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MeanGreenStompa's MeanGreenStompaz


The MeanGreenStompaz have been a part of Waaagh Dakka, for better or worse, for quite a long time. They are militaristic, oddly disciplined and off the battlefield, often found marching or practising dive formations (to spell out rude words in their smoke plumes) or polishing their medals and trophies. Their leader, the volatile and bombastic ork nob MeanGreenStompa, is constantly full of 'kunnin planz' which, once on the field of battle, rapidly devolve into seeking out a juicy looking target unit and rokkiting as fast as possible across the battlefield to carve that foe up.

In contrast to much of Waaagh Dakka, the MeanGreenStompaz crave melee and use most of their bullets to herald their arrival, firing loudly as they plummet towards their foe.

They have a particular hatred of the Blood Angels chapter of space marines and opposing jump infantry in general, becoming indignant to the point of frenzy at the impudence of lesser creatures attempting to fly their sky.

The unit often demonstrates a Blood Axe styled militaristic theme to their uniform. They maintain the colours of Waaagh Dakka but often incorporated into 'kamo' styles. The mob's signature note, however, is their green boots, as MeanGreenStompa once heard an intercepted message from an inquisitor warning that 'all would be stamped out by the green menace', he took this as a good omen and ordered his unit to paint their boots green... Many battles later, it seemed to be working!

The Unit

The Unit is led by MeanGreenStompa and made up of DCMs and Dakkanauts (of rarefied good tastes!), it consists of 20 stormboyz, they are equipped as per the codex and in addition, MeanGreenStompa's MeanGreenStompaz are subject to Preferred Enemy vs enemy jump infantry or skimmers. Any model in the unit MUST have either green boots or bare green feet, anything else would be snipped off by MeanGreenStompa's powerklaw.



Dakka Member: MeanGreenStompa (DCM)

Personal Motto: I saiz hey youz get offa ma cloudz!



MeanGreenStompa was always odd, being fairly smart for an ork but being also possessing a near legendary bad temper bordering on total psychosis, triggered by the frustration of things that he did not believe complied with his vision of 'ow fings shud be'. He served in Zakstruk's mob for several years before a nasty incident with a D Cannon saw him transported across the stars into the path of Waaagh Dakka.

Initially signing on as a humble stormboy, MeanGreenStompa fought well, kept his head down and tried to suppress his urge to shout at his superiors that they were doing it all wrong and he knew a better way, that would change however...

During the invasion of an imperial hive city, MeanGreenStompa intercepted to the dying words of an inquisitor, transmitted as a warning, saying that 'all would be stamped out by the green menace', taking this omen to heart, he decided that he would make these words real and stamp out everything that opposed the orks, that all the universe would be trod down beneath the green. He painted his boots green, found that inquisitor and stamped his face into a stain on the ruined road...

Immediately recognising an opportunity to bring rapid assault to the Waaagh, he built the MeanGreenStompaz in his image, a unit of ork stormboyz dedicated to 'smart finkin and smashin face'. In their first major conflict as a mob, the MeanGreenStompaz attacked a massive chaos horde lead by a daemon prince known as 'RAWTROLL!', MeanGreenStompa and the daemon fought for what seemed like an age until finally the daemon was destroyed. Bellowing 'AS INTENDED!' over it's rapidly decaying corpse, MeanGreenStompa clawed his way back to base and was rebuilt by BigMek LegoBurner, with powerful bionik stompin legs and his now blinded skull linked directly to the sights now fitted to his big shoota and power klaw.

He clashes with the leadership of Waaagh Dakka on occasion, still a slave to his fiery impulses, but the high ups appreciate his intentions, if not always his brutal, up front methods.


  • Power Klaw
  • Big Shoota
  • Rokkit Pack
  • Cybork body
  • Attack (beard) Squig

Special Rules

In Wiv Both Feet! - MGS and his lads stomp down hard on the enemy when they charge - they are at STR + 2 for the first round of combat.

Blind Fury - MGS is an indignant and volatile monster that will never back down from a challenge - he and his unit are fearless, no matter their size.

Lordz of da Air - MeanGreenStompa's MeanGreenStompaz are subject to Preferred Enemy vs enemy jump infantry or skimmers.


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