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LordKaldor's Ultramarine Strike Force

Full Army Photo

My full force - I like the infantry heavy look of this list, although one problem I've had is anti-tank issues, from which came the Venerable Dreadnought and Power Fisted Assault Sergeant. I also gave my tactical squads melta bombs just in case. The painting is also a bit random throughout, only because this is currently my only army so I've learned on the fly and tested various painting styles on them. ^^;;;

Unit Photos

This is my version of Captain Uriel Ventris. I'm no good at converting yet, so I just count him as having a relic blade and hellfire rounds (with digital weapons for an added punch). I like to drop this guy with my 4th company tactical squad behind a vulnerable troop.

And here is my other HQ choice, Chaplain Acanthus. He uses a jump pack so that his hymns may fall upon the enemies ears upon wings of fire. He accompanies my assault squad into battle, his liturgies granting them re-rolls to hit on the turn they assault. The drop pod also contains a locator beacon.

My first troop, Tactical Squad Bacchus. They fall in a drop pod to blast a hole in the back of the enemies lines.

2nd troop; Tactical Squad Caius. Riding in a rhino transport they are the perfect distraction to keep the enemy occupied.

My 1st Dreadnought from the AOBR set; I like to strut him about, just blasting at whatever gets in his way.

My Venerable Dreadnought, Ancient Drusus. He is my main anti-tank unit and nothing makes me happier than when he pops a tank on the first turn. =)

My assault squad, led by sergeant Lucius. I count him as having a power fist and a storm shield (i realize that he only has a combat shield; like I said, no good at converting yet...) I love deep striking these guys behind a rock or building, then flying over to pop a tank or long range unit. ;D

My terminators, led by Sergeant Agrippa. I use the locator beacon on the drop pod to deep strike these guys without chance of scatter to create a solid fire base of bolt shells, and a decent counter assault unit to keep the enemy away from the softer tactical squad.

Army List

HQ Space Marine Captain Ventris 100 +Boltgun +Relic Blade 30 +Hellfire Rounds 10 +Digital Weapons 10

HQ Chaplain Acanthus 100 +Jump Pack 15

Troop Tactical Squad Bacchus (10) 170 +Flamer +Missile Launcher +Power Weapon 15 +Melta Bombs 5 +Drop Pod 35 +Locator Beacon 10

Troop Tactical Squad Caius (10) 170 +Plasmagun 10 +Missile Launcher +Chainsword +Storm Bolter 10 +Melta Bombs 5 +Rhino 35

Elite Terminator Squad Agrippa (5) 200

Elite Dreadnought Ancient Caecillus 105

Elite Venerable Dreadnought Ancient Drusus 165 +Twin-Linked Lascannons 30

Fast Attack Assault Squad Lucius (10) 190 +Plasma Pistol (x2) 30 +Power Fist 25 +Storm Shield 15

Total = 1480 points

Why I Started This Army

I always loved using the Ultramarines in the original Dawn of War and decided last year (2010) to get into the tabletop game =) I would really love some input on improvements I could make though ^_^


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