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Lurking Terror Battle Report 2: The Real Last Chancers verse the Lurking Terror


Horror Scenario: Lurking Terror

Battle Report 2: The Real Last Chancers verse the Lurking Terror

Perface: I originally made the lurker terror rules using the 3rd edition Last Chancers (the rules that had you use 12 models as an entire enemy army) verse the Red Terror special character from the 3rd edition Tyranid Codex. I realize that for most of the people reading this report the original rules for the Last Chancers are lost to antiquity or even more likely you were never familiar of them to begin with, but I felt the need create a narrative using the Last Chancers as I best remember them.

Since the Last Chancers are a 3rd edition creation the original team will need a little tweaking in order to use them for 5th edition. The changes include revamping some outdated equipment. I wish I could post their old rules, but hopeful interested parties can get them on their own. Got to say it feels good to use the Last Chancers the way they were originally intended.

Changes for 5th edition compatibility:
Colonel Schaeffer: Can give orders. 2 at 12 inches (first rank fire, incoming, Move Move, Move)
Brain’s comm.-link: Brain counts as Colonel Schaeffer in terms of giving orders
Animal’s Scanner: Adds one to multiplier for detection and reaction distance.

Mission will use the survivors, jeep, traitor and young special rules. Jeep has the Obvious special trait. The tower is an elevated position that takes 6 inches to climb and provides a 4+ cover save. Fort allows models to enter an exit through its doors. Jeep is parked next to the fort by the table corner. Survivors will be scattered about the table and the young will be placed by in an outcrop of trees.

MISSION: The Last Chancers are placed on a newly resettled imperial world. An imperial guard platoon is attacked and nearly annihilated while exploring an abandoned outpost. Their mission is to rescue the surviving guardsmen, identify the source of the disruption, and remove the threat. (Game is played with the jeep, young, survivors, and traitor special rules)

DEPLOYMENT: Fingers, Rocket Girl, and Scope where stationed up in the tower and told to hold their position where they can survey as much of the battlefield as possible. Hero and Animal where paired as was Shiv and Grease Monkey, and the Colonel and Warrior Woman. Ox insisted on accompanying Brains and Demolition Man so that he could keep an eye on his little intellectual friend. The groups were arranged in a circle in preparation to explore the terrain hunting for this monster that has been preying on the imperial forces. Four scattered imperial guardsman are navigating the area in a panic, these four men are the few survivors and the might possess information critical to combating the creature. The beast itself having detected the presence of interlopers investigates the new arrivals.

Patrol 1:1: The creature detecting the Last Chancers scent and reasoning that its food supply has just quadrupled, slithered towards a panicked survivor, no longer feeling the need to ration them as it did for the last few weeks. Its intended meal stumble by a rock wall in panicked confusion. The Lurker circled behind the man and move to engulfed him in an instant, his gun stumbling from his hands in a panic, and in one fluid stroke the creature removed one of the four survivors.

The Last Chancers begin their patrol, the IG’s death was concealed by the fog and wind (None of the sentries made their 6+ detection rule). Whereas a more fortunate soldier stumbled out of the woods and ran to join the group of Ox, Brains, and Demolition Man in grateful enthusiasm. He identified himself as Private Harkins, an assistant to the commander and is the sole survivor of the Command Squad. Brains questioned the man who described the creature as a bladed serpent. The private insisted that nothing could slay the creature as he witnessed himself it taking a point blank hit from the squads melta gunner. Brains asked the shaken man if he could recall the exact location the creature took this hit. The spot being on the creatures right side between its first and second appendage. Brains reason that the creature must possess amazing regenerative abilities but as different tissue re-grow at different rates the location could still be an area of vulnerability. (Group gains a survivor who rolled “Knows Weakness” for information)

Patrol 1:2: Creature having just swallowed one survivor begins its trek after another of familiar prey. Shiv and Grease monkey head towards the creature guided by Shiv’s odd instinct. The rest of the Chancers begin scouting the area.

Patrol 1:3: Creature rounds the woods to find the trembling form of another lost guardsman. The serpent slithered slowly up to the man and rising up and striking down on the man as he barely registered the creature’s presence. His muffled screams could not escape the creature’s digestive tract. His death also went undetected by the Last Chancers.

Private Harkins was putting forth the suggestion that the group explore the woods from which he emerged, when a human voice cried out from the swamp. A soaked and soiled man emerged from the muck and identified himself as private Erickson. Demolition Man ridiculed the man for his poor choose of shelter, but Erickson adamantly insisted that his location in the swamp is what concealed his location from the beast while the creature hunted down his comrades. Erickson watched from his foul location while he watch the creature tracked down his friends. Brain asked the filthy man to describe the creature’s behavior. The private remarked how he watched the lean down low and press its stomach on the ground for a brief period of time before scuttering off into the darkness – screams soon followed.

Brains thought for a brief moment and with a snap of his fingers and a sharp intact of air stated, “Of course it must detect vibration through its abdomen. The creature must have a extensive network of sensor neurons in its lower torso to be so sensitive as to detect the minor disturbances in the ground caused by bipedal locomotion, the private is quite astute in his selection of concealment as the liquid suspension of mud and industrial byproducts would have muffled the vibrations of his body from the xenomorph’s perception.” Ox stared blankly at his friend, accustomed to the little man’s running declarations, “Yeah well what all that stuff got to do with us?”. Brains replied, “The amount of sensation required for that feat would suggest a comparatively reduced amount of keratin tissue in that portion of the animals epidermis.” After the blank stares from his comrades Brains sighed and said, “Just shoot it in the gut”. The frail hunched man then broadcasted his discovering to Schaeffer via his vox caster. (A second survivor joins Ox’s group and rolls weakness again for information the model possessed)

Patrol 1:4 – 1:5: The Creature having dispatched of the prey it has grown accustomed too over the days, sneaks into the woods and as it is picks up the new scents of the last Chancers. Shiv continues to lead his trailing companion to the creature’s current location. The serial killer being directed by some sixth sense. Shiv waves on Schaeffer who ignores the man’s impudence, knowing to trust the murder’s adroit skill in the art of stalking.

Patrol 1:6: The creature began to sense a dilemma when three groups began closing on its location, based on Shiv’s tracking. Hero and Animal join the ranks of those closing in on the predator.

Patrol 1:7 -1:8: Creature dashes into an outcrop of trees; Shiv places his hands on the ground noting the disturbance from the creature’s path. Animal veers from his comrades closing in on the creature and drags Hero with him, the crazed man has picked up something interesting on his scanner. They find an old abandoned jeep that has been outfitted with a heavy studder. Hero looks over the vehicle and replies to the to his wild-eyed partner. “We not here to inventory machinery”, Animal responded, “Would you rather walk or ride, I think having a hunk of rusted metal between us and this monster doesn’t seem a bad idea to me” At this both men jog to the jeep. Private Harkins suggest that the group now five strong, scout out the woods he had emerged from, and the party took his suggestion to heart and proceed to that location.

Patrol 1:9 - 1:11: Creature snakes through trees while Schaeffer leads Warrior Woman through the wreckage of a downed transport. Shiv hears a local fauna disturb some branches and investigates thinking it was the creature, he leaves Schaeffer and Warrior Woman to contend with the patient creature.

Animal and Hero jump aboard the jeep and use the vehicle to patrol the area, Hero taking the wheel keeps the auto in first gear so they can be thorough in their search. Ox following Private’s Harkin’s coxing approaches the woodland. Ox leads his group into to the grouping of trees confident that the strength of numbers his party possesses and the power of his heavy bolter will be enough to see off the large monster haunting they area. The creature leaves the protection of the woods and tracks Ox’s path into the woods cutting off them off from the rest of the Last Chancers.

Patrol 1:12 – Turn 1: Brains take the lead and picks through the forest noticing that the ground was well settled reasoning that this could be a frequented spot by the xenomorph he turns his head to inform the squad when a disjoined hiss cuts him off, he and private Erickson are pounce upon by a broad of snarling creatures. The two men attempt to fire off their guns but their aim was off as the Lurker’s offspring caught them off guard. They were expecting one monster not a clutch of its young. Ox and Demo send some shots into the swarms but he could not fully utilize his prize firearm out of fear of cutting down his friend. Brains screams out as the he is pulled down and eviscerated by the multitude of young monsters. Ox on the sight of his companion’s demise yells in a state of complete enragement. The creature detecting that its young has been disturb moves in and sees the squad invading its lair.

Turn 1: (As both sides have units off patrol game turns are now counted)
Schaeffer hears the retort from Ox’s Heavy Bolter and heads off to aid the group only to find the creature snaking behind the besieged unit. The colonel aims his plasma pistol and sends a burning burst of superheated gas singeing the beast’s back (Creature suffers 1 wound, required reroll). Warrior Women assists her commander and sends a spray on lasfire at the predator. Rocket Girl detecting the creature, scores another hit against the monster. (the creature has lost 2 of its 4 wounds at this point)

Sensing that its offspring is at risk the creature ignores its current attackers and moves in at those who are defiling its nest. Ox still lamenting Brain’s destruction charges the small creatures still feasting on his fallen friend. His bolter inflicted some harm on the swarm, but it was his berserk rage when he reached them that saw most of the foul creatures dispatched as he crushed them into the ground. Harkins sent a stray shot that transected one of the offspring. Only one of the young survives Ox’s retaliation and flees from the imperials.

Turn 2: Ignoring the threat posed to it by Schaeffer the creature rushes to the aid of its children. Finding Ox covered in the ichor of its slain children, the lurking terror launches itself at the individual responsible for the destruction of its spawn. Demolition Man attempts to aid his comrade by hosing the charging creature with lasfire, but fails to even draw the creature’s attention away from his friend. Ox lashes out at the beast and smashes it with his fist and sends it rearing back. Springing back the creature embraces the giant in a death struggle; the two snarling opponents wrestle for a moment, which ends with a sudden snap as the guardsman’s spine is broken by the lurker.

Watching Ox slain Private Harkins fled the woods running right into Schaeffer and Warrior Woman. Hero spots Grease Monkey and Shiv picking thought the woods and pulls up the jeep, the two jump aboard with Grease Monkey assuming control of the vehicle.

Turn 3-Turn 4: Demolition Man seeing Ox crushed to death by the monster readies his Demo-charge. Knowing the blast would also engulf him D. Man throws his bomb at the creature. The monster snakes away from the charge only to take the hit to its back. The explosion tossed the creature aside and reduced the fallen bodies of Brains and Ox to brunt chunks. Demolition Man was saved from the explosion only to find himself alone facing a burnt and battered monster focused on him (creature lost another wound). Schaeffer grabs the fleeing Harkins and pulls him back into the fray. Scope can’t get a decent view of the creature despite Warrior Woman pointing out its location (rolled a 5 for reaction distance)

The sole remaining spawn seeing the being that slain its siblings destroyed regroups and launch itself at the humans. Scissored between the creature an its only surviving offspring Demolition Man is swallowed by the lurker who then abandons its young and retreats to the woods. Its offspring moves to attack Schaeffer’s group.

Turn 5 –Turn6: Schaeffer takes a parting shot at the creature as it snakes through the woods, but the gun fails him and he barely escapes injury from the overheating pistol. Despite the setback the Colonel is confident that together with Warrior Woman and Private Harkins his group can deal with the lone offspring and the severely wounded creature. But it was unknown to him that the creature has an ally from an unsuspecting corner.

The jeep riding Last Chancer’s continued to patrol the area unable to detect the direction of the conflict. The vehicle drives through the area attempting to find their comrades as much as they are trying to locate the monster.

As the offspring approaches the three troopers Harkins turns around and cuts down Warrior Woman, siding against the Last Chancers. Before Schaeffer could react to this betrayal the surviving offspring leaped upon him. Harkin had managed to survive were nearly his entire platoon was destroyed by becoming a traitor to his species. He managed to be spared the creature’s hunger by leading his buddies into the creature’s lair. After destroying the Last Chancers he intended to use their craft to flee the area a hero. He turned to see the Lurking Terror vanish from view, turning his perspective again he saw Colonel Schaeffer covered in the offspring’s ichor and pointing his plasma pistol at the him. Before Harkin could open his mouth the colonel charred him to a skeleton.

The creature managed to escape from the colonel and disappeared into the terrain. (Harkins turned traitor at turn 5, the creature managed to leave the protagonist’s detection and used the Disappear rule to trigger redeployment and attempt to regain wounds)

Redeployment: Despite feeding on three men the creature does not heal significantly from his injuries. (Feeding rolls were unsuccessful, creature still only has one wound left). The Last Chancer’s stationed themselves in their deployment zone. Grease Monkey and Animal were instructed to take the jeep, Hero and Shiv where placed together and Schaeffer decides to operate solo. Rocket Girl, Scope and Fingers are left in the tower to capitalize the benefits of the elevated position. The creature uses its innate skill to infiltrate close the imperials without detection (Creature deep striked in and rolled a hit).

Patrol 2:1- Turn 7: The lurking Terror in its desperate and wounded condition moves quickly to remove Shiv. Launching itself at the man, the creature is beamed with a glancing shot from Hero’s lasgun. The killer responds to the monster’s assault by attempting to plunge his knife into the creature’s vulnerable underbelly, but despite the keenness of his blade and his knowledge of the creature’s vulnerability he fails to inflict noticeable harm. The creature throws the man down its enormous maw and veers towards Hero. The imperial agent lives up to is moniker and despite his partner’s gruesome death maintains his cool and screams out for the other Last Chancers to alert them of the creature presence while spraying the monster with lasfire. (Last Chancer’s are fearless as long as Schaeffer is alive; the creature’s gambit was base heavily on breaking a unit that was unbreakable).

Eager to finally have a shot at the monster Grease Monkey guns the Jeep at the Creature and rams the creature with the vehicle. The jeep’s axle snaps from the jarring collision, but the creature is only minor inconvenienced. Hissing at the jeep bound crew it rears up only to have the contents of its head spray outwards. Scope found his mark and place a shot through the creatures open mouth. Animal used his melta to char the creature’s corpse to ensure its destruction. (Grease Monkey, scope, and rocket girl detected creature and reacted, Schaeffer was the only model to remain on patrol)


Conclusion: The feeding rolls where the biggest upset in the game. Failing to achieve a single 4+ with three dice really put the creature at a severe disadvantage when facing the squad. Forgetting that Last Chancers are fearless was a careless mistake, but the creature really didn’t have any real options. By killing Shiv the creature took out a plasma pistol and power weapon from the squad, but there were just too many threats for the creature to face in its weaken state and its bag of tricks was exhausted.


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