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Hordes Factions at a Glance



Trollbloods are the protagonist army of Hordes. Throughout the series you follow the Chieftain Madrak as he tries to protect his kriels and find a home for their wandering warriors. Due to their former connections with Cygnar, they are heavily armed and armored, their fighters are well trained and tough, and their warbeasts seem to gain their abilities from Dhunia itself: earth, fire, ice, etc.


Trollbloods are one of the more resilient factions in all of Warmachine and Hordes. All of their infantry has Tough (basically a 5+ save, but most units don't even get this), and all of their warbeasts have Regeneration in some form. They deal their best damage in melee combat, but they're generally slow. This leads to the "brick" formation. Slowly advance with your toughest guys up front and close together until you get into melee, then kill everything. Most of their infantry are on medium bases, and so they can get quite expensive $$-wise. They do have some small based infantry, but they require some tactical savvy to use well.

Circle Orboros


Legion of Everblight


Everblight is a cunning chlid of the Dragonfather, Toruk, who was reawakened by the Ogrun Thagrosh, who became his Prophet and Messiah. His influence spread, corrupted, and blighted the Nyss, an Elven race. Now the Legion of Everblight grows with the strength of these Elves twisted in the service of the Dragon, and his blood forms his warbeasts out of his imagination.


Legion of Everblight is one of the fastest armies in the game. Between naturally high SPD stats, effects that move friendly models, and various extra movement triggers, Legion can cover a lot of ground. They use this movement to get first strikes in melee or move to a more advantageous position for their considerable shooting prowess. Generally, Legion is one of more fragile armies, but they do have some durable models and defensive abilities along with some attrition abilities that make their models stick around longer than they should.


Much thanks to oomiestompa for giving me something to cut and paste.


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