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How to make Lethal Terrain

Nick speaking,

I have been on a bit of a terrain kick lately and one of the new terrain types in 6th Edition that took my fancy, was Lethal terrain. I don't think it's the type of terrain piece that needs to be too big as it's probably not going to be walked on too often. I was sure that a small section of this new terrain might add a little extra eye candy to my and my buddies boards, so I decided to make each of use a piece of Lethal terrain.

One piece for my Necron Terrain board...

And one piece for my buddies grass board...

So, here is a quick tutorial on how I made them. First I got some thick card and cut out a couple of random shapes...

I then poured on a very generous amount of PVA glue onto the board spreading out the edges slightly. I then added the dead Marine and Necron to give it some character. I then dripped some super glue over the PVA glue, which is where the effect comes from. The effect will not happen right away, but you can start to see it happening here in the second picture which I took about three hours after dripping on the super glue...

Once it was fully dried I painted up the dead models...

Next I washed them with a heavy wash of Biel-Tan green for my Necron piece and Baal red for my buddies piece..

Then I dry brushed the green piece Scorpion Green and the red piece Blood Red, before I gave them a coat of glossy varnish. I made sure I didn't get any varnish on the Marine or Necron so that the lethal material really stood out from them...

Image:IDICBeer Lethal dry-brush

Lastly I glued some sand and a few rocks to the edges and painted them up in the appropriate board colours...


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