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Hive Splinter Cthulhu: Part 1

Elizabeth Boucher

Hive Splinter Cthulhu

The Madness is Lurking

Splinter Cthulhu is a long misplaced piece of Hive Fleet Kraken. A small fleet of only about ten bio-ships split off from the Iyanden attack spear. The one special advantage was the Doomripper Kraken ship leading the way. Devouring misplaced Rouge Traders and misplaced ships. Eventually the Doomripper found a small but dense in vegetation planet and set up a patrol around it and called in the other ships. Upon deployment of several spores no resistance was met and the fleet ravaged the planet uninhibited.

The water and plants on this planet had a strange quality. The plants were twisted, warped and bent into long tendrils and as if a strong wind had more than just blown wickedly, but had attacked with savage force from all sides; yet the planet was deathly quiet. With every ripple and smallest sound the water would glisten and shimmer with silver light and small round drops of the liquid would rise into the air and hover for a few seconds before dropping back into the shimmering pools.

This first planet was consumed quickly. The vegetation was almost dead when Cthulhu arrived. The pools were drying up and not even the smallest of insects were present. The world was dying, Cthulhu quickened the process and when it lifted off for a new world they left behind a hollow and dead planet collapsing upon itself.

Shortly a similar planet was discovered, only this one was thriving. The vegetation was still warped and twisted but there was foliage and blooms abounding. Over 90% of the land was covered in the strange silver liquid and torrents of it would fall during the majority of a daily cycle. Small creatures with special qualities roamed all over and through the oceans. Cthulhu set upon the planet expecting more biomass with just as little trouble as the previous planet. Something is different about this planet that changes Cthulhu in many unexpected ways.

In most mythology and beliefs, a planet can have a guiding spirit or life force incarnate. Even Great Terra once a long time ago was known as the spirit Gaia. This second little planet Cthulhu found had such a spirit in the form of a monstrous winged cephalopod. This creature had no name except for the one small creatures under his power made for him: GAROUM.

GAROUM. watched over a circle of seven small planets, each as strange and wonderful as the next. GAROUM's wings allowed him to travel between the worlds. Whenever he was present the planet would flourish, grow, and live. When he would leave the planet would begin to languish and die while small seeds would hibernate and await his return. GAROUM watched over this cycle with caring and love, but would strike out at anything foreign or dangerous to his worlds exterminating the threat. For millennial GAROUM had been watching over his reign managing to keep hidden and secret from the chaos around him. That is until Cthulhu found him.


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