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Expanding with High Exemplar Kreoss

After Starting with the Protectorate of Menoth Battlebox and The Protectorate of Menoth Toolbox you can expand your Menite army with its Battlebox caster by purchasing the following items that make the most out of Kreoss's "Pop and Drop" feat.

What to Order

Ranged Warjack


  • PIP 32061 (Protectorate Heavy Warjack Plastic kit. Outfitted as seen above.)

Not only does a knocked down model get easily hit at range, but the Vanquisher has the added bonus of creating Fire Effects with its template. Unless someone has the Solid Ground Spell up or something similar, you should be able to hit them with fire.

Holy Hand Grenades

Holy Zealots with the Monolith Bearer Unit Attachment

  • PIP 32015 (Minimum unit, 6 models)
  • PIP 32016 (2 blisters, 2 models each for a full unit)
  • PIP 32023 (Unit attachment)

Holy Zealots seem limited on paper. Low DEF, low ARM, RNG 5. However, in a pinch, the Defender's Ward Spell makes them a base 14/14, and when models are killed in the unit, the monolith bearer increases the unit's ARM by 4. Finally, when that feat turn drops, so will the Firebombs as the Menites close in, dropping warcasters with POW 12 bombs that reach POW 14 with a prayer.

Upgrading the Flameguard

Temple Flameguard Unit Attachment

  • PIP 32047

The unit attachment for the Temple Flameguard Unit not only increases their damage output with Fire, he also gives the Ranked Attacks Ability, enabling Kreoss to use ranged warjacks or cast spells over the heads of a shieldwall enhanced with the Defender's Ward spell.

Sample 35 point army

Points: 35

  • High Exemplar Kreoss (*5pts)
    • Revenger (6pts)
    • Vanquisher (8pts)
  • Choir of Menoth (Leader and 5 Grunts) (3pts)
  • Holy Zealots (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
    • Holy Zealot Monolith Bearer (2pts)
  • Knights Exemplar (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
  • Temple Flameguard (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
    • Temple Flameguard Officer & Standard (2pts)
  • Vassal of Menoth (2pts)

This list relies on several fronts. First the Temple Flameguard screens with the Shield Wall Order while working alongside the Holy Zealots. The Vassal protects the Vanquisher until it's time for it to shoot out of activation. And just for good measure, the Knights Exemplar provide a viable melee threat with their Weapon Master attacks that grow stronger as the unit suffers attrition.



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