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New Mission/Deployments

Random 40k Mission Generator 2.0

Step one: Roll once for Mission, once for Deployment, and once for Special Rules.

Step two: Each Player rolls a d6; The highest roller is the attacker and goes first. The other player is the defender and deploys first. You don not get to choose, like normal(Random Madness!)

Defender sets up terrain.(be nice!). Must use at least d6 times 2 Line of sight blocking pieces, and 2d6 non-los blocking pieces. Random Game-length, Deep-strike, Infiltrate and Outflank are in full effect.

Mission: 1. Ambush - Attacker must roll 3+ for each on his units to deploy them at the beginning of the game. All non-vehicle units that do may use infiltrate, and cause pinning during the first turn. Use Victory points to decide who is the winner.

2. Assassination -Each side must eliminate the highest point HQ on the other side. If both/neither is destroyed, then calculate Victory-Points(in back of book).

3. Sabotage - +1 extra KP for each Vehicle unit. Kill-point mission.

4. Bunker Assault - the defender deploys one unit in 3 bunkers (6inches from each other)at the center of the board(even if outside of normal deployment zone). Whoever holds(Base to base) the most bunkers at the end of the game wins. Attackers HQ and Elites get free Melta-bombs.

5. Recon- 1 "Kill-Point" per scoring unit in the enemy's deployment zone at the end of the game. If the attacker has no deployment zone, then the defender must be within 12" of the attacker's board edge to score.

6. Objective control - divide the table into 6 even areas(like two-thirds of tic-tac-to). one objectives one in each area. Pre-deployment, Roll randomly to see if each objective may be captured/controlled or held. (see bottom*)


1. Patrol- defender deploys within 12inches of the center-line from short board edge to short board edge. Attacker moves on from one long board edge of his choice.

2. Vanguard - deploy within 12inches of a long board edge. Attacker's HQ and Elite Choices may infiltrate.

3. Lengthwise - Each player deploys within 24inches of a SHORT board edge.

4. Corners - Defender deploys in one triangle made by drawing a line from one corner to the opposite. Attacker moves on to the table from opposite corner.

5. Raid - 18in from one long board edge.

6. Center- Defender deploys within 18inchs of center. Attacker moves on first turn from semi-random table edge. Defenders reserves are semi-random also. Semi-random = 1-4 North, south, east west. 5-6 Player chooses.

Special Rules: Roll D6

1. Obstacles - if none are available add night-fight first turn.

2. Unlimited reserves - If a troop choice is destroyed bring an identical unit in from reserve during your next turn.

3. Slash + Burn - roll d6 for each piece of area terrain. on a 1-3 it is Burning (Dangerous Terrain)or Smoking(+1 Cover save)

4. Dug in - (4+ Cover save for each infantry unit as long as it does not move)

5. War without End - as Unlimited reserves, but all non-vehicle units.

6. All or Nothing - All non-vehicle units are scoring

* 1-2 Captured = yours as soon as a scoring unit is in base-to-base. Remove from play.

3-4 Controlled = yours when a scoring unit is in base-to-base, even if you move away; unless the enemy moves in base-to-base after which it is his until you do the same(Capture-the-flag-like). Control only changes hands once uncontested( no enemy in 3"inches)

5-6 Held - only yours if a scoring unit is within 3" inches at the end of the game(As normal).


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