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Marines of Pacifius Prime

I'm baxter123 on my new and 3rd army, the Imperial Guard.

The Marines of Pacifius Prime

The planet of Pacifius Prime is a hostile planet in the Settore Reductus Sector, from the likes of which is rare throughout the universe. It is a planet of which is 93% water and the rest is a battlefield. In order to understand, taking back in time to the Horus Heresy. The planet was a beautiful wonderland of which was enjoying a time of prosperity, but then the Heresy came to the Imperium and the planet was thrown into chaos, but with = = something completely different. The civil war that ensured was horrible, killing untold billions on at that time where there were entire thriving cities. But the guardsmen were winning against the traitors at every turn and so in a last ditch attempt, Chaos sorcerer Yyinmabvigh Fasndi, chosen of Tzeench, called in an earth shattering spell. At that time only 50% of the planet was water and the flora and fauna were small. But Fasndi wreaked havoc. He sunk the entire planet’s surface and tainted what he couldn’t sink. He was then executed by the Governor for his crimes but the damage had been done. There is only two cities now; Americus Prime the Imperium’s base and Japokin, the city center of chaos. Now apart from those small islands, which make up a third of the land, the scraps of islands that both factions have battled for are long going. These small scraps of land are within a 300km radius and from there the inhabitants call the small scraps ‘Insula Mortis’ of islands of death. The dark side of the world or ‘Infernum Terra’ is surrounded by warp storms with every season. For Heaven or ‘Tutum Domum’ is where the last of the population lives, only about 400,000 people to date. There are two seasons unless you live in Infernum Terra; Paradise and Death. Paradise is the dry season, which means that all the rain stops and for a month you can get supplies into the yard and work on getting resources for the next fourteen months, as a planetary year for them in fifteen months. The other season, death season, is where chaos rules. Chaos grows strong these times and the battles for survival for these people are extraordinary. During Paradise, the only dangers are the seas that host the horrid places and some of the cattle, which consist of three meter tall ants, invisible snakes and some other reptiles. But the worst is in Death. All ships that sail will be either ripped apart by 40 meter long sharks with razor sharp teeth, torn asunder by the vicious storms, raided by pirates or be lost at sea by some unfortunate events. The flora and fauna really show their true colours, with strange and deadly creatures such as giant five meter long meat eating reptiles, poisonous crabs that can kill you in five seconds, octopi that can crawl on land, bands of monkeys that have twelve arms and six legs and fifteen Centre meter long birds with razor sharp wings and claws able to render flesh off bone. But Chaos and the Imperium aren’t the only warriors there, three hundred years after the Heresy and the break of the planet, a whole fleet of Ork ships crashed into the aisles, and from there occupied a small number of islands each different in tribes. But this hostile environment is home to some of the most grizzled soldiers. They are called the Marine Corps, and are deployed for amphibious warfare. These troops are instrumental in ambush and predator scenarios and have the experience to kill many different types of Chaos Marines in closed warfare, such as jungle. Often mistaken for the Catachan, the Marines have only got 8 regiments, all named after what they served in. No other regiments before these have been raised as more men join into the regiments for which battles they fight in. Those who fight in Guadalcanal, a small 10km strip of land instrumental because of the airfield in the center have become in the regiment. They have been in very few conflicts, but the most famous are in the Third War for Armageddon, where they were instrumental in defeating and routing out the orks in the beaches and forests. They fought alongside Yarrick and the Space Marines in the hive cities and fought for every street in the cities, but were most famous for defeating the orks in the sewers, breaking the Ork commandos and also were on the frontlines and being deployed alongside the Catachan and Elysian Drop Troops. The enemy was surprised and was engaged in all close combat with men carrying their modified heavy weapons into battle, mowing down swathes of orks with quick bursts of their guns and when fighting became too close, with machete. The Catachan who fought beside the Marines were impressed and what remained of the Marines the Catachan happily adopted them. 9 Regiments were raised for the battle, of which only 2 survived. The rest were either combined and adopted into other regiments or were completely wiped out. So hard was the determination and brutalization of the Marines that not one man was executed for cowardice, although many commissar’s were found dead in the sewers which the marines ‘claim no responsibility’ apart from one man who admitted killing the commissar Gray Oldsmar because the commissar rushed in front of his flamer. The Marine was sent on a suicide mission with the rest of his platoon on which they accomplished with heavy casualties. The Marines were drawn back, keeping completely to themselves until they were shoulder-to-shoulder to the Catachan on the hive city who they were shouting threats to each other and were taunting the other and goading each other on and boasting with each other. Even the officers were keeping a tally of their kills. So bad was that shouting and boasting that they ignored all orders given to them. Luckily the commissar that was leading the combined arms told Yarrick that there was no one to execute because both the Catachan and Marines killed the whole Ork tribe and even without any tanks except for the Mechanized Recon Battalion which was made up of 5 Sentinels and 7 Demolition Teams.

The Marines Today

There are two famous regiments, Red Company for their deeds in the III War for Armageddon and the K Company, which was the oldest of the companies deployed in Sabbat Worlds on Fortis Binary and Gereon, fighting on the other side to Tanith’s First-and-Only Regiment in the Gereon campaign before being recalled for defense for the homeworld. There are 4 regiments in deploy; 7th Marines Guadalcanal, 5th Marines Okinawa, K Marines Peleliu and 1st Marines Cape Gloucester.

The Marines are all grizzled veterans that know the jungles of their own homeworld like the back of their hands, able to navigate through the scraps of land and fight against the enemy on the small scraps of land in able to advance on the Chaos and push them and the Ork tribes back and finally execute them. They are masters in machete warfare, rivaling that of their ‘cousins’ the Catachan. K Company come under the Marines Peleliu and has been recalled to defend the homeworld and kill the Chaos Marines which is their specialty. Red Company Comes under 7th Marines Guadalcanal which is currently deployed aside the Catachan and Jornian forces of Army Group 12, holding out near Krandor against Hive Fleet Leviathan. 5th Marines Okinawa has been increased in manpower to go to be deployed in the Tollovian Cluster Campaign. 1st Marines Cape Gloucester is the largest regiment so far as many men as 60, 000 men with no artillery deployed as an expendable unit. They are currently deployed in the Cadian Gate against Abaddon the Despoiler, but have been decreased heavily and now are only a few thousand strong as they were rushed and pulverized multiple times.

Heroes and famous platoons of the Marines

Colonel Puller

One of the most notable troops of the Pacifius regiments are Colonel Puller who deployed in the Sabbat Worlds with Guadalcanal, who was part of 7th Marines as a soldier but after the III War in Armageddon when he got promoted to officer on the front lines and then after halting an entire army of Khorne Berserk’s and killing all the army with only his heavy depleted regiment on the planet of Formund was promoted to officer. He was still born on Pacifius but when he inherited an Imperial Guard Lord Commissar's uniform he was mistaken for one. He is now Lord Commissar of the Okinawa Regiment in the bloody conflict of the Tollovian Cluster Campaign, found at the frontlines shouting perverting jokes and rowdy and inappropriate comments about battle to keep up his men’s morale.

Sgt John Basilone

One of the most famous faces of the Marines is Sgt John Basilone, who was trapped by a whole rush of chaos marines and had no other supplies except for his own company, now reduced to 15. He halted and slayed 4000 chaos marines with his Heavy Bolter in the thick jungle scattered island of Guadalcanal and when fighting got too close, fought them with machete. Only 1 of his crew survived. But John was slain also in the III War of Armageddon on the ruins of Hades Hive, killed by a greenskin machine gun while battling alongside Commissar Yarrick and his assigned unit; 26th Marines Iwo Jima. He is a celebrated man as before he died he led the 26th Marines to countless close city fights trying to re-capture the ruins of Hades Hive from the green-skins. When Commissar Yarrick came to help the battle with fresh re-enforcements, they were ambushed and only by Basilone’s sacrifice and many of his men, they allowed for the army to arrive relatively unscathed. By the time re-enforcements came, about three-quarters of the army was slain or severely wounded but they didn’t break and kept on fighting until the very end. The regiment was wiped out to two platoons, which then was attached to Catachan 19th Scorpion Fangs. His is remembered as a loyal and caring man, but one who had his own agenda.

Sledgehammer's Moore Corps

Sledgehammer's Moore Corps is a renowned heavy weapons squad among the Sabbat Worlds. They originally two separate squads, one in K Company and the other in 5th Marines. They came together as they had to fight beside both the First-And-Only and the Vitrian Dragoons. When it came to the fighting, they both got up as a wave of infantry and ran, taking heavy casualties from the chaos shelling. They were told to pull back to the trenches. Then Chaos charged the Imperium. There was 10, 000 Heretics and 2000 of them were Chaos Marines. They assaulted trenches in force, running head on into the soldiers. This is where the Moore Corps were founded. Two squads from different companies were squashed together and told to hit the oncoming chaos. Nine crews deployed in the trenches and opened fire. They were precise. Heavy Bolter rounds plowed through their lines and the mortar fire hit masses of chaos at a time. Lascannon fire broke through the specialist troops of the chaos. Only a 2500 Chaos soldiers reached the severely depleted Marines Regiment. In the four hours that followed, the mortar and las-cannon teams fought with rifles and threw the mortar explosives as grenades into the thick lines of the chaos. Five of the nine crews were slain during the heavy fighting. The chaos broke and ran after four hours of fighting and when re-enforcements arrived. Lord General Dravere, leader of the invasion of Fortis Binary, promoted them all to Major and christened the little corps ‘K Squadron’ which the regiment has taken the name of; K Marines Peleliu. From then on the unit was one, even though they were two separate regiments. After the Ghosts took Fortis Binary, the regiment returned home and found that they were famous throughout the homeworld. Many recruits and veterans took part to get the best of them. Eugene Sledge, now leader of the small squad, picked them and by the end of it, the Corps had over 25 heavy weapons teams and 15 Infantry Platoons. Their first battle as an assembled squad was by the K Marines on the Gereon Campaign, which led to the bloody fighting and the men almost being wiped out. Only five platoons made it out, including half the original corps, now nicknamed the ‘Moore Corps’ because of the amount of the body count of the enemy every time either of them charged, and mostly the Moore Men were in the frontlines, with a huge reputation that they held up, quickly adapting to the harsh environment and the forces of chaos. They then retired from the Sabbat Worlds campaign and now as part of the K Marines; the unit was then part of the 18th Catachan Regiment after they were wiped out to 2 platoons fighting alongside the Catachan. After that the K Marines fought alongside the Catachan for six years, in which they were heavily depleted. But after a disastrous campaign, the 2 regiments were wiped out except for a few small platoons and the last Moore Corps mortar man; Sledgehammer, Snafu and the last bodyguard Cameron Thompson. The regiment, now with six platoon of Catachan, went back home to fight against chaos.

William H Rupertus

William H Rupertus is a celebrated Company Commander, leading all 4 regiments and been in the Sabbat Worlds, Tollovian Cluster, Armageddon, Cadian gate and alongside the Catachan 18th for 4 years. He is now deployed with his personal retinue of Armageddon Steel Legion after him and the remains of the 16th Marines on the III War for Armageddon saved the legion from extermination and sacrificed his own men to save those of the Steel Legions command squad and let them get to safety. Rupertus has now 16 Military Service badges including the Silver Bullet for taking a sniper from one of his fallen troops and shot a chaos sorcerer from two hundred miles away, who was killing swathes of his men with the evil magic. Hit the sorcerer right in the heart and killed him. William H Rupertus is now in the Cadian Gate, fighting Abaddon. Along with the Marines of Pacifius Prime, he has also gotten two regiments; Armageddon’s 38th and Catachan 18th.

Robert 'Lucky' Leckie

Robert Leckie was an assault marine for Guadalcanal’s and K Marines regiment. He was part of the Guadalcanal regiment in the III War for Armageddon and the Sabbat Worlds as part of K Marines Peleliu. He was a heavy weapons squad but went AWOL while healing from his wounds received when he got stabbed by an AWOL guardsman that also shot him in the arm with a las-pistol. He then battled in the III War for Armageddon and was part of the K Marines and charged the fields of battle in open grounds, somehow becoming commander of an infantry platoon squad, taking care of them until the nineteenth day when he was hit by shells. His platoon now named ‘The Lucky’ as they survived the shelling and dragged Leckie off before calling a medic. After the off-fielding of Leckie, the platoon had another 15 victories to add to their number of 9 victories over the Orks already. They fought the rest of the war and were re-deployed over and over again, successfully winning every battle with Leckie back in the fold. They are now holding out in the Guadalcanal regiment, as part of Army Group 12 defending Krandor.

"Marines I see as two breeds, Rottweilers or Dobermans, because Marines come in two varieties, big and mean, or skinny and mean. They're aggressive on the attack and tenacious on defense. They've got really short hair and they always go for the throat." Commissar Yarrick on the III War for Armageddon

The Marines march to battle in the III War for Armageddon

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