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Inexpensive Magnetized Flying Bases

I am writing a brief article on how I create quick magnetic bases for my flying models. Hopefully I will be able to add some step by step pictures, although it really is a quite simple but effective alternative to those clear plastic posts that we're supposed to hold our beloved models up with.

What you need:

Magz posts:

These can be found in most toy departments and toy stores. The colored posts on these have magnets on both ends.

Clear flying bases. These should have come with your flying models. Other alternative bases will do, of course.

Super Glue.

Grey spray paint.

Appropriately-sized magnetic metal screws. Look around, you probably already have these. Find ones that fit nicely into the recessed part of the posts.

Making the bases:

All you need to do is spray the posts in a grey matte paint, and allow to dry. Once dry, super glue the post to the center of your flying base.

While the glue dries, screw the screws into your figures. This may require drilling for metal models, be careful when attempting this. Try to take balancing into consideration here. This step varies a bit by model type.

Attach the model to the base!

Now you have easy to store and transport, detachable flying bases that are less likely to break than those provided with your models. These work best with Land Speeders, Speeder Bikes, and other Tau and Eldar Grav Vehicles.

Hope at least a couple of you find this informative. Give it a try and report back!



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