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Expanding with Lord Commander Stryker

After Starting with the Cygnar Battlebox and purchasing the items from The Cygnar Toolbox, you might find yourself wanting to expand your army using Lord Commander Stryker.

What to Order

The Lord Commander Stryker

Lord Commander Stryker

  • PIP 31034

Epic Stryker is a different style of 'caster. While he does use the Deflection Spell and Rolling Thunder Feat to protect and push forward his melee-centric army, there comes a time when he buffs up his strength and powers forward with the Velocity Spell in order to beat down some unfortunate soul.

A Bodyguard of Sorts

Ol' Rowdy

  • PIP 31053

Ol' Rowdy and Epic Stryker go together like two things that go together. The Affinity Ability on Ol' Rowdy keeps stryker and the 'jack safe from many knockdown based assassination attempts. And of course the 'jack has the staying power to make it through an attrition fight.

Clad in Lightning


  • PIP 31022

The Positive Charge Spell is perfect for this durable warjack with the Reach Ability. By engaging more enemy models with its sword, it increases the capabilities of infantry models that come in to assist it.

Blades of Storm


  • PIP 31019 (6 models, a full unit)
  • PIP 31023 (Unit Attachment)
  • PIP 31069 (1 model, Up to three Weapon Attachments per unit)

These guys help power your stormclad with their presence and the Positive Charge Spell gives them the ability to threaten hard targets.

A Lance to Pierce the Darkness

Storm Lances

  • PIP 31042 (3 models, a minimum unit)
  • PIP 31043 (Buy two blisters to fill out the unit)

Sample 35 Point Army List

After Starting with the Cygnar Battlebox and expanding with The Cygnar Toolbox, you can include some of the models listed above to build the following:

35 points



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