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House Rule: Extend Ranged (40K)


It always bugged me how shooting is treated in 40K. A model with a laspistol can effectively target an enemy within 12 inches, but at 13 inches the target exists at a point of absolute safety from the firearm. I wrote these rules to add a level of realism to the game that I think is lacking and to help improve the narrative of a battle.


Extended range is considered to be the distance between a firearm’s ranged and double that value. The normal range of the gun will be referred here as its effective range for the sake of this rule. So for a laspistol, its effective range is from the firer’s base to 12 inches and its extended range is between 12 inches and 24 inches (twice its normal range). All shots fired in their extended range are treated as if the firing model had a ballistic skill of one. So every shot requires a 6 to hit its target. All other rules for shooting apply unless stated otherwise.


Templates are not affected by this rule. Blast weapons are fired with a BS of zero and double their scatter roll. In cases were a hit is rolled on the scatter die follow the arrow on the hit and scatter the normal distance rolled rather than double.

Night Fighting

When the night fighting rules are in effect, the extended range rule may not be used as visibility is to low for the combatants find targets at a distance.


When firing at gargantuan creatures and super heavy vehicles use the firing model’s normal ballistic skill, as the targets are on such a significant size that the distance is mitigated.


I think this rules creates more realistic confrontations when playing out a game. Not only does it create a distinction between a target being outside a weapon’s effective range and that target being complete safe from the weapon’s fire. It also helps the disparity that is created when a unit of jet pack infantry, bikes, or even fleeting troops are able to advance upon and assault a unit armed with pistols or otherwise short range weapons without them having a ballistic recourse. If I was standing alone in a field and a sword wielding manic on horse back starts galloping towards me, I am going to try to plug a hasty shot into him before his charge hits home rather than just stand there an get charge the way short range units in the game operate in 40K.

The weapons in 40K are all given an unrealistically limited range. By stating this as their effective range of the weapon and allowing weapons to have a reduced effect at farther distances the table top game becomes more inline with a realistic confrontation involving lasers and modern day firearms. At the moment a single ork can stand 25 paces away from a thousand lasgun armed imperil guardsmen biting its thumbs at the impotent humans in complete safety.

This also creates situations were impressive displays of accuracy are attempted - like an ratling sniper firing his rifle 70 inches to strike down an imperial general; Or, desperate attempts of defense like guardians spraying at a squad of marine bikers barring down on them.


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