and moving. Next turn the unit will re-surface and get to activate as normal.

Captain Gunnbjorn activates, casts the Far Strike Animus on himself and uses his Fortification Feat to protect his army from the Bloodtrackers' ranged attacks and the Bloodweavers' Blood Mist attack. In addition, he casts the Guided Fire Spell, and then deals some damage to the Warpwolf with his rocket launcher.

The Impaler activates, uses the Far Strike Animus on the Dire Troll Bomber, and then it uses its last fury point to boost the damage roll against the Lord of the Feast. It's standing in the perfect spot, too, in range of the Lord's Stealth Ability and out of range of its Reach Ability. The boosted ranged attack hits, dealing light damage.

Trollskin Scouts declare a charge, managing to get one into melee contact with the Lord of the Feast's Terror Ability. They pass their command check, destroy the Lord of the Feast, and try to stay in range of Fortification.

However, they are now immune to blast damage.

The Bomber advances behind them, using its fury to generate an additional ranged attack. After two bombs at least three Blood Trackers are destroyed.

The Bushwhackers who are remaining stand still. All of the unengaged Bushwhackers who look like they are within 5" of the Bloodtracker controlling the Supply objective use their CRA to kill her. Everyone else whiffs with their attacks.

Morvahna scores two points. She controls the center and the objective on the flank on the right.

The Bloodweavers advance into combat, giving the leader the opportunity to reclaim the objective.

Morvahna uses the Regrowth Spell to bring her unit back up to full strength. Here she's supported by a second unit of Shifting Stones. The first unit is claiming the center supply line.

Even with the benefit of the Fortification Feat the Trollkin Scouts have to suffer from the Bloodtrackers' Prey Ability and the dual attacks from the Assault Order. Even though they are knocked down fortification keeps them standing. Still, two attacks from each Bloodtracker manage to wipe out all the models in front of them, eliminating the unit.

The Warpwolf warps for +2 SPD and runs into the midst of the Bushwhackers to disrupt their ranged abilities. He's riled before the run in order to keep Morvahna full.

Trolls Stand

The Fell Caller advances his full 6" and bases the objective. He turns to face the Bloodtrackers and uses his spray attack to target four of the Trackers, killing two of them.

After surfacing, the Burrowers declare a charge, with three of them targeting the Feral Warpwolf and the last one running to control the objective on the left flank.

Earlier Captain Gunnbjorn dropped Snipe from the Bushwhackers and reapplied it to himself. With the Guided Fire Spell his battlegroup will be putting the hurt on lightly armored Bloodtrackers.

And they don't disappoint.

Gunnbjorn leads the way by blasting apart some of the Bloodtrackers.

The Slag troll gets close enough to fire off two boosted corrosive ranged attacks, eliminating Nuala.

Finally the Bomber drops the bombs, nearly eliminating the Bloodtrackers.

However, it's not enough. In order to stop the Regrowth Spell you have to completely eliminate the target unit. Morvahna brings back three bloodtrackers to try to threaten the supply line.

And this is where things are. Morvahna needs to capture two more points in order to win by scenario. Otherwise she will lose by attrition as every model she returns will cost her fury that she can only replenish by cutting or through Harvest or from the Gorax.

Morvahna returns three Bloodtrackers who easily destroy the Fell Caller.

And Morvahna has two chances left.

First one Bloodweaver manages to base the supply line and engage the lone Burrower controlling the objective. Without a second Bloodweaver to trigger the Gang Ability, however, she misses the Burrower.

So Morvahna moves into range in order to cast an offensive spell into the melee. She boosts the attack roll, hits with the spell, damages the Burrower, and the Burrower is knocked down by its Tough Ability.

While still in base contact of the supply objective.

Morvahna's out in the open and the Bomber approaches with the Guided Fire Spell active, blowing her away with thrown exploding kegs.


I won on a tough roll.


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