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House Rule: Striking Pass (40K)


Striking Pass is a maneuver that certain velocity enhanced individuals can make use of. Units that are either bike or cavalry can perform a striking pass at the start of their movement phase. The unit rides through an enemy squad at startling speed lashing out with their weapons as the pass by. Combat is quickly fought between the units as the strikers zip through their target.



Any bike may elect to turbo through an enemy unit, take a normal turbo movement but allow the unit to move through one enemy unit. Simply place the bike unit so that a line from their start location and their end location bisects a single enemy unit. This unit has received a striking pass from the bikes. Note that with the exception that a single enemy unit may be ridden through all other movement rules apply, a bike that ends its move within an inch of an enemy unit is destroyed even if it was the unit it charged through. If the striking unit was destroyed during the movement phase fight out the combat as normal.


During the combat phase fight a combat between the bikes and the unit it passed through with the following modifications. Every model involved in a striking pass only get one attack regardless of their attack characteristic or weaponry. The striker is treated as having a higher initiative than the strike receiver. Every model within the units involved can attack with wounds disrupted as shooting hits.


Take a normal combat leadership test as normal. Units that break are treated as if they failed a shooting induced leadership test as the engaging units are not in hand-to-hand combat. If the striking unit was destroyed due to movement issues treat it as if they were wiped out in combat.


Cavalry may make use of the striking pass rule in much the same manner as bikes despite not having the ability to turbo. Instead of a turbo movement the cavalry unit can move 18 + D6 inches and bisect an enemy unit at the start of their movement phase. This movement carries the same restrictions as the bike turbo move, so the cavalry unit can not perform other actions after taking this move. Like turbo they must move a minimum of 18 inches to accomplish a striking pass, but cavalry units do not receive a cover save due to their velocity.


This rule was made because I believe in provides an entertaining maneuver to the game that adds both to the narrative and tactical play. Units like ork warbikes, rough riders, and striking spears will be able to perform striking passes instead of just charging into combat like everyone else. My inspiration for this rule other then medieval jousting, was the dark eldar reaver bladevanes and an old 2nd edition rule for bikes.


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